Wow!!! Can you believe it is already July? The sun has been hit and miss since we have been here and it has sprinkled a little. Typical June weather. It promises to warm up on the 5th and beyond so we are waiting for that.
Dave and Ron had some running around to do so they did that as I stayed behind to wait for Kim and Cheryl to show up so I could show them the pictures of the house. I read a little, and crocheted. 2:15pm came and went and pretty soon it was 3:00pm and the gals hadn’t shown yet. I figured they forgot so I just sat back and read some more of the book Noreen loaned me while I am here. The guys got back around a little after 3:00pm and asked if the gals came down and I told them no. No worries. There will be another time.
When Noreen came home from work we had dinner and then relaxed. Nothing exciting going on.
Friday, July 2.
After I got up and had a cup of coffee, I went to Fred Meyer department store to get a couple of things Ron was out of, then stopped at storage and dropped off a couple things then went to the doctor office to get a physical. I didn’t see my regular doctor, but that was alright. As I figured, my statin got upped to 40mg as it was 286. I mentioned my knee pain so I had x-rays. Now it is all digital so you don’t have to wait forever to find out what is going on. The doc said things looked good and it was just normal wear and tear. He told me to take Ibuprophen but instead of 400 to take 800 three times a day for 10 days. So that is what I will do.
After getting home from the doctor, we got ready to take the boat to Liberty Bay. It is cloudy but not raining and the temperature isn’t bad. Noreen will meet Ron in Poulsbo after work.
We got to Liberty Bay, dropped the hook and just hung around until we got some friends to raft up with us on both sides of the boat. Tomorrow there will be more people arriving. The sun came out for a little while and it was warm and nice. We had fun visiting with everyone. We had dinner, visited some more and then finally went to bed.
When the wave action settled down we all went to bed.
Saturday, July 3.
We woke to clouds and for a short time we thought the sun was going to come out. It did but didn’t stick around. We had a fun day relaxing and visiting with our boat neighbors.
Ron went to shore to get Connie and Larry as they were going to have dinner with us and watch the fireworks. We had a good visit and then enjoyed the firework show. It was pretty good this year. There were fireworks going off all around the bay as everyone was doing their own show. When the fireworks were over we watched all the crazies start piling out of the bay. When the traffic got light and the waves subsided, we called it a night. We had 8 boats rafted up with 2 bow and 2 stern anchors to hold us in place. It was a fun day.
Sunday, July 4.
It was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain. The forecast did mention the ‘R’ word and we debated on whether we should go to Eagle Harbor to watch the firework display, or go back to Brownsville Marina. After some talk we decided we would give it a try and if the weather turned nasty we would go home. After everyone was untied and gone, Ron and Noreen pulled their anchor and off we went.
We stopped at the Keyport small marina to fill the water tank and then took off for Bainbridge Island. We went around the north end of the island and it was a nice ride. When we got to Eagle Harbor there weren’t many people there. I think the weather scared everyone off as it is usually packed on the 4th. One of the boats we had in our raft beat us there so he put his anchor down first and then we dropped our hook and rafted off him. Another one of our friends, that was rafted up with us last night, rafted off our starboard side. There were 3 boats all day and then a fourth boat came around 5 or so with Clark and SaraNell Jelly onboard. Before the last boat got there, Ron, Noreen, Dave and I took the dinghy ashore to check out the booths at the Eagle Harbor 4th of July Celebration, and listened to some music, saw kids playing games and having a great time and then checked out some handmade items. We walked to the grocery store to pick up a couple items we were running low on and the store was closed. Bummer! Oh well. We walked down the street to see if there was another store and there wasn’t so we gave up the search and settled for the Beer Garden!!!! There was a band playing some Big Band music and serving Beer and Wine so Noreen and I had wine and the guys had beer.
It started to sprinkle so we walked back to the dinghy and came back to the boat. Before Clark and SaraNell arrived, we were partying and having a good time. Then the grappa came out and I had never had it before so I tried it. Oh Boy!!!! It was more than a shot and it didn’t take long for it to hit me. Let’s just say I wasn’t feeling any pain. When the last boat arrived we got out snacks and called it dinner.
It never rained, just sprinkled and the cloud cover lifted so we could see Seattle. Unfortunately Elliott Bay didn’t have a firework display this year, but we did get to see the high fireworks of Lake Union along with the wonderful show that the Eagle Harbor Yacht Club put on. They had it coincide with music and it was terrific. Afterwards we sat up for a little bit then went to bed. Total of boats in the harbor besides 4 of us were 7. That is unusual but great for us.
Monday, July 5.
We all slept like babies on Ron and Noreen’s boat, ‘Reely R’s’! The two boats on each side of us said they hardly got any sleep at all due to the wind that came up. We all said----“What wind”? I guess a system blew through and really rocked the boats unbeknownst to us. So the anchor chains were rattling and clanging and the boats were bouncing. The wind had died by the time we got up but it was still overcast. We got prepared to get underway and then when we were able to pull anchor we did and headed home. My sons, Ernie and Jon are coming over. First it was just Ernie coming after he got off work and then I received a call saying both were coming as Ernie didn’t have to work and Jon also had the day off. After we got tied to the dock and settled, I called the guys to let them know we were back. By the time they got to the boat it was around 4:00pm. We talked and watched the Mariners on T.V. We had a great dinner and the guys stayed until around 9:30pm then figured traffic was good enough to start heading to Tacoma. It was a really nice visit and it was so great to see them again.
Tuesday, July 6.
Noreen had to go to work this morning and all day I thought it was Monday. It was a tough day for her but she made it through. When she got home we met her at the Deli for Tacos and Connie and Larry joined us. The sun made its appearance all day today and it was warm with a north breeze. We ate dinner out on the deli patio as it was really warm inside the deli. After dinner, Connie and Larry left and we visited a little with some of the marina friends then we went back to the boat. Noreen had received a box from Oriental Trading which had anniversary party stuff in it she ordered for her and Ron’s anniversary party on the 17th. So her and I were anxious to get to the boat to check it out. She didn’t even change her clothes from work she was so excited to see if all her order was there. It was and she brought out a blow up tub with a palm tree in the middle which holds beverage. Ron got the compressor out and they blew up one of the palm trees. What fun. Then she put together some of the straws. The theme for their party is Hawaiian so she ordered flamingo straws and all kinds of stuff. It is going to be fun!!!! They have been married for 20 years. Our 20th is next year. Those who want to party in Mexico-----come on down!!!! After she finished with that she sat outside on the veranda and read while Dave, Ron and I sat and watched the Mariners lose on T.V. We had dessert then watched a little more T.V. I was tired so I beat everyone to bed. I read for a little bit then went to sleep. It wasn’t too long before everyone went to bed.
Wednesday, July 7.
It is a beautiful morning. The sun is shining and it is warm. Now that is what I’m talking about!!!!! After our coffee and a granola bar, Dave and I went to Dani and Michael’s house to visit with them and spend time with little David. He has grown sooo much. He is 7 months now. He looks like his dad. We had a great visit then we had to leave as we had things to do and so did they. Besides David was going to be getting tired soon as he just finished lunch, had his diaper changed and was drinking some juice.
Looks like Dave has found a generator on Craigs list. He wants to go look at it today. I am washing clothes at Ron and Noreen’s condo right now and hopefully when I get finished we can take a drive out to Seabeck to the lady’s house to look at the generator. It has only been used 3 times so it should be in good shape. She wants $600.00 which isn’t a bad price. It is a 1500 KW.
By the time I finished with the laundry it was too late to go out and look at the generator. We will try and see it tomorrow on our way back from visiting withg E.J., Eian, and Teri.
When Noreen got home we had dinner and relaxed.
I received a call from my eldest son asking if I had heard from his oldest, E.J., and I hadn’t so I was told to call E.J. because he had some really terrific news. So I did and the news was that he got 1 A- and the rest A’s!!!! That was terrific!!! He was soooo excited!
Thursday, July 8.
I’m excited that we will be visiting with the grandboys today and Teri. Dave had to take the jeep down to the dearlership for a recall notice. Everything was fine on our jeep which is good to know. Then we headed for Renton to see Teri and the boys. We got to their house around 12:00am. We visited and I talked to the boys to find out what they were doing, then Teri and the boys had brunch, here they are in the kitchen,
We stopped in Seabeck to look at the generator and it was like new. We asked the lady if she would hold it for us and she said yes. We will go back with payment tomorrow. We had to go to the bank. So the search for a generator is over thank goodness.
We stopped at the store to pick up some groceries and then went back to the boat. It was a warm day and it was wonderful. After Noreen got home we sat outside for a while until it cooled down a little. Her and I went on the bow of the boat and the pugs joined us then we went back into the aft deck and started cracking crab for crab salad. Then while Ron took the dogs for a walk, Noreen made a salad. When Ron got back it was dinner time. By now it was 9:30pm!! It was just too warm to eat earlier. After dinner Noreen got the Wii out and showed me a demo on Let’s Dance and the Wii Fitness. Fun!!!!! I can’t wait to try the fitness one tomorrow. I like the Wii fitness so much I would like to get it plus the resort games too. Another thing on the list to buy after we get the house.
July 9 – 18.
So much has happened in this last week here in Brownsville Marina. We are having a wonderful stay with Ron and Noreen, and on Saturday 10th, we went to the Brownsville Yacht Club Commodores Picnic with them. The food was plentiful, the steaks and chicken delicious, the games fun and the people great. We had a wonderful time. We got back to the boat around 9:00pm or so. Fun was had by all.
Noreen had fun shopping for decorations for her and Ron’s 20th Anniversary Party. Ron has been running around getting food and Dave has been working on Ron’s boat generator. They took it apart and bought a part for it and Dave managed to put it all back together and it runs. Hooray!!!
Ron, Noreen, Dave and I went one night to have Chinese food and then another night had some pizza at Campana’s!!! Yum!!!
We have had clouds in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. Not exactly really warm, but it will do. At least we have seen the sun!
The deli had their 5th year anniversary on the 16th. It was a lot of fun as always. Marty and Inez from the Power Squadron just showed up at the marina on their return from being in the South Sound for a week and was very surprised to see us there so they stayed for the party and we had a great visit.
It’s the 17th and Ron and Noreen had their anniversary party and it was great!!!! Everyone had a great time. I am glad we were able to be here for it.
We have to leave on Monday, but we have had a great time here and it was soooo good to see our family and spend some time with the grandkids. Don’t know when we will be back, but when we do we know we will have a blast as always.
We got to see Laurie, Gary, and their youngest son Patrick. We had dinner together in Kingston and caught up with what was going with them.
It has been a great vacation!!!!!!
Monday, July 19.
Well-----we are off again heading for home. We had clouds until we reached Albany, Oregon and then it was sunny and comfortable from there to Grants Pass where we stopped for the night. We plan to get an early start tomorrow and make it as far as we can in California. We should be more refreshed tomorrow as we were really tired today. Here is to a good night sleep. The weather is supposed to be sunny and hot!! “Just the way, ah ha, ah ha, I like it, ah ha, ah ha”!!
Tuesday, July 20.
It was a long day in the car. We left the hotel at 6:30am with warm sunny skies. As we got further south the temperature went up. By the time we got to our hotel in Button Willow, north of L.A., it was 105 degrees. We had the air conditioner on all the way!! We are settled in for the night and will be leaving early again in the morning to avoid the L.A. traffic. We will stop at our land lords’ home in San Diego to see them and pick up our packages I sent down when I was at my sister’s house. I’m hoping they will fit in the jeep, but if not, we will just have one of our neighbors bring it with them when they come in October.
Wednesday-Saturday, July 21-24.
I’m trying something new. Instead of writing about every day, I will try to highlight whatever happened during the week. We’ll see how that goes. I know there are those of you who don’t want to read about me doing laundry and all that so I won’t bore you with that.
We made it home and are now slowly unpacking. The house was hot and everything in it, even the tile counter tops. We opened all the windows and skylights and even slept with the sliding glass doors open. Luckily there was a breeze the first 2 nights, but last night the breeze was very little and from the west which makes it hot. But eventually it switched and came out of the north. Ahhh! That is the best direction for us in keeping us and the house cool.
I have inherited plants from 3 of my neighbors to babysit until they come back in October. It’s nice to have some plants to tend to. Hope I can keep them alive.
We made a water run to town today, Saturday, and tomorrow, Sunday; I will do some grocery shopping. The temperature is in the 90’s but still that nice breeze blows. If it wasn’t for that we would be sweltering. We are going to run the air conditioner a little tonight to cool the house down.
We had a wonderful time with family and friends, but it is good to be back home again.
The house temperature got to 110 late this afternoon due to a west wind, or better known as an elefante. We have all the west side windows closed and all 5 fans running. We did have the air conditioner on for a short time until Dave had to drain more gas out of the gas tank of the generator as it was too full. As soon as the wind shifts back to the north, I will open windows. I hope the house cools down considerably before we go to bed. After we buy the house, one of the items I think we want to get for next summer is a couple of cots for sleeping outside.
Still haven’t heard anything from La Paz Yachts. Dave sent an email but they haven’t responded. One good thing is our boat is cheaper than the other Hunter 460’s advertized on the web. This is a good thing for us!!!!
No cruisers in the bay yet. We figure they will start arriving in another couple of weeks. It will be fun to see who returns.
Didn’t do grocery shopping today, Saturday, as we had to gas up the truck, get water and the wait for water was kind of long. I was going to buy milk, but Xitlali, pronounced sistalee, didn’t have fresh or the 2% box milk. I’ll go in to town in the morning and get a few things and I probably will be able to get some milk at one of the other stores.
Joanne, our neighbor is getting ready to leave on Tuesday, so she is starting to give me food items. We got a big bag of Totopos (tortilla) and some eggs. She has potatoes, onions, more eggs and some meat too. That will cut down on my grocery bill a lot. I wish I had a bigger freezer for all the meat she has, but what I can’t fit in mine, Joanne will give to Mary Ann.
Dave has the small generator going so now we have all doors and windows closed and the air conditioner is on. Hooray for coolness!!
Sunday-Saturday, July 25-31.
I managed to get milk in town and a few other fresh fruits and vegetables. We had fish tacos tonight for dinner and it was good. It was bass and yellow tail which is a white fish.
I have been reading the Spanish books I bought while we were in Washington. I am picking up a little more phrases. I have been crocheting hats, and am working on a pink little purse I crocheted and now am decorating. Next I will line it.
Yesterday, Monday, it was a lot cooler so I had some energy. I have been doing laundry since I have been home every day just to get caught up. I also washed the kitchen towels I bought in bulk at Costco when we were home, so I can make hanging hand towels for the kitchen. I will make some with crochet tops and others with fabric. I got a lot of fabric and all kinds of other things from my best friend Judy and also my sister. It saved me a lot of money and I am having fun creating. Speaking of creating, I walked on the beach today, Tuesday, since it was overcast and a little cooler. I picked up a few flat rocks and some shells to use in creating whatever. I rinsed them when I got back to the house and dried them. When they were dry I started creating. They can be wickie’s for those who play Train, or just a knickknack sort of thing. Here are some of my creations.
I did say it was cooler right? Well it is and it isn’t. It is humid and there is no wind which makes it a little uncomfortable. I have used the fan a few times today while I was crocheting and then I would go outside where it was a little bit cooler. Now there is a breeze picking up and the sun is setting so hopefully it will get cooler. I’d rather be here than in San Diego where the weather sucks!!! They haven’t had summer yet!! I’ll take the heat and humidity for the next month and a half and then it will start to get cooler. No worries. It does come to an end. Time to go heat up some fresh tuna for dinner. Simple meal for a warm night. Tuna and Mexican pinto beans. Good!!!!! The tuna is what we grilled last night and it was scrumcious.
Joanne has left and I was able to get a few more items like onions, potatoes, butter and some Italian sausage, and hamburger. Guess what we are having for dinner tonight? You guessed it!!! Hamburger. She gave us a lot of hamburger buns so we might as well use them. I made a potato salad from the potatoes she gave me as they needed to be used up soon. I took the potatoes and eggs down to the trailer and cooked them there so the house didn’t get heated up. That was nice. As I waited for them to cook, I decorated the little pink purse.
When everything was cooked I transferred it all to the house. I let the potatoes cool along with the eggs and went back to lining the purse. I have finished it and it looks good. Some little girl will like it.
This has been an interesting week. The weather been different as we have had some clouds from the mainland and it is even sprinkling now, (Saturday morning) which is good for everything. It has been hot and muggy, and there are a lot of bees. I got stung Friday walking on the beach looking for shells. Thank goodness for the Extractor. We bought it last year and have used it 2 times now. It sucks out the venom and there is no pain or sting afterwards. It is great. It is also good for other bites like snake, scorpion, and so on. We put water in a couple buckets and placed one in the south arroyo and the other in the north. Hopefully that will detour them from the house.
I got some kind of an intestinal bug so for a couple days I didn’t do much. All better now. I’ve been busy with crafts and having a great time. It is hot and at times we are uncomfortable, but it is only for another month and a half then it starts cooling down. I have been in the water once since we have been home. That was refreshing. I’m sure I will be in the water more as the summer progresses.
We got a router for the computer so I can be online the same time Dave is and it is working great. I have my computer freedom again!!!!!
We are heading for the boat on Monday for a week. The weather is calling for thunder storms mid week in Santa Rosalia. That is o.k. If it rains we won’t have to wash the boat. Speaking of boat, Dave received an email from the broker in La Paz and there have been several hits to the ad for our boat. That means people are looking!!!! There is hope!!
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