I had a dentist appointment in Guerrero Negro on the 2nd and we made a day of it. I am having a mouth guard made for my teeth since I grind them at night, and I found out he can get it done all in one day. We had our gate guard Tito and his wife Brenda come with us as they needed to go to the bank also. We took off at 6:30am and went to the bank for us first, and then I went to the dentist while Dave took Tito to his sister’s house so he could get the ATM card to get money. When they were done I met them outside and told Dave we needed to come back around 2:00pm to pick up the mouth guard. So we went to the hardware store and stopped at a clothing store so Brenda could pick up a couple things. While Brenda was shopping and I was snooping, Dave went across the street to talk to the guy we bought the washing machine motor from. We found out it is a 3 speed and we don’t know if it will work in our machine. He said it should work so then we went to lunch and after that it was time to return to the dentist office. The mouth guard was ready and I had already paid so now we could head home. It was fun having Tito and Brenda with us. We are trying to understand each other and sometimes it is a hoot!!!! We got home around 3:00pm.
I have been coughing a lot lately and always have a tickle in my throat so I started taking Emergen-C again and some sinus medicine. I think it is just post nasal drip but people are still sick here so the colds and coughs are still around. I have started to be concerned a little due that the cough wasn’t going away and I was waking up coughing in the middle of the night. I was going to stop at the clinic when I went into town on Saturday but that never happened.
There is a man who is interested in the boat. He didn’t want to see it until he was back from a Whale Tour trip in March. The broker and he had been emailing back and forth asking and answering questions. He flew from San Diego into Tijuana and then came down to La Paz to look at the boat. He liked it so with further discussion between him and the broker he made an offer. It was a really low offer so we countered and agreed on a price. The price for the boat is at $155,000.00 and the guy couldn’t pay any more than $142,000.00. So now we just have to wait for the guy to sign the papers and send them back to our broker. A few days went by and we never heard anything so we figured he didn’t sign the papers. In the meantime a man from Puerto Vallarta walked into the office asking about boats and our broker said he had a sailboat to show him. So they went down to our boat and he liked it so much he made an offer of $150,000.00 on the spot. We said “let’s do it” and that afternoon we had papers sent to us to sign and return, which we did. The guy wanted to come down for a sea trial on Friday which meant we would have to leave the next day to get there on Thursday so we could check out the boat and work the sails and make sure there weren’t any snaffoos. So I started packing and the next morning we were headed for Loreto. In the meantime the broker called the other guy to tell him the boat was off the market for now and this guy went linear!!!! He said he had sent the signed papers but what happened was he had someone else send it and the office was closed and they wouldn’t be in again until Monday but it went to the brokers spam folder. Well to tell you the truth we are so happy we don’t have to deal with this guy. We think we know him and all the cruisers said he was an asshole and this is very true. He was so mad he told our broker that if they were in the states he would sue them and he would bad mouth to everyone what dishonest people La Paz Yachts were and all that nonsense. With his offer he had a list of things he wanted met which seemed a little over the top. I truly believe it was meant to work like it is!!! The guy that seems to be buying the boat lives in Puerto Vallarta and is an Aussie named Robbie and comes highly recommended by the big La Paz Yacht/Mazatlan boss who runs both places. Apparently Robbie buys boats from all over and then turns around and sells them either into charter programs or something else. I really don’t care just as long as we sell it. Ha!
We arrived in La Paz on Thursday and started going over things on the boat. Our broker came down to talk with us and he ended up helping us raise the main sail. It got stuck. We took it down and worked with it for about an hour or so and then finally got it free so we could raise it up the mast. It worked and it looks good. So we know that the headsail and mainsail are good. In the meantime the broker got a call from Robbie saying he was on his way to La Paz when his friends’ car broke down. So he won’t make it for sea trials until Monday. Well it just gives us time to figure out what is wrong with the forward head and fix it. So things are looking up and we will find out on Monday whether the boat is sold or not. I have a good feeling about all this!!!!! Yay!!
Dave has been working on the head and changed out the seals and it is still losing water and won’t pressure up. He is at a loss at what the problem is. Our broker had some extra seals on board his boat for his vacu-flush head so we switched out ours and put his in and it still wasn’t fixing the problem. Water was running out this time. Dave being at a loss, decided to put the old seals back in and rework and tighten everything up and it holds water now but the pump doesn’t shut off on its own. We think a new pressure switch needs to be put in. But we can’t do anything about it now. The head still works we just have to manually shut it off after water gets in the bowl. Oh well.
Dave walked up the dock to the broker’s boat to ask him about the vacu-flush and he took his rum and coke with him and I stayed behind getting dinner ready. Well after a while I had to go get him. When I arrived at their boat with drink in hand they invited me aboard. We had a great visit and then I told Dave we needed to get home. So we went back to our boat for dinner.
Here it is Saturday and so I needed to do laundry. I had clothes and sheets from the house I brought down so I did 2 loads of wash. Dave had gone through the clothes he had on the boat and found about 4 shirts that don’t fit him anymore (too big) so I said maybe Tom could wear them or he would know who to give them to. So we walked up the dock and wrapped on the boat and Tom sticks his head up and says he is changing the oil in his engine and almost through so we told him about the shirts and he said he couldn’t wear them but he would find someone who could. So we were invited to come back for happy hour at about 3:30pm. You know it is Happy Hour at 5:00 o’clock somewhere!!!!! So we gave him time to finish his job and then joined him but get this-----he started without us!!!! We laughed. We had a nice visit with Tom but his wife was in town playing cards and then was going out to dinner with some friends and Tom was to join them. I had 2 margaritas and wasn’t going to have another one when I thought----heck----why not!!!!! Well I found out why not!!! Let’s just say I am a lightweight and should know better!!!! Tom had to leave so we went back to our boat and BBQ’d pork chops. Dave had more to drink than he should have too so we were moving a little slow. I had planned on having wine with dinner but that didn’t happen!!!! We drank lots of water and were fine by the time we went to bed so all was well.
Sunday the marina café wasn’t open so we didn’t have any coffee. We didn’t want to go anywhere so we skipped coffee. No big deal but we both like our coffee in the morning. We didn’t want to bring a bunch of stuff to the boat knowing we had to get more of our stuff off. I suggested getting instant coffee but that wasn’t happening!!!! So last night I called Sue (Tom’s wife) and asked if we could bum some coffee from them in the morning and she said sure. They both had to leave at 9:00am but we told them that wasn’t a problem.
We showed up at their boat at about 8:00am and the hatches were closed and we thought they had already left. So I knocked and Sue answered and invited us down and we had perfect timing as the coffee was almost done. She is such a hoot and we really hit it off. I will have to keep in touch with her when I leave. We sat and talked and listened to the morning net and then it was time to leave. So we went back to our boat and Tom was going into the office to get all the paperwork for the sale of the boat done so we could sign and have it notarized later that morning. We are supposed to have the prospective buyer come for a sea trial sometime today. We got the word from Tom to come to the office and he would have all the papers so we could go to the notary. Once at the office we waited a little for Tom to get off the phone and he said he tried to call Robbie but no answer so he thought it meant he was on his way. So off we went to the notary. We signed all the papers; gave them our passports, got the papers stamped. Then had to wait for another person to go through the paperwork and make copies and all that then the papers were put in a folder, our passports returned, paid our fee and were out of there. Pretty painless. So now we wait. Tom tried calling Robbie again and still no answer so we aren’t sure what this means. Dave and I went back to the boat and are just hanging out. I did get tired of waiting so I went to the store to get something for dinner then came back and still no word from the prospective buyer. Hmmm!!! Well we have done our part and we need to get back to the house so if nothing happens today we may just get packed tomorrow and head for Loreto Wednesday.
Tonight we have been invited to Tom and Sue’s boat for happy hour and I will bring munchies to help absorb the alcohol!!!! So there ya go. We will see what tonight and tomorrow brings and if we hear from Robbie or not. Maybe he decided to forego the sea trials as he has to be back in Puerto Vallarta soon. Time will tell.
It is Tuesday and Tom still can’t get a hold of Robbie so we have no idea what is going on. The biggest thing is there is no money in the Escrow account to say that Robbie has done his part for the boat. Tom is going to get a hold of Ray, the owner, because he and Robbie are really good friends, and see what the story is. We will wait until tomorrow and if nothing is going on we will head home. No sense wasting time here.
Tonight we, Tom and Sue are going to a BBQ place in down town La Paz. Big Joe’s. We are looking forward to that. We had coffee at Sue and Tom’s boat and listened to him do the morning net. Then it was time to leave and get some things done. Today is cleaning day for me and we just filled the forward water tank as we were running out of water. We usually hook up the hose to the dock water instead of using the water in the water tanks onboard, but that water has been sitting for a while so we decided it was good to drain the tanks and get fresh water put back in. But for now we filled the forward tank so we have water to wash dishes and clean and flush the heads. We don’t drink it. That is the only tank we fill with dock water, the rest we either fill with fresh bottled water or make water away from the marina and fill them. As we don’t know what is happening with the boat we aren’t going to do anything else with water. The new owner can do that.
We have been trying to get a hold of our friends, John and Sandy that live here and use to live in the same marina in Brownsville we did, but so far no luck. They are busy people.
Well good news on what is going on with the new buyer. Dave talked with Tom this morning and Robbie had sent him a text message saying he had an emergency out of the country but should be back within 48 hours. So we should hear more of whether Robbie is going to send the money and still wants a sea trial, tonight at dinner.
So we are still waiting and will see what the next day holds. Yay!!
Well so much for finding out more about the buyer. Nothing more has been said. So we wait and see what tomorrow brings.
When we got up this morning it was a lot cooler inside and outside the boat than it has since we have been here. It felt good. Well Marco, the man that owns and operates the marina café didn’t show up this morning so we decided to go down to La Paz yachts and have coffee at Club Cuceros. Dave wanted to talk to Tom about what to do about this whole situation. We had to wait until he was done serving coffee and then we went to the office. Tom called the head guy in Mazatlan to see if he has heard anything and he hadn’t. Well the 48 hours is up tomorrow so we will stick around for another day and see what happens. It is just strange. After we were finished at La Paz yachts Dave and I walked part of the malecon to see if we could find a cigar store our boat neighbor told us about. Well we never found it. Apparently it isn’t there anymore. There is only one place that sells cigars and it is up town in a wine store. We decided we didn’t want to go so on the way back to the truck we stopped at the ice cream store and treated ourselves to ice cream in a cup. Yum!!!! It was a nice day for a walk on the shady side of the street!!!! It actually wasn’t really hot but since we are closer to the equator the sun is more intense so it makes a big difference. I didn’t bring my hat so it was necessary to stay shaded. No word from the buyer so we went back to the boat and then I took off in the truck and went to Sam’s club and then Walmart. I had to get some vitamins as I left all of them at the house. We didn’t expect to be here this long. We will probably have happy hour on Tom and Sue’s boat after they get home and then decide what we are doing for dinner.
While I was at Sam’s and Walmart, Dave stayed on the boat and changed out a couple o-rings on the forward head but he said it didn’t make any difference. He tried. We will have to order the part. The head works like I said before, just the pressure switch doesn’t shut off. Dave will have to look up the part and see what it costs to replace it.
Well we have not seen the buyer, and the last time the broker had anything from him said he was heading back from wherever he was and be here within 48 hours. It is now Friday and the 48 hours are up so we are leaving tomorrow to go back home. Yesterday our broker got an email about our boat but to be fair to the current guy said that if nothing has happened with our boat by then, Monday they will open the sale back up. So there is still a chance to sell the boat before the end of May.
Today, March 15, my oldest son, Ernie celebrated his 41st birthday today!!!!! Yay!!!
Since Easter week is approaching quickly, we need to get out of La Paz and back home before everyone gets on the road. So Saturday morning we went down to Sue and Tom’s boat and had coffee and said our goodbyes. We headed back to our boat and packed everything up, paid the bill for the electricity and water and headed out of town. We figured there would be a lot of cars on the road heading north, but no-----we saw a lot of cars heading south. So we were in good shape. We arrived at Angra hotel and they already had a room for us on the top floor. Dave made the reservation last night. We ate dinner at our favorite place down the street from the hotel then came back to the room and watched t.v. and checked emails. It is an early morning tomorrow as we have 7 hours of travel time to get home.
We got up, had breakfast, packed up and headed for home. We arrived at the house mid afternoon and only unpacked what we needed for the night. The rest we will get in the morning. I took a frozen bean dish out of the freezer thinking it would defrost quick enough we could have that for dinner. Well come 6 o’clock, it was still frozen so I made grilled cheese sandwiches instead. Tomorrow we will have the bean dish.
We were tired today and weren’t moving very fast. All that road travel takes a lot out of you. We slowly unloaded the truck but didn’t get everything. There isn’t a big need to get it all done in one day. We took it easy in the afternoon and read some and just chilled.
Today I played Mexican Train dominoes and lost!!! Oh well. But then I won at cards yesterday so that was good.
Today the 25th, my youngest son, Jonathan is celebrating his birthday!!!! He is 39!! Another Yay!!!!
I was checking emails when I got a message from our grandson, E.J., who is in the Air Force. He wanted to call and talk to us. So we hooked up the magic jack and were able to call him and he told us he got his new assigned station duty. He is going to go to the base in New Jersey first part of August. He sounded excited and we are excited for him. He will definitely get his share of hot and cold seasons there. There will be lots of snow in the winter. It will be fun for him as there is so much history back east. It was great to hear his voice and he sounds happy. He will call the rest of the family tonight when they get home from work. I know his Uncle Jon will be thrilled to get a phone call from his nephew on his birthday!!!!
Well we are having wonderful weather. Not too much wind today and no clouds in the sky.
A lot of the Mexican people have vacation this week, and have been known to camp at the south end of the bay here. We haven’t seen a lot of campers this year but the other night, our neighbor was trying to call our gate guard and couldn’t hail him so she called us. Her husband was playing poker and she was alone and a man walked up to her house drunk, saying his car was stuck in the sand. So Dave and I walked over to her house and met the man and found out he was with his father-in-law and they were trying to leave after drinking lots of beer and got really stuck in the sand. Dave got a shovel from George as he had just gotten home and we went down to try and help get the guys out. The father-in-law was so drunk he had a hard time walking straight but he was a happy guy!!! His son-in-law and Dave did the digging for a long time and then the father-in-law helped. Dave got into the truck and put it in reverse with the other two guys at the front trying to push it back but nothing worked. I walked back to my neighbors and she and I went to the gate guard to explain the situation and ask him to call someone in town to help pull them out. Mary went back to her house and I walked back to where the guys were and told Dave they may have to spend the night as Tito, the gate guard, couldn’t get anyone to answer. Dave kept trying to dig, but it was no use. Then Tito showed up and helped but also couldn’t get it to where the truck would back out of there. So the son-in-law and father-in-law had to spend the night and Tito would try to get help in the morning. As we walked back to the house we thanked Tito for his help and by this time it was almost 11:00pm. We all went back to our houses and went to bed. In the distance we could hear the horn beep a couple times, as the guys were trying to find a comfortable spot in the truck. Heheheh!!
Next morning Tito and George went out to help pull the guys out of the sand and all was good. It was kind of funny that the father-in-law kept telling Dave and us what a good man he was for helping and he was offering us beer, which we refused, but they both were really nice guys!!! They had traveled down from Tijuana.
Then again this afternoon, my neighbor called to talk to Dave but he was down talking to Tito, and she said there was another car stuck in the same place the other one was the other night. There was a huge hole left by the other car and you would have thought no one would have parked there. Well---------duh???? So Tito and Dave went down there and pulled them free. This time it was a family with small children. Go figure!!!
Well tomorrow is Saturday and my regular day to go to town for groceries. Oh yay!!! A bumpy ride into town and back again.
Well still no word on the supposedly buyer for the boat. The broker is going to call around to see if anyone has seen him. He lives with his wife in Puerto Vallarta. So we are back to square one again.
The weather has been wonderful. Sunny with a breeze and actually the breeze is a little chilly since it is coming from the north, but we aren’t complaining.
A bunch of us gals got together to play train and usually I win at least one game but today I didn’t win a single game. Oh well. The gal that was hosting the train game asked me if I would make a couple trophies for the end of their golf tournament. I said sue. She said she would trade me with the one wine glass I asked her to paint for me, since I broke one, and she said she would throw in another painted wine glass for the work. So it is a deal. I had a hard time sleeping that night as my head was full of thoughts in what to create.
The next morning I went to the art room and started putting more feathers on a bird I made a long time ago and a hat. I liked it. Then I made a fish and Rainy wanted it gaudy so I made it so. I really like it. She had called me that evening asking if she could stop by on her way home from working the museum and I said yes. So about 2:00pm she showed up and I had started working on a turtle just to give her another critter to consider for a trophy but when she saw the bird she loved it and then the fish too!!!! So I just need to secure the fish a little more and it will be ready to go. Here is a picture of the two.
I am almost finished with the large turtle. It will be in the show in November. I have been making a few small turtles to take up to Washington this summer to hopefully sell other than jewelry. Here are three of them. The rest will be in the next blog.
March has finally come to an end. Next month new adventures await!!!!
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