Well here we are still. The weather south has been very bad with steep to very steep waves. We have 17 boats now waiting for a good weather window. We are all wanting to go but don't want to beat ourselves or our boats up getting down the coast. Patience grasshopper!!! So we wait. In the meantime we are meeting really nice people. We've been borrowing DVD's from those who have them and passing our time getting to know the other cruisers and their plans.

The first two pictures are of the sailboats at the begining of the week. The last one is what it looks like now. A full house.

This is the bar we came through when we arrived in Newport at 1:00am.

It's hard to believe we have been here 2 weeks. But the weather seems to be improving south. Each day looks a little bit better for leaving here and getting past Cape Mendicino. We really don't want to stop again. The weather is going to turn really ugly and then we will be stuck. Once past Cape Mendicino, it looks pretty smooth for sailing. That's what it looks like now. It is always changing. so we watch and wait. Dave is known as NOAA Dave here. A lot of people are listening to him. They are planning on leaving when we do.
Watched the surfing contest off the south jetty from us. It was within walking distance, however, it was a pretty good walk to and back. I have some pictures I would like to share with you. Keep in mind that the waves aren't large like in Southern California, but everyone was having fun and it was fun to watch. I noticed a lot of guys that looked 40-50ish competing. There were a few younger guys and gals, but more of the older generation. Neat!!!

The way it stands now, we are repairing to leave tomorrow, September 9. We will probably get some chop and it will be rough in places, but overall the weather window looks good. Those who left today, September 8, we listened in on their report of what it was doing and they were in a wash machine action 7 foot waves. One of the sailboats was healed 45 degrees. No thank you. I think by leaving tomorrow we will have a better time of it. At least I hope so. All I know is we have to leave here. We don't want to stop until Drakes Bay, north of San Francisco. But of course we will have to get out there and determine what it is like and make decisions as we go. Nothing is absolute in the cruising world.
We send our love to our friends and family back home. We miss you. Take care and I will update the blog again when I get a chance.
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