Well here it is May and new adventures to be had. We are waiting to hear from the prospective buyer of our boat as he and his wife are to return from their vacation on May 5th.
Happy 17th birthday to our grandson Eian. Wow!!!! Just to think he will be graduating next year and then on his own!!!! Another birthday celebration on the 9th for my stepson, Michael!!!! He turned 45!! It is a shame they are getting older and we are getting younger!!!!! Heheheheheh!!!
We finally heard from the prospective buyer. He said he was planning on flying down to La Paz on the 11th. So this means he is serious about the boat. He has already signed papers so now we have to go to La Paz to figure out after Barritt (prospective buyer) wants to do about the boat. That won’t happen until sea trials which will be on the 12th. So it looks like Wave Sweeper is in the process to be sold. Yay!!!! But I still can’t get excited because you never know what is going to happen.
We attended a Cinco de Mayo party and had a great time. I played bocce ball and ended up playing for the win in the tournament. Unfortunately my partner and I came in second, but we gave them a run for their money!!!! Good food, great games and people. Next year I want to play corn hole!!! If you don’t know what that is it is throwing bean bags into a wooden structure with a hole in it. It has been around for years!!! My sons and grandsons play it that is how I know about it. I’m not the greatest but I have fun!!
It is the 7th and we are on our way to Loreto for the night then in La Paz on Sunday for Mother’s Day. We needed to come down ahead of the buyer to fix the forward head and make sure all systems are working. It is such a long drive from Bahia to Loreto. It takes us 7 hours and we are tired when we arrive. Our good friends that have a home there are away so we will stay in our favorite hotel, Angra, for the night. I don’t know why I was so sleepy on the way down but it was hard for me to stay awake. I will sleep well I think tonight. After arriving at the hotel, we checked emails and rested. Then we walked up the street to get dinner. Our favorite stand was open and I had a super burro. Nummmm!!!! Then back to the hotel to relax, watch some T.V. then go to bed. We don’t have a long drive tomorrow which is nice.
After waking this morning, we went to breakfast, packed up the truck, turned in our key and remote controls for the air conditioner and T.V. and headed across the street for gas. Then we were off to La Paz. About 3-4 hours later we arrived at the boat. We wanted to stop and check her out before going to a hotel. We decided that since we might have a buyer we didn’t want to stay on the boat and mess it up. So once we checked the boat out, we went down to see our broker and his wife, who have become very good friends. They live on their boat in the same marina. We had a great little visit and they invited us to dinner on their boat. All we had to do is pick up steaks for us and a bottle of wine and asparagus before coming back. We said goodbye and headed to our favorite hotel Casa Buena, in La Paz. We checked in and got settled then later on left to stop at the store to get what we needed for dinner and arrived at Tommy and Susie’s boat. Tommy BBQ’d the steaks and Susie cooked the asparagus, mushrooms, and made a salad. We had a wonderful dinner and great time with them. We will be getting together pretty much every day while we are in La Paz. I had a great Mother’s Day not only being able to spend it with good friends but both my sons wished me a great day!!!!! As long as I get that I am happy!
Today we went down to the boat where Dave proceeded to work on the head. He replaced the duck bills, and seals. When he got it put together it worked better but we were still losing pressure from the bowl. The water would drain out and the pump wouldn’t stop. So Dave was frustrated. While he worked I played solitaire and helped him when I could. It was a very long and hot day and it didn’t help that after all the new parts it still didn’t work. It was getting late so we needed to stop and go back to the hotel and then contact Tom and Sue as to the plans for the night. Dave needed to take a shower anyway. We stopped at OXXO (that is a convenient store in Mexico) for a large Gatorade as we were very thirsty and hot. Dave called Tom to see what the plan was and they were on their way back to their boat. So we told them we were heading to the hotel so he could shower but Tom had a meeting at 6:00pm that night so whatever plans we had went out the window. So we went back down to the marina and waited for them there. We visited with them for a short time then Tom left for his meeting and we went to the hotel. After Dave took a shower we discussed what we were going to do about dinner and neither one of us really want to go anywhere, so we went to the grocery store and picked something up and came back to the hotel and ate dinner. Then we relaxed for the rest of the night.
Back to the boat today. Dave is going to try and take off the toilet bowl and change the seals there and see if it does any good. Well it did as it is holding pressure but the pump isn’t shutting off. This was a puzzle for Dave and he figured that was all that could be done. So we left the boat and for whatever reason Dave looked up on top of the traveler and noticed the line was looking funny. It was frayed. With closer inspection he found it had broke. So now we have to get a new line to replace the old one. 14 years in the sun finally did its job. It is a good thing Dave noticed it. It would have not been good when they went out on sea trials.
Barritt arrived today, the 11th and will meet Dave at the boat in the afternoon. I am not going with them as I am going to get some exercise and walk to the department store a few blocks away. All I wanted to do was snoop and get an idea of what I want to buy and the cost. Dave was gone all afternoon. After I got back from my walk I did some blog work and got the April blog posted. Then I took a shower and after that went and sat in the shade and read my book and also watched Susu and her son, Arthur, enjoy the pool. It is therapy for Arthur as it helps strengthen his muscles. He is disabled mentally and physically but what a cute guy and he has made amazing progress since the last time I saw him. He is 7 now. Dave finally got back from meeting with Barritt and he said it went really well. Dave gave him all the reading material we had on the boat so he could get started learning about the systems on the boat. We decided to go to dinner at Banditos so we walked there and found it was closed. It was Wednesday and we forgot. So we had to think of another place not far away from there so we walked down to where the broker office is and across from that is a restaurant called The Dock Cafe. So we ate there. As we were waiting for our dinners, we got a call from our grandson, E.J. who is in the Air Force. He told me of when he was graduating and coming to Seattle. He wanted to surprise his step mom, Brooke and his Dad so he didn’t want them to know he was graduating 4 days earlier than he had told them. It was good to hear his voice and we just let him know to let us know when he was going to be there. After dinner we walked back to the hotel and Dave thought it would be fun if we could pick E.J. up at the airport and arrive at his Dad and Brooke’s house to surprise them. I wrote to E.J. the next day and told him what his grandpa has thought and he replied he liked that idea. Well that plan changed when I found out that Brooke and family will be on vacation from June 25 until July 4. Oops. So I wrote E.J. back and told him about that and said he would have to tell them when he was arriving. So no surprises!!! We are letting him decide what he wants to do. He can fly to Seattle or Las Vegas where the family would pick him up on their way home. If he decides to go to Seattle we will pick him up at the airport and bring him to the house. We can stay there for a while until we figure out where else we can lay our head. Brooke did ask us to stay the week in July when she has Cheer camp and we told her yes. A whole week with the little guy!!!! Whoohoo!!! So we will wait to hear what E.J. wants to do before we make plans to leave Bahia. It is all good.
We went to Lopez Marine store and got the line for the traveler but we need to get it spliced so we went to see Tom at La Paz Yacht office and asked them to get a hold of one of the workers to do that job. He couldn’t do it until the next day but that would be alright as long as it gets on the boat before the sea trial!!!
Sea trial day is today, Thursday, 12th. Tom, Dave and Barritt will do the sea trial and I will hang with Susie and watch a chick flick. Well change of plans. Yesterday, the 11th, Sue was playing cards and got really sick. We had seen here earlier and she didn’t feel good and had dry heaves. But then after that she said she was fine. So she played cards and ended up getting really sick to where Tom had to take her to the hospital She was kept overnight for observation. She wasn’t going to be released until around 4:00pm on Thursday so there won’t be a girls’ day. So while the guys did the sea trial I walked to the Pharmacy, fabric store and 2 grocery stores. I got my exercise today!!! When I got back I took a shower and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon waiting for Dave to get back and tell me how it all went. I had just laid down for a rest when Dave came home and he had Barritt with him. Dave introduced me to him and he said he was the new owner of Wave Sweeper. But he isn’t keeping the name. He will change it to Serendipity II. They have a 44 foot boat in San Diego they live on named Serendipity so Wave Sweeper will be no more. We will keep our call sign in Bahia as ‘Wave Sweeper’ as there won’t be a boat around with that name. We can guarantee it!!!! It is very unusual. So the boat has finally sold. Of course we are still not getting real excited yet as you know how things can go. But it looks really good and Barritt and his wife are very excited to get the boat so they can cruise Mexico and have a boat in La Paz and one in San Diego. Barritt actually is a nice guy but was very frustrated when he tried to get our boat and lost it. But it all worked out so we are all happy.
Today is Friday and Barritt is flying back to San Diego and we are heading back to Loreto then home. We need to have a paper notarized so we went to the broker and waited for him to come into the office, then Barritt showed up and had a couple questions for Dave and we talked of some other boat things. He said his wife is very excited to get down and start making new curtains and to make it their own!!!! When Tom got into the office he had papers printed out for us to sign and then he was trying to get in to see the notary but the one office they do business with had no notary person until Monday. Not good for us. We need to be in Bahia Monday to celebrate our good friend Phil’s 77 year birthday. So Tom tried another notary, they charge more but they could do it so off we went. It was done in about 30 minutes. Susie is home from the hospital but directed to stay in bed and drink only fluids and eat soft food. They don’t know what is wrong with her and she is supposed to go back on Monday for more tests and x-rays. After we left the notary, we came back to the brokerage office and Tom called Susie and told her we were going to come by and say goodbye and get hugs. We said goodbye to Tom and we can now say that the boat is under a new owner. They have decided to leave the boat there in Fonatur Marina and hire the same guys to wash and dive the boat when they aren’t using her. So we are very happy about that!!!!! What a relief!!!! We had to settle our electric and water bill with the marina and that will be the last we see of them. We have no desire to keep a boat (big) in Mexico. We want to get a small fishing boat that not only will be used to fishing but visiting the islands and exploring and enjoying the sea life. But that won’t be for a while. We have to build up the ole bank account first. As far as the boat goes it has changed ownership but it isn’t official yet until the Title company and insurance are all taken care of. So we are looking at the time frame for it to close and all things taken care of, another week. So we aren’t celebrating yet.
Phil had his birthday party at a restaurant in town and about 38 people showed. Phil and Creela were happy and having a great time. They were able to get here and enjoy this time in Bahia. Phil still has speech problems and his muscles are weak and he has a little limp, but he has made an amazing recovery from his major stroke. This trip was a trial run to see how he did. They had to cut their trip short though because one of their dogs is deaf and doesn’t hear the command to come back from chasing a coyote. So they decided to go back home to San Diego. Next trip he should be stronger and hopefully they will have a shock collar for Taco so she will know when to come back. It was so good to see them and I met Creela’s granddaughter and Phil’s cousin. Nice people and very helpful to Phil.
Well today, the 19th is the day we signed the closing papers. Tomorrow it should be a done deal and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief!!!!!! It has been such a long 6 years with its trials and tribulations and if it hadn’t been for my faith in God I wouldn’t have done so well. I knew deep inside the boat would sell and was disappointed when it took so long, but God has a plan for all of us and it always works out better than I could imagine, but it takes patience (which I lack sometimes) and the willing to just let go. There is always hope.
Today being the 20th is a day to celebrate as the boat is finally out of our hands and into the new owners. May they have as much fun with her as we did. They were meant to have the boat at they are very particular about maintenance and how things work and all that a careful owner would be. They have sailed many places in the world on their 44 foot boat so they aren’t new to the cruising world. Our boat needed an expert sailor and God found the perfect couple!!!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!! So now a new Adventure begins------this time without Wave Sweeper!!!!! I have started another blog for the next adventure on land and it will be available soon. To read that one you need to go to www.lifewithoutwavesweeper.blogspot.com.
I am finishing out this month and then there will be no more posts to this blog.
Happy Birthday to our daughter-in-law, Brooke. Hope she has a wonderful year and day!!!!
Today, the 24th is our 25th wedding anniversary!!!!! It sure doesn’t seem we have been married that long!!!! Wow!!!! We have had our trials and tribulations but it has been a really good time and I am looking forward to many more years with this man!!!! He is the love of my life and soul mate and best friend. We are enjoying our life and have so much more to look forward to. I am excited for the future.
Here it is----the end of May!!!! The boat has SOLD, Dave and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and we are stress free!!!!! It feels so good. Today, the 31 is our gate guards 31 year birthday. He is celebrating with family today and we in the neighborhood will celebrate his day tomorrow with Pizza and cake. Fun, fun!!!!
Thank you all who have been reading this blog and following our life with the adventures, frustrations and fun times. Don’t forget that this is the end of the Wave Sweeper blog and onto the new life without Wave Sweeper. Come join me on our new ride through life!!!! I won’t be posting anything on the new blog until the end of June, just so you know. Thank you and enjoy every day as they are all a gift!!!!! Quote taken from a good friend battling cancer.