We made it back to the house. We didn’t do much until the next day. Riding and driving for 5 hours tires you out. Sunday was a busy day as I started to get things together and clean and all that kind of stuff. We are getting clouds and a lightning show to the south of us in the valley. It’s cool to watch. It is our first storm of the summer. We didn’t get any rain as it went to the east. I guess we will be having a couple cloudy days. It wouldn’t hurt if it rained. We need it. My windows need cleaning. Ha!
Dave and I are packed and things are put away that were outside. So we are leaving early Wednesday morning, the 5th. Creela and Phil invited us to stay overnight at their house in El Cajon, San Diego, so we will be at their house Thursday afternoon. We are looking forward to it.
We have left Bahia and arrived at Creela and Phil’s Thursday afternoon. Right after we arrived and went through hugs and handshakes, Creela took us on a tour of their lovely home. We took our stuff to the room we were going to sleep in then Creela and I spent part of the afternoon watching an episode of, “So You Think You Can Dance”. She taped it from last night. Dave and Phil went to town to do a couple errands. When they got back we all watched a little T.V. and then decided to take advantage of Happy Hour. Drinks were made and we took them outside on their deck and had a nice visit. Then we went to their favorite pizza place and had salad and pizza. It really tasted good. Mexico doesn’t make really good pizzas. Even though the pizzas in Mexico are edible, the States make them better!!! Yum!! After dinner we came back to the house and Creela showed me their garden and fruit trees. They don’t have a large yard, but it is big enough to grow what they want. That evening we sat and watched the next episode of, “So You Think You Can Dance”, then started watching another show and Creela and Phil decided to retire for the night. Dave and I watched a little T.V. but ended up going to bed early.
Friday morning Dave and I were up at 6:00am and packed. We loaded up the jeep and Creela and Phil weren’t up yet. We waited until 6:40am then wrote a note because we had to leave. We wanted to try to make it to Redding for the night. We left and called them at 8:00am. We had a really fun time and hated leaving before we said goodbye, but we didn’t want to wake them. No worries. They wished us a safe trip.
We didn’t make it to Redding. Instead we ended up in Woodland which is just north of Sacramento. Dave does the driving and he was a tired puppy!!! The weather was hot, but not as hot as Bahia. We relaxed for a while then went to Applebee Restaurant and had a good dinner. Then returned to the room, watched T.V. and went to bed.
On the road again and making good progress. We stopped just north of Eugene, Oregon for the night. The weather was cooling down but still nice. Tomorrow we will be at Ron and Noreen’s boat. We’ve had a great trip so far.
We made it to Ron and Noreen’s. Since we have been here the guys have gone out to set crab pots and then next day pull them. They have been getting a lot of crab.
Sunday’s seem to be our crab cracking day where Clark, SaraNell, Fleeta (who is the host on her boat), Ron, Noreen, us, and anyone else that wants to come. There is some drinking involved, a lot of fun and some sore cut hands and fingers but it is worth it. We’ve had crab fettuccini, crab quiche, and crab salad. Yummm!!! The weather has not been sunny, although the temperature has been in the low 70’s. There have been only a couple days of what we call cold.
All my doctor appointments have been done so I am in great health. My cholesterol is at 249 which the doctor was ecstatic about and me too. That is the lowest it has been for years!! Dave had an eye appointment for his cataract in his left eye and they are sending him for consultation on the 29th to see when he can have surgery. He is hoping he can get it done in August and not have to wait until next year. The cataract is growing and making it harder for him to see out of that eye. My fingers are crossed!!
Jonathan, my son, took me to a Sounders soccer game. I met him outside the stadium and went to our seats. What a great game and we won. There is a lot of interaction with the crowd, a lot of yelling, clapping and waving of scarves. I am now a proud owner of a Sounder hat! After the game Jon and I separated for home. I took the ferry back to Bremerton and Jon took the Sounder transit to Tacoma. I had a great time!!!
We have seen Michael, my step son, Dani, his wife and their son David.
We had a great time with them and hated to end the visit but that is how it goes.
On the 19th, Kristen, my stepdaughter, her two sons, Sam and Ethan, Dave and I went over to Ballard to a Norwegian Historical Museum. She is doing research for one of her papers for school. It was pretty interesting and it was fun to have spent the day with them. Those guys are getting big and growing up fast. We had a great time.
Our next visit was to Bre and Brent’s place in Anacortes. Jessica, their daughter just graduated from 2 years of college and high school on the same day!!!!! What an accomplishment!! Now she is readying herself for college at Western. Bre was diagnosed with breast cancer last December and has been undergoing treatment. Her chemo is ending soon and then she has radiation next. Not a great thought, but she is handling it very well and just taking a day at a time. She looks good and her hair is starting to grow in slowly leaving peach fuzz on top. Brent, Bre, and J.J. (Jessica) seem to be dealing with the difficulties well and going on with their lives. It was really good to see them and be able to spend time with them.
On our way back from Anacortes we stopped in Renton to see Teri, my ex-daughter-in-law, and our grandsons Eian, and E.J. The boys are getting tall. I got my needed hugs from them and gave them lots too. I’m looking forward to my trip down to my sister’s house in Ukiah, California with them soon. E.J. has braces and Eian’s hair is shorter. It was great to see them. We missed seeing Ben, however, Teri’s significant other, but that’s the way it goes sometimes. They will have to come and visit us!
We have been able to spend some time with our friends here at the Brownsville Marina, and I spent some time with my girlfriend Judy, so all is going well. The best part about being here in the states is I get to go shopping!!! Mostly I have just looked around because money is tight, but it is fun. I have picked up a few things that were on my list so that is good. Now Dave is going to get some of the things on his list, like zincs for the boat and other stuff. He will probably do that when I am in California. My sister and family are having a reunion and my sons and 2 grandsons wanted to go down there again. They went last year and I wasn’t able to be there so this time I will ride down with the ‘boys’, and Dave will get his stuff done and then come down to my sister’s to visit a day or two and then we will leave to go back to Mexico. That is if he can’t get his cataract surgery done. If he can get it done this month, I may be coming back with the ‘boys’ and then leave with Dave after the surgery. So we will know more tomorrow, the 29th. Speaking of tomorrow, Dave and I get to see our grandson, Dominick!! He is going to be 6 next month. It’s been a long time since we have seen him so it will be fun. Here is a picture of Dominick, and another one with his half brother, William.
Saturday, the 30th, we are going to 3 parties. One is a Hunter Rendezvous in Port Ludlow, the other party is at a friend’s house, and the last one is at the Brownsville Deli. The Deli is celebrating their annual Anniversary of the opening. So we will party ON!!!! Waahooo!! We will make an appearance at the rendezvous and hang with Gary and Laurie CoyKendall for a while, then leave and go to Bill Bailey’s home, then to the deli party!! What a busy schedule we have!! Finally the weather is starting to warm up and we are getting more sunshine!!!! That is terrific.
Thursday, the 4th is when I leave for California, not the 5th like I thought. I am excited!!! I get to ride in the back seat with my grandsons, Eian and E.J. I have already told them that I have elbows and I’m not afraid to use them!!!!!! HA!!!
Dave had his consultation with the eye doctor and he can’t have surgery until next year some time so he was bummed. We will take it one step at a time. Stay tuned for more vacation pics and tales!!
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