Today, Sunday, we let Nasario know where to get water to water the plants and I also gave him some fruit. We will leave around 6 or 6:30am tomorrow so we can get to Santa Rosalia before the real hot time of day. Luckily we have air conditioning on the boat. All that is left to do here is make sure everything is locked up tonight and give the plants some water. It will be nice to be on the boat again. Don’t take that to mean that I am missing boat life. I’m not—but it is nice to have a change. Maybe we will see some of our cruiser friends at Santa Rosalia and probably meet new cruisers. I don’t know if we are going out on the boat this trip. We will have to see how it goes. We need to be back to the house on Friday. We don’t like being gone a long time when there aren’t any neighbors to keep an eye on things. We have the guard, Nasario which is very good, but it still is nice to have another set of eyes besides his.
The water was refreshing today. I took my noodle with me and just floated around for a half hour or so. I couldn’t talk Dave into joining me, darn. Sooner or later he will be in the water to cool down!!
We left the house Monday, headed for Santa Rosalia and as we got closer the temperature was 105. We are so glad we have air conditioning on the boat. We were pleasantly surprised when we entered the boat as there wasn’t a musty boat smell that boats get after being closed up for a long time. Keeping the bilge dry and the heads pumped helps. The outside looked pretty good. We were planning on power washing the deck when it got cooler, but that didn’t happen. We just chilled. I took a nap as I was so tired from not sleeping much Sunday night due to no breeze to cool things down.
There was a couple who wanted to see our boat so we invited them aboard and talked with them a little. They are from Calgary, Canada, and are both school teachers. They are here on their boat for a couple weeks and then have to go back home. They aren’t interested in buying they just wanted to look. After they left we walked to the store to get some drinking water and a couple other items. After we had a cocktail we went to town to get dinner. After dinner we came back to the boat and went below to enjoy the cool air and relax.
We are running the air conditioner all the time as it cycles on and off. When it cycles off just the fans run so air is still circulating. It is nice. We got a good rest last night. When we woke it was already 9:00am and hot outside, but Dave needed to rinse down the deck with the pressure washer. He unfortunately managed to break the nozzle. Calcium deposits collected in the nozzle which caused a blow out. Dave was able to duck tape it, but it still didn’t seal the leaks very well. He managed to wet down the deck and get some bird stuff off. He will have to get another nozzle when we go to home depot in Ensenada. After the deck was rinsed I put the canvas cover up to shade the forward stateroom. That will help a lot to keep the hot out of the boat and the bird crap off the deck. My job is to rinse down the cockpit and do laundry. One nice thing is I get to use the washers and dryers here at the marina. Not much else planned for the day or night. We are just trying to stay cool.
It is hot here in Santa Rosalia and cruisers are doing what they do. There are a couple of people who have taken their sewing machines to the air conditioned room below the office, to sew side curtains, screens for their boat and make some clothes. Others are washing their boats and having a diver clean the bottom, while others stay out of the sun and read, take a nap or get in the pool. So far everything on the boat is working great. Two boats left the marina this morning. They were headed for the island, San Marco, to try and beat the heat of the marina. One of the boats, s/v Windward Bound, had Jim and Susan aboard. They are very nice people and working their way north. She will fly to the states on Tuesday for a wedding and then on her return they will head north and we will be seeing them in Bahia de Los Angeles.
It is Wednesday already and it is still hot. We are staying indoors enjoying the air conditioner and then go out when the sun goes down and it is cooler. We go into town and have dinner and maybe an ice cream, walk around a little and then back to the air conditioned boat. Ahhhh!!!
Barb and Alan, who live across the bay from us in La Mona, are on their boat and plan to stay for a while. They were going to bring their boat up and moor it off the beach from their house, but Alan didn’t think that was such a good idea as he would worry about it when the wind came up and everything else that goes along with having a boat at anchor. Barb didn’t understand and she made a comment that Alan has lost interest in the boat. I told her I wouldn’t want to have our boat anchored off the beach from our place as we wouldn’t be able to relax. I also told her you can’t wash it like you can when it is in the marina. She doesn’t understand that part of having a boat as Alan does most of the work. But Alan did win this battle and they decided to keep the boat moored in Santa Rosalia.
As I did laundry I went upstairs from the laundry room to sit by the pool and look out on the Sea. I watched a boat come in and it was Jim and Susan on s/v Windward Bound. They developed refrigeration problems and had to come in to get repairs done. They are still having problems and they have a refrigeration guy there to hopefully make things work again. The boat isn’t going anywhere as Jim will be on it while Susan goes to the states for a week or two.
We heard from Barb and Alan that in Vizcaino, which is one of the little towns we go through, had really good meat and vegetables at the Super Mercado. So I decided I would do my shopping there instead of Santa Rosalia, that way it will be fresher by the time we get home.
Thursday we packed and put things away in preparation for leaving in the morning. We are leaving the awning up and spoke to Ivan, at the marina and Jim on s/v Windward Bound to take it down if the wind comes up and just put it in the cockpit. They said no worries. There hasn’t been any wind, so I don’t think it will be a problem and it would sure help keep the bird crap off the deck. It is bleaching out the grey. Not good. After we had finished packing and getting things put away, we relaxed a little then went to bed. Early in the morning I heard the wind pick up and it was blowing pretty well so I got up and stuck my head out just to make sure it was the wind I was hearing and sure enough it was. I woke Dave and told him the wind was howling and we needed to take the awning down. It was 3:00am. I went out and started to unhook the bungee cords that secured the awning and Dave came behind me and helped roll it up. We were the first to show on the deck and then the other cruisers were on their decks taking their awnings down. Half the dock of Santa Rosalia was on awning take down. It was a good thing we took the awning down as after it was gone I noticed 3 hatches open. Dave had opened them the first night when the sun went down to check the seals on them and didn’t latch them again. So once I secured them, I stood by as Dave had to climb off the side of the boat onto the dock to check out our lines. The wind was blowing the stern away from the dock so we couldn’t get off the stern of the boat. The deck was slippery from the humidity, but he made it safely onto the dock. He adjusted the lines but still couldn’t get on the stern of the boat. One of the new cruisers had come down to ask Dave something and off he went to help. I stayed on the boat just to keep an eye on the lines and make sure everything stayed o.k. Well I have to tell you that this experience brought back the memories of being awaken in the wee hours of the morning, due to high winds, taking down awnings and being on anchor watch. This time it was just taking down the awning. We actually were experiencing a Chubasco and the winds were about 35 knots there in the marina. It lasted at least a couple hours. We stayed up for a while to make sure we and the others were good, then I was the first to go back to bed. I didn’t get right to sleep as the wind was howling and the boat was jerking back and forth from the dock. Eventually I did fall asleep but Dave said it was 4:30am and he had the alarm set for 5:30am so he was going to stay up. I was concerned as he was doing all the driving. He finally did lie down and when he awoke it was 7:30am. We gathered all our things and made a trip to the jeep to pack it and then returned to the boat to put the power and water hoses away and lock up. After the boat was taken care of and the jeep was packed, we left and went to the store to get ice to put in our cooler. We had a couple things we needed to keep cold plus when we stopped at the super Mercado, we would need to keep the hamburger meat cold. It was around 8:30am when we left. It was actually an hour earlier in Bahia de Los Angeles due to a state time change, so we were doing well on time.
When we arrived at the super Mercado, it reminded us of a small costco. They had some bulk items and the prices weren’t too bad. We got a kilo of hamburger meat and some fresh fruit and vegetables and left. We got home around 2:00pm or so. The temperature wasn’t nearly as hot and humid as it was in Santa Rosalia, plus there was a nice breeze blowing which made it comfortable. We really do like the weather here in the summer as opposed to Santa Rosalia.
Nasario, our guard, informed me that 2 of the plants didn’t make it and there were a lot of bees. Because we weren’t here to keep water in the bucket, placed in the arroyo, the bees went to the other water source which was the plants. I couldn’t water them for a couple days until the bees got the idea there was another source of water. They are still coming to visit the plants, but not as many of them.
We had heard that s/v 2 Pieces of Eight, with Pete and Marni onboard were in the bay so we gave them a shout on the VHF. We talked to them and they invited us to have lunch with them at Guillermos around noon. So we told them we would see them there. They also asked if they brought in their gas and diesel jerry jugs if we would take them to the gas station so they could fill them up. We told them no problem. It was good to talk to them and we are looking forward to seeing them again. They were the couple that took us under their wing last summer and helped us get here.
Saturday around 10:30am or so, we took off in the jeep and headed for town. We needed to get a few groceries so we decided we would get them first before seeing Pete and Marni. Dave could only fit Pete and the jerry jugs in the jeep so we wanted to get our groceries, then meet them for lunch, then the guys could go get the fuel.
We met Pete and Marni at Guillermos and they suggested we go to Victoria’s to have lunch as Guillermos is too expensive. So Marni and I walked there while the guys rode in the jeep. The back seat was folded down so there was only room for the jerry jugs. We had a wonderful visit and lunch at Victoria’s and then the guys took off for the gas station and Marni and I walked to Xitlali’s, as Marni needed a couple grocery items. We met the guys back at Guillermo’s. We wanted to look in the store and see what booze they had and their prices but it was closed. Fortunately the owner was out front helping a friend or relative with a boat trailer. I asked if the store was going to be open soon and said in 15 minutes. When the store was opened, we went in and got some gin and rum at a decent price and then we helped Marni and Pete load up their dingy with the fuel and said our goodbyes. We invited them to dinner tomorrow night so we will be able to visit some more.
Sunday-Saturday, August 7-14.
Pete and Marni brought their boat down to the end of the bay and rode their dinghy in. We showed them around then went upstairs to the house. We had a great visit and they thought the house was great. Dave BBQ’s tuna steaks and I made coleslaw to go with it. It was dark by the time they left so we walked down to the beach with them with our flashlight, as they forgot theirs. We helped push their dinghy back into the water and Dave shown the light on the buoy so they would know to go around the outside of it because on the shore side it was shallow. They made it safely and let us know they were back to the boat. We told them that now they know where to find us they are welcome to come back. They stayed the night anchored in the bay and headed out the next morning to anchor off the village again.
John and Sandy Eltrich are here and anchored in the bay off the village. They will be around until October and then head back to the mainland. It was good to hear from them as they gave us a call.
It has cooled down a little which is nice. We still haven’t had reason to run the air conditioner yet. The fan over the bed works just fine. We usually only run that a short time as a breeze kicks up. A lot of the bees have gone back to the bucket in the arroyo so there aren’t many by the plants any more. I can now water the plants when they need it.
We had another tire go south on the truck. It was the right rear. We have one spare left so Dave replaced it, but it isn’t new and eventually that will go south too. There is only one more spare for the front and that is it. Dave had planned on getting water Monday, but after changing the back tire it was already 8:30am and the line for water would be long. Dave wasn’t sure about driving on that tire yet, so he wants to see if we can have water delivered. He will have to go to town and speak to Ramon, or Pepito, as he can deliver 1200 gallons of water for only $50. That is pretty cheap. So he went into town and I stayed behind to work on a purse I am crocheting. When he got back, he said water was to be delivered around 9 or 10 the next morning. That was great. We were getting pretty low and I had clothes to wash. Well needless to say when 9 and 10:00am came around there was no water delivery. We were wondering if Ramon forgot. I figured he would show up sometime before the end of the day and he did. He showed around 2:00pm. We now have plenty of water, but the sad thing is we have to use a lot of it so we can get the level down in the pila so it doesn’t seep out. The pila is falling apart slowly and if it is filled to almost half, it leaks. This isn’t a good thing because that brings bees, horses, coyotes, and cows. And the horses and cows will kick at the walls to get to the water source. So I have been doing laundry and should be finished by tomorrow. I have been freely watering the bigger plants and will get the hose out to wash off the chase lounges and the pad as they are really dirty. We just want to get that water level down below the leak point and that should help. We may even wash the jeep!!!!
John and Sandy brought their boat down to the end of the bay and anchored and brought their dinghy ashore. It was so good to see them and get caught up. It was great news to hear that Angie, their middle child, is pregnant and expecting in January. That is so cool. She and her husband Dave have been trying for a long time. We gave John and Sandy the tour and then went up to the house and sat outside on the deck to enjoy the breeze and view. As it got closer to dinner time, I invited them to stay and told them we were having hamburgers. They said they would be much better than the ones they had in town last night at Guillermo’s. Both she and John said they were terrible. So between the 4 of us we had 4 bottles of wine, great hamburgers and chips, and a wonderful visit. We invited them to come back and even said that when they come back in February, from visiting their new born grandchild, they could stay with us for a while if they wanted. Unfortunately when they return to Mexico it is already half way into the cruising season for south Mexico. Sandy wants to explore the Baja side, so we just put that offer out in case they wanted to take that time to see some things. It would be fun to do a road trip with them to Todo Santos as her and I have never been. So we shall see.
Here it is Wednesday and it is heating up again. I am almost finished with the purse I am making. I have the lining to sew in and put a shell on it so it closes and that will be it. I think I will have to go in the water today to cool off as it is that warm. Well I have a shower to clean and chaise lounges to rinse off so I better get to it. There is a wonderful breeze from the north and we are enjoying it. After the chaise lounges were washed and dried, Dave helped me move them up to the deck so we could enjoy star watching tonight. We were all geared up to see a great show but there were only a couple large ones and the rest were really small. It got humid outside and it was warm inside the house, so we turned on a couple fans. There wasn’t much of a breeze so it will be a night of being warm and sweaty.
It is Friday and Dave and I took the truck to town so we could exchange a propane tank and I could get a few groceries. When all that was accomplished we headed back to the house and stopped at the home depot to check out prices for another water tank, larger than the one we already have, and the fittings that go with it. We can take the top off the cement pila and put the 1250 gallon tank inside and then fix the outside so it looks good, or we can tear down the pila and put the tank on the cement pad that will be left.
Dave talked to Larry yesterday and he will be bringing down 2 16-1/2 inch tires with rims when he comes in a couple weeks and then 2 more when they come back down in October. So the truck will have some decent tires on it for a change. We are splitting the cost with him. Ruthie, Snow Rabbit, that is coming from Big Bear, California, will be bring the fans Lois bought for us. That will be really good. We just have a little one now so the bigger size will be great to have in cooling us down. Only a month more of heat and then it will be cooler. January and February are cold months here, but cold to us is 60 some degrees!!!!! I am looking forward to getting my hiking boots on and exploring the country side. After we got home from going to town, we were sooo hot!!!! We had bought Gatorade while in town, but we were sweating as much of it out as we put in. We drank a lot of water and nutrients to get back what we lost in the drive to and from town. We both took naps and enjoyed the nice breeze that was blowing across the bed. As the afternoon progressed we noticed clouds building on the mainland side. We wondered if there was going to be a lightning show tonight. There was one the other night, but it was so far away it was faint. We sat outside for a while watching for meteors, but there were only a couple real small ones so we came inside. It actually was pretty decent in temperature inside the house. We watched some T.V. then went to bed. There was lightning to the east and we wondered if it was going to stir up some wind, so just for precaution purposes, we brought all the chairs and chaise lounges closer to the house just in case the wind did pick up. We couldn’t see bolts of lightning but did see the sky light up. The wind was blowing from the north which was nice. Dave managed to fall asleep but I didn’t. I tossed and turned and kept an ear out for wind. In our experience on the boat, anytime we saw a convection starting in the east with lightning later that usually meant wind in the wee hours of the morning. So with that thought, I was vigilantly listening. Sure enough at 2:00am, the wind picked up. We had to close some windows as the wind started from the north and then made a switch to the south which brought high winds. Those winds funnel down the mountain range from the south. We had to close the skylights and most of the windows which made the house hot and humid. Dave then thought of the solar panels and whether he tightened down the bolts enough, so he took the flashlight and went down to check it out. When he got back he was out on the deck listening to things being blown around, especially at our neighbors’ place where they had plastic chairs and a table out. Then I remembered I had plants exposed to the south wind and that wasn’t good so it was my turn to take the flashlight and move some of the plants out of the wind. These are the plants I am babysitting that don’t do well in wind. When I was done I came back up to the deck and Dave and I stood looking around and watching the lightning. It was an impressive show but the wind kept howling for hours. I finally went inside to try and get some sleep. I turned the fan on above the bed and tried to sleep. Dave finally came to bed and the wind died down enough we could sleep. We woke up at 6:00am this morning, Saturday, and opened the skylights and windows back up. I stayed in bed until about 9:30am as I was really tired. All is well but just because we are on land doesn’t mean that our experience on the boat doesn’t apply. Actually for not getting a lot of sleep, we both are doing well. I managed to wash clothes, dust off a pad for one of the chaise lounges, make a crochet towel and read. Dave started the refrigerator down in the trailer to see if it is worth running and having some items transferred from the kitchen to there. We found out it sucks too much propane so not a good idea. The refrigerator and freezer in the kitchen are struggling against the heat just like the one on the boat did. Because the propane that operates it isn’t vented outside, it keeps the kitchen warm and sometimes hot. We have been running the fan in the kitchen and it helps but it is so warm it is hard for it to keep up. Like I said----only a month more of hot. Dave is looking to buy bigger solar panels so we can get a bigger refrigerator and run it off of electricity. That will keep the house cooler in the summer. By the way---I did finish the purse so here is a picture.
Sunday-Saturday, August 15-21.
It was a humid day today, Sunday, and we watched a thunder and lightning storm move up from the south and head west to the mountains. It was kind of cool. The last couple of days we have had to run the generator to charge the batteries as we have had quite a bit of cloud cover. But no worries. We are doing just fine. Saturday night we slept outside for a while and when the wind came up we moved inside and were pleasantly surprised it was fairly cool. Since the weather is humid we are starting to get mosquitoes. That shouldn’t last too long as when the humidity goes away so will they. We are keeping the bees away with a full bucket of water in the arroyo but unfortunately we have a few around our pila due to the water seepage. I am trying to wash what I can to get the water level below the leaks but it is slow going.
We had a nice breeze for most of the night last night so both of us slept pretty well.
We finally got smart and used the method on our refrigerator/freezer as we did on the boat. We are running a fan 24/7 with it aimed at the back of the refrigerator so it sucks up the hot air and blows the heat up and out the skylight that is above it. It is keeping the temperatures down. Why we didn’t think of that before is beyond us, but at least we did think of it!! We now can make ice cubes.
Last night I mentioned to Dave that it would be nice to go to the ocean for a couple days to get out of the heat and humidity. He thought that was a good idea. We don’t know exactly where to go, but we know there is one place that Alan and Barb go when they head for Ensenada, so we might go there. I will do some online searching and see what we come up with.
I am making crochet topped towels for the kitchen. Here are the ones I have finished. They are quick and easy and I can make a lot in a short time.
I did do some online searching of a motel on the Pacific side in Guerro Negro, but wasn’t impressed. We can’t leave here anyway until the Propane guy comes. He is expected to arrive the last Sunday of the month.
We finally got a little relief from the humidity, but a weather system is moving from the mainland east toward the west and us. We have watched the rain and thunder and lightning showers move up from the south, but we didn’t get anything until Saturday, the 21. The system brought heavy showers and it was awesome. We moved the jeep out of the garage into the rain so it would get washed off. It looks so much better. It was nice to have the down pour to wash the deck and solar panels and water the plants. The rain lasted for a good 30 minutes and then the clouds continued to move west over the mountains. The sky cleared late in the afternoon so we were able to get a little bit of solar power but Dave still had to run the generator for a little while after the sun went down.
Sunday-Saturday, August 22-28.
The propane truck came out to our neighborhood today. We wanted to get one of our tanks filled but unfortunately when we went to bleed it down, we discovered it had more in it than we thought. The guys assume the tanks are all the way empty as they put 80 liters, or 20 gallons in. After our neighbors got their tanks filled, our tank wasn’t empty yet so Dave asked the guys to stop next month. We have actually 3 full tanks. One for the big generator and two for the house so we are in good shape.
The sun is shining and it doesn’t seem to be as hot as it has been which is really good. We even had a nice breeze most of the night from the north which kept us cool. Our refrigerator and freezer like the cooler temps.
Larry arrived yesterday afternoon so Dave called him this morning to see if he had the tires for the truck, which he did. Dave drove over there and visited with Larry and picked up the 2 tires and paid him for them and the fans. Larry is only down here for a day or two and then will be going back to his house in San Diego. Lois didn’t come with him.
Dave needs to take the two bad tires from the truck with the 16.5” rims in with the ones Larry brought, which also have 16.5” rims and have Samelito take the rims off all 4 tires and put the newer tires on the old 16.5 rims for the truck. The other rims fit a newer Chevy Truck so we will give them back to Larry so he might be able to sell them on Craig’s list. When Larry comes down in October he will bring 3 more tires with him and we should be set for a while with tires for the truck. Life is good.
The full moon party was fun. We went to La Gringa to watch the cruisers float in on the incoming tide of the estuary and then when the tide turned, watched them zip by on the floaties they either made or bought. Prizes were to be awarded after the potluck. Here are a few of the pictures I took. If you know Sandy Eltrich, she is the one in the yellow green lycra suit. She is a Beer Bee. It was a really cute costume.
We hadn’t planned on staying for the potluck, but we got an offer we couldn’t refuse. Sandy and John invited us to their boat and as their guests for the potluck. We had a wonderful visit and then it was time to go ashore for dinner. The sun had set and we figured it was time to go since we still had some daylight. We wanted to be able to find our way back to the main road to town. We said our goodbyes to everyone and we came back home. It was a fun day. Dave and I will have to go back to get some clams and I can walk the beach. Needless to say Dave and I will have to come back to get clams and walk the beach.
Here it is Wednesday already and it is still hot. Last night there was no breeze at all. I had the fan above the bed going at medium speed; don’t want to suck the batteries down too much. It pushed the hot air around. Needless to say Dave and I didn’t sleep much. Dave is over at Maryann’s checking out her little fishing boat. She offered to let him borrow it for working on her solar panels/batteries last week. So he is going to find out if everything works on it and whether it would be worth putting in the water. He is itching to go fishing. It doesn’t sound like good fishing weather today or tomorrow as the wind is suppose to blow from the north, but after that it should be fine. Well he has returned so I will find out about the boat.
He needs a long line, an anchor and some chain. We have an anchor here that Larry left behind but we still need a line and some chain. He won’t know if the boat works until he can get it in the water.
Phil our neighbor is coming down with some fishing buddies for a week to see if they can catch some fish. He is supposed to arrive late Friday.
Friday is here and Phil and his buddies showed up around 7:00pm or so. He stopped at our place to let us know he was here and to ask us to pass on to Creela, his wife, that they made it safely. Dave asked him if he had any extra line and he said he had lots. So Dave is going over there tomorrow to check it out. After Phil left I sent an email to Creela.
Nasario, our gate guard, came by this morning asking for some gas. He had a medium size water bottle with him to put it in. He offered to pay Dave for it but Dave said no. So Nasario was a happy camper. He called to me so he could ask if he could go to town today and be back tomorrow and also needed some money. I gave him the amount he wanted and told him it was fine for him to be gone. We keep an eye on things even when he is there and there isn’t anyone around so it is good to give him a break once in a while. He needed to get gas, water and food. He was gone when Phil arrived but he will know he is there when he comes back tomorrow.
Saturday, Dave went over to Phil’s and brought back some line. He stopped and talked to our other neighbors, Jay and Jan, and asked if they had some chain he could have. They have a big anchor with lots of chain wrapped around a small sand dune just in front of their trailer. They said he could have some so that was good. It won’t be long before we will have a fishing boat out in front of the house.
Maryann stopped by for a few minutes to talk to us and ask Dave a couple questions on the batteries she needs to get for her house. We had a nice visit.
A little later Nasario came home and stopped at our place. Dave went down to greet him and when he came upstairs he had a large cantaloupe and 2 torta’s (sandwiches) in hand. Nasario thanked us for the gas and letting him go to town by giving us those items. That was really nice. The torta’s were really big and good!!
Sunday-Tuesday, August 29-31.
Today is my 58th birthday!!! I have been invited to spend the day with Maryann and Ruth at Ruth’s place. She lives at the end of the bay. She has a nice sand beach in front of her house and we will go swimming and play the Train game and have lunch.
Maryann picked me up between 10:30-11:00am and headed for Ruth’s. When we arrived we were greeted by her two dogs, Lucas and Brieta. Maryann brought her dog, Deto too. We visited for a while then went swimming. It was nice. Then we played Train until lunch, and afterwards played a couple more games then went swimming. It was a nice afternoon and it is nice to get to know these two ladies. Outside of Jan, next door, Maryann, Ruth and I are the only women here. The rest are in the states to escape the heat. After the last swim we dried off and thanked Ruth for a great afternoon and Maryann took me back home and we said our goodbyes and she left. Dave spent the day doing whatever. He said he just messed around. It was a great day.
I made burritos for dinner and took a couple over to Nasario for his dinner. I thanked him for the torta’s. He is a good man. He has a dog named Blanco, and now a puppy but she has round worm and is hugely bloated. Jan, who is a veterinarian tech started treating her with medicine but it will take a while for it to get her unbloated to the point she feels like eating. She is nothing but bones. Poor thing.
Jan gave Punta, the puppy another dose of medicine today, Monday, and said she wasn’t as bloated as before but Jan is really concerned about her not eating. I sure hope she survives. There is no veterinary services in town so if a dog gets really sick, they end up dying. We will just have to pray she makes it. She is such a happy little thing.
Dave went over to Maryann’s to help her put up a rod in her closet. It fell. It wasn’t secured well so Dave put a molly screw on the wall and that helped a lot. When he got back he noticed the radiator was leaking on the truck. Not a good thing. We have to go to town to see if we can find any radiator fix stuff. So we got in the jeep and went into town. While there we picked up a couple grocery items, found the leak fix stuff and looked to see if anyone in town sold chain. They didn’t. When we got home he did ask Jan and Jay again about the chain and they told him go ahead and take what he needed. So he did and it was a short chain about 8 feet long hooked to an anchor. Dave took the anchor off, returned it to its spot in their garden and now he can add the chain to the line. He is almost ready to check out Maryann’s boat. After that he worked on the truck to see if he could stop the leak. Well it stopped for a short time and then started leaking a lot. We don’t know what we will do if we can’t get it to town to get it fixed. We have been invited to join Marnie and Pete off the s/v Two Pieces of Eight, for lunch tomorrow. They need gas so we will help them again with that.
Dave worked on the truck this morning, Tuesday, and the leak hasn’t been fixed yet. So when we go to town to meet Marnie and Pete, we will pick up some more of the leak fix stuff and put more in when we get back. Dave needs to be able to get it to stop so he can get the truck to town. Then we can figure out what the next thing is in repairing or replacing the radiator. Don’t know if we can replace the radiator as the truck is old, but we will see what the mechanic has to say. We also have to get the rims off the tires Larry brought down so we can get them on the truck. Always something!!!!
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