We started painting the house and had to stop a couple of times due to weather like wind. But we were able to get most of the house painted and it looks really good. Instead of it sticking out like a sore thumb being white, it now blends in with the desert surroundings. Our gate guard helped us paint so it made the job a little easier as we put him on the scaffolding to do the high parts. Heheh!!! We still have the garage door and the art room and side garage door to paint, but for the most part the house is done. Dave was sanding the garage door when a piece of the sander broke so he had to order a new part and wait for it to get here before doing anymore. Here are some pictures so far.
I have been reading a lot and have gotten back to the dragon cross stitch I was working on for Dave. He is happy about that. Now that I have a visor I can wear that has a magnifier in it, it is easier for me to work on it. I can see!!!
I just didn’t have a lot of Christmas spirit this year. We were hoping to make it to our grandson, E.J.’s Air Force boot camp graduation in January, but because we had to spend money on getting the bottom painted on the boat in November, we didn’t have any to spare to spend on travel and places to stay. Bummer. I did manage to put some lights up and a small spiral tree, but that was all. It was just Dave and I--- no one else. Some years are like that!! I hope everyone had a wonderful and Blessed Christmas.
Well this I think is the shortest blog I have ever written. Just a very quiet month. It has turned cold though with the north winds blowing so the flannel sheets are on the bed along with a blanket!!
I went into town to pick up a couple of items I needed for new years day, came back and while watching TV that evening my throat started to tickle. So I took an Emergen-C drink before going to bed. Next morning I had a lot of congestion in my chest but other than that I felt o.k. I kept drinking the Emergen-C morning and night in hopes I could ward off the bugs. Everyone in town was sick and of course I got it. So from the 29th until New Years Eve I was coughing and hacking but still able to join in the festivities of a bonfire New Year’s Eve at our neighbors place. The moon was full and there was just a little breeze but it was cold as you can tell from the pictures. When it gets down to 60 and below it is time to bring out the gloves, hats, warm coats and clothes. There were only 4 of us at the bonfire. Lynn and Tom with their dogs Murphy and Maggie and Dave and I. We thought the gate guard, Tito and his wife Brenda would join us but they didn’t. We made it to midnight and then scurried home and to bed!!!! A fun way to spend the evening with friends and a warm fire!!!!
Dave took a picture of Tom taking a picture of him!!!! They are fun people and we love it when they come down to live here for a month or so. They hail from San Diego.
See you next year!!!!
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