Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Life After Washington State
On Friday the 1st of March, Jon took me to meet Dave in Gig Harbor so I could spend the weekend with him; Ron and Noreen in Bremerton. I was going to see Jon again on Saturday for E.J.’s birthday party and the Sounder’s soccer game, but Susannah and Jonathan Jr. were not going to be there so I said my goodbyes and gave hugs and kisses. Jon got me to Gig Harbor and Dave and I took off for Bremerton. Carolyn, her husband J.T. and their son Christian were coming over for dinner to Ron and Noreen’s place. I had time to visit with Ron before Noreen got home from work then Noreen and I did some catching up before Caroline, J.T. and Christian arrived. The dinner was wonderful and so was the company. It was really good to see Carolyn and family!!
Our time in Washington is coming to a close soon. E.J.’s 16th birthday is the 2nd of March and just the family is getting together to help him celebrate. We made plans with Eian, Teri (his mom) and Ben (her significant other) to meet us at Alderwood Mall in Everett, to pick up Eian so he could be there for E.J.’s party. We picked Eian up and gave hugs all around then Eian, Dave and I went to lunch at McDonalds. I gave Eian the soccer cross stitch which he really liked. Here is a picture.
After lunch we went to Brooke and Ernie’s house where E.J. and a couple of his soccer buddies were playing a soccer tournament on Xbox. It was rather low keyed. E.J. opened his gifts and we had cup cakes then the guys went back to the tournament. 
Eian and I played some games on his phone and had a good time. He is growing into a nice young man. We were very happy to have the day to spend with him. Uncle Jon is sitting next to Eian.
It was a good day. Ernie fed Eian and the rest of us who wanted dinner before Dave and Eian left. I was staying as Jon was taking me with him to the Souder’s Soccer game. Dave dropped Eian back at the mall where his mom and Ben picked him up, and then Dave headed back to Bremerton to the Condo. Because I knew Jonathan (my son) was taking me to the game it was easier to just go back to Bremerton afterwards then to go back to Jon’s house. That way Jon had a couple days with his wife and son before starting work on Monday.
That evening Ernie, E.J. and his friends along with Jon and I went to the Sounders soccer game in Seattle. Jon is a season ticket holder so our seats were closer to the field. Ernie and the guys were seated behind and to the right of us. It had poured on the way to the game and we were hoping it would let up, which it did. It was on and off showers so we didn’t get drowned. Actually it wasn’t bad. Jon’s seats are out in the open where the seats Ernie got were under cover. We played against Canada and lost. We just couldn’t get the ball in the net. It kept hitting the coal post. It was very frustrating. We did get one goal but that was all. It was good to share the game with Jon. He missed not being with his family. He has become a very family oriented man and loves being with his wife and son. He would like to become a stay at home dad, but unless he gets laid off, he will be keeping his job. Susannah works at home most of the time, but does have to go into work sometimes 3 times a week. They will be juggling their work and home life like all newly married and with baby do. They will do just fine!!
After the game I said goodbye to Jon and gave him a big hug then walked to the ferry to catch the 10:30 boat to Bremerton. Dave picked me up on the other side and because it was so late, Ron and Noreen were already in bed when we returned to the condo so we went to bed too.
It is Sunday, our last day in Washington. We went to see Michael and David, (our son and grandson) in the afternoon. Unfortunately Dani (Michael’s wife) had to work so we missed seeing her. Darn work anyway!!!! That David is definitely a character!!! He is cute and very smart. He is a ham too!!! Here are some pictures.

Somehow I managed to lose my driver’s license while I was staying at Jon’s house in Tacoma. I back tracked the places I went which were only three, and called them. Nope! No one had it. Now what!!! I must have put it in my jacket pouch and it fell out in the Costco parking lot. I had to show it at Costco to get some medication at the pharmacy. DARN!!!! Well not much I can do about it now. At least it wasn’t a credit card!!! I will call the DMV when we get to San Diego. I did search my bags, pants, coats, and everything I could think of but to no avail.
That evening Noreen and Ron were having Ron’s nephew (Kevin) over for dinner at the condo. Ron made Kaluha Pork which is cooked in banana leaves over night. It was delicious!!! After Kevin left we watched some T.V. then said goodbye to Noreen as she would be at work when we got up.
After getting up and having a cup of coffee, Monday morning, we finished packing and said goodbye to Ron. We fly out of SeaTac at 1:00pm so we had time to stop at the Tacoma Costco and go to the pharmacy to see if my license was there. When I called Costco a couple days before, the pharmacy was closed, but the office checked in their safe but didn’t find it. So I was really hoping the pharmacy still had it. Well to my dismay it wasn’t there. Bummer! I checked at the front office but it wasn’t there. So now I have to get a replacement. I must have dropped it in the parking lot on the way to the car.
We got to the airport, checked our bags, stopped to check if our flight was on time and low and behold it had been delayed an hour. Great!!!! We went and had a bite to eat and called Phil and Creela to let them know we were delayed and what time to pick us up at the San Diego airport. I’m glad we were able to get first class seats this time so the wait wasn’t as bad. On the way up we had to ride in coach. First class is so much nicer. We had a good flight and it took a couple hours. We called Phil and Creela once we got our luggage and then waited outside baggage pickup for them. It didn’t take long before they were there and we were back at their house.
We stayed with Phil and Creela a couple days then headed to Ensenada. We had to get car insurance papers from our insurance man, Tona, and then do a little shopping before heading home. The weather was nice and warm.
We arrived at the house in Bahia on Thursday the 7th. It was good to be back. There was a yard sale on the 9th which we went to but didn’t find much. I did buy a couple table cloths for the art and craft show and I can use them on our tables at the house. Dave got a ride home with someone and I took the truck to town and did some food shopping.
The people that are interested in the boat are delayed again. We were supposed to meet them on Monday the 11th in Santa Rosalia. They went back east in their motor home to visit their son and some family before heading back to Oregon. So they have put off seeing the boat until the end of March. A little disappointing as we were hoping it would be done and over with by now. They are trying to refinance their Oregon home so they will have money for the boat so things aren’t as sure as they were before.
We thought we were going to get a reprieve from going to Santa Rosalia on the 11th since we weren’t meeting with Robert and his wife for the boat but got an email from Immigrations saying we had to come in and sign a couple more papers for our permanent residency. So we still had to go down! We went down, signed the papers, stayed on the boat overnight and came back the next day. Now all our immigration papers go to Mexico City to be processed so we wait some more. It could be months before we get our cards for residency. Oh well.
We are waiting to hear from Robert and his wife Kristi of their schedule to be in Santa Rosalia. They said they are trying to come down and be there on April 1. Well I hope so because that is when our moorage is due and we have to figure out what we are going to do. We definitely won’t do the six months. We have to decide if they don’t make it whether we take the boat to San Diego and have it brought back to Seattle to sell. We gave them a deadline of April 1because the timeframe to move the boat north is no later than May. So now we don’t know if we are going to have to pay on a month to month contract, which is more expensive than 6 months at a time. Everything is so up in the air. The last we heard they were in Texas and heading for Oregon. Then they would be heading south. So I guess we will see. We have only a week left.
The art and craft show started on the 24th. There are a lot of neat things for sale. The first 2 tables are of my stuff. The rest are of the other artists. There are some very talented and creative artists here.

Some of the Mexican ladies had things to sell as well. Their table is next to the last picture.
I hope I do well in selling my critters. The show runs through April 2. There were a lot of people that went through and looked. Some bought others just looked. I sold 3 of my dragonflies and a mermaid the first day. I heard no one sold much on Monday which was yesterday. Darn. I really was hoping I would sell most of them so I wouldn’t have a lot to bring home. One good thing though, I talked to the lady who manages the Museum and asked if I could have a couple of my critters on display in the shop and she said yes. I told her I would leave about 4 in a box for her to display and if they sell I would give her more and if not, I would take them back. So we shall see. Maybe this summer they might sell as the cruisers come to town. One can only hope.
I will have to leave the show early as Dave and I need to be in Santa Rosalia on the 1st. I work Thursday and again on Saturday at the show so will pack my things and break down the table before closing, Saturday. I am kind of bummed right now because I’m not doing as well as I had hoped. I get my hopes up thinking I will do well selling them, as everyone here said I should, and then I hardly sell anything and I am left with the dilemma of what to do with all the critters I made. I love making them but if I can’t sell them there isn’t any point of making a lot. Well as the saying goes “That’s the way the cookie crumbles.” HA!! It’s not the end of the world!!!
I have been walking on the beach in the morning during low tide and found a lot of sting rays and puffer fish swimming close to shore. The weather is like summer here which is wonderful. It’s not real hot yet and the breeze we get keeps it comfortable.
I am back working on Eians afghan, crocheting squares and then I am starting a counted cross stitch I bought a while back of a dragon and wizard. It’s going to be more of a challenge than the dragon and castle was but it will be beautiful when I am finished.
I packed up all my rock and shell crtitters and left the 2 dragon flies and zipper pulls there on display. Hopefully I will sell a few. I left 4 with Carolina and took the rest home. I’ll see about selling the majority of them next year as Easter is later in April.
Here is a scene of sunset behind our house. We are blessed with beauty everyday!!! Enjoy a little piece of our paradise!
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