In last month’s blog I had mentioned I was making magnet angels out of shells and using glitter foam for the wings. I also made bees out of shells and the stinger is a porcupine quill. So here is what I have done so far. I am having fun creating the angels and I think I like these better than the cork ones I made. It’s all good.
I am experimenting with wire and sea glass and I want to make some sea glass and driftwood mobiles but I have to finish up with the angels and bees then I can move on to something else. I did create 2 turtles out of rock and shells. Those are really time consuming but fun.
I made a new jelly fish mobile for our grandson, David who is 5. I made him one a couple years ago but when mom and dad got divorced it got tossed so I made another one for his room at dad’s house. I think it turned out better but of course I am bias.
I have a lot of ideas but I have other things I am doing like the counted cross stitch of a dragon and wizard I started about 3 years ago for Dave. I get interrupted by projects for our newborn grandsons and then making things for the art show and whatnot that I have to spread my time between my crafting and doing other things. What a life eh????? Wow!!! If you only had those problems huh?! I enjoy being creative and can spend hours putting things together. I am going to try and practice wrapping stones and sea glass in wire. I can’t wait see what comes out of my playing!!!! Stay tuned!!!
I am hoping to take my sewing machine and some craft items up with us to Washington State so I can create up there this summer.
Now that the house is painted we are going to start on making the stairs better. Right now they are steep and everyone that visits us hates them. It’s not bad going up them but coming down------not so good!!!!!! Soooo we got 3 bags of cement, some sand and a pick-up truck load of conterra rock. It is a pretty rock and very strong. A lot of people have built walks, houses and other things out of them. Our gate guard (who helped us paint) went and got the sand and the rock. When we go to La Paz in a few days to visit the boat he will add to the rock and cement platform and stairs at the bottom of the steep wood stairs while we are gone. Here are pictures of what the stairs look like now and the platform.
These Mexican people are so amazing to me. They don’t have all the modern tools like Americans do so a lot of what they do, they do by hand. I am talking about getting the rock. They go out into the desert by the mountains in certain areas and break off the chunks of rock, load into the back of their pickup truck and then bring it to the destination. After it is off loaded, they start to shape the rocks by using a hatchet to chip off the edges and form the shape they need. It is very time consuming and a lot of manual labor. When we drive to La Paz we see road crew using machetes to cut the weeds along the edges of the highway instead of using machinery like we do in the states. They are beginning to use some weed eaters but not in many places. It is just amazing and they spend hours doing that. My back hurts just to watch them or even think about it.
The night before we were leaving to head south to La Paz we took the wood stairs down. Dave wished he had taken the steps out first before trying to take them down but we didn’t and it made it very difficult. The stairs were wedged in between the upper wood support at the top of the stairs and the cement rock fixture at the bottom. We ended up breaking a 2x12 so we will need to replace that. Our gate guard helped because we couldn’t do it without another man’s strength. When the steps were down, Dave took out some of the stairs so we could move it out of the way of Tito when he starts working on the cement and rock platform and stairs. We had a ladder to climb up and down just for the night and next day when we left for La Paz. The cement and rock job should be finished when we return from La Paz. I’m excited to see it. Then Dave will rebuild the stairs so they are shorter and less steep.
Well like I said----we took off on the 9th to head for Guerrero Negro which is 2-1/2 hours from our house. I had a dentist appointment to get my teeth cleaned and we decided we would stay the night. Now we wish we had gone to at least San Ignacio but next time we will know. I got my teeth cleaned with a noon appointment then we went to the ATM at the bank and stopped at a place that sells appliances and parts, on the way to the hotel. We had heard that the place was good and reputable and he had motors for washing machines for sale. Dave said it would be cheaper to get a motor then to buy a used machine. They cost about $50 dollars or 700 pesos. So on our way home from La Paz we will stop and buy a motor. Then Dave will have another project to do!!!! But if it solves our washing machine problem-------GREAT!!!! The next morning we had breakfast and then headed for Loreto for the night. We have good friends that have a house there and they were there this time. We couldn’t stay with them as Kristi’s mother and sister are flying in the same day we arrive, but once we got a room at our favorite hotel, we went and saw them. She was painting and Robert was just getting ready to leave and go to the hardware store when we arrived. We talked for a short time and then let them get back to work. As it turned out, her mother and sister changed plans and would arrive the next day. But we got together at a newly opened restaurant there in Loreto, named ‘Mi Loreto’ and we had the best dinner and time!!!! It was great and after dinner, Kristi and Robert were on their way to a meeting and we walked back to the hotel. It was a perfect evening for walking and dining outside.
The next morning we got up had breakfast, checked out, and were on our way to La Paz. It takes about 4 hours from Loreto so an easy trip. The weather was warm and beautiful and there wasn’t a ripple on the water which was unusual as it has been windy everywhere, everyday. Once we arrived in La Paz we had to go to the broker’s office to get the key for the boat. They had to replace the lock so they had the keys. We got to the boat but the keys wouldn’t work. They gave us the wrong keys so the broker had to come down to the marina (because they couldn’t find the correct keys) and he had to cut the lock. There is a full story here, but I won’t bore you with the details. Anyway we had a good laugh so now we are going to buy a combination lock so no keys have to be made or lost!!!! Waalaa!!!
We finally got into our boat and started opening the hatches as it was stuffy and warm below. Then we had a little snafu with the power station on the dock. A man that is moored across the dock from us was using our power station. The reason for that was he didn’t have a 50 amp electrical cord so the marina said they could plug into the one we use. Oops!!! We went to the office and got it all straightened out to where we do have a splitter electrical cord which allows us to plug into a 50 amp receptacle. So problem solved and everyone is happy. We didn’t do much on the boat as it was late but we did manage to go to the store and get dinner and water and a couple other things but I forgot to get coke for our rum. Oh bother!!!!! I didn’t want to go back to the store so I went walking the dock to see if anyone had a spare coke I could buy. Well no one had one but I was walking back to the boat and our neighbor Kiki was walking toward me from her boat and I asked her if she had some coke and she said no but we could ask the captain of a 50 foot fishing boat. So I was introduced to the captain, as her and her husband is friends with him. All he had was an opened coke bottle with enough coke in it for 2 drinks. I told him that was perfect and I offered to pay him and he said no. He said he would pick us up a couple bottles and bring them to us later. So off I went and Dave and I had our Rum and coke cocktail. We saw the captain pass our boat in his boat as he was taking someone out for a ride. The Captain’s name is Carlos. When he returned I figured he wouldn’t remember and I wasn’t worried about it. I was walking up to use the facilities at the marina when Carlos was walking toward me with a bag and in it the 2 cokes he said he would get was in it. I thanked him and told him that was sweet of him to do that and I appreciated it a lot. He didn’t want any money for them and so we shook hands and said goodnight. It is always a pleasure to meet such Mexican people. So now we have enough coke for a couple nights of cocktails!!! Yay!!!
There is a cross fit gym right across from where we Moor our boat and they were having classes up until about 10:30 last night. We went to bed around 11:00 and all was well until about midnight when someone’s car alarm went off and no one was doing anything about it. Thank goodness for ear plugs. Dave and I put some in our ears and all was well again.
It was a beautiful morning with sunshine and warm temperatures and with a slight breeze to keep cool. Dave and I went up to the marina café and had breakfast and then came back to the boat and started working on it. We had a boat brush on the boat but discovered it was broken. The guy that washes the boat broke it so now we don’t have a brush. We borrowed one from our neighbor and Dave scrubbed the top deck. Then it was my turn to clean. I rinsed the screens, bimini along with the solar panels and then the cockpit. It took a couple hours. Dave had been down below and he came up and stepped outside and slipped on the wet deck in the cockpit. He was in bare feet and just lost his footing and fell hitting his right side of his lower back hard against a step. He is a hurting unit tonight. We iced it a couple times and he is taking an inflammatory to help reduce the swelling and now he has my magnet belt on to keep that area warm so he doesn’t get stiff. We had a heating pad onboard but I must have taken it home so the magnet pad was the only warmth he has. I know he is going to be sore and stiff for a couple days. He says as long as he is walking he is fine but when he stops and tries to sit and get up again it really hurts. We will keep an eye on it and see what tomorrow brings. Bummer.
The boat looks good and it is clean and we were able to sit in the cockpit and enjoy our cocktail tonight. We had a visitor, a man that is working on another boat, helping the people get ready to sail to the Marquises (Pacific Islands). He came down to have a drink and visit as he is leaving tomorrow. He is from Australia and has his boat in Spain where he charters it. He has sailed all over the world. It was fun to talk to him and he really likes our boat but can’t afford it. When he left, Dave and I had dinner and now we are relaxing until it is time to go to bed. There are no Cross Fit classes tonight so it is quiet!!!
Tomorrow is laundry day and going to Home Depot for parts and maybe even Sam’s Club to get some food items. We will start heading back to Bahia on Tuesday.
It was a busy day today. Happy Valentine’s Day!!!! The marina café wasn’t open. We heard there was a swap meet at one of the marinas in La Paz so we decided to head that way and take a look. We didn’t find anything we couldn’t live without. When we left there we went and had breakfast near the marina. Service was slow but there were a lot of people out for breakfast. We had a good meal and relaxed. Then it was time to do some running around. We went to a grocery store to look at prices of booze and we are finding that the rum and gin we like, which is less expensive was nowhere to be found. That’s a bummer as we won’t buy the real expensive stuff. Guess we will have to give up drinking!!!! Ha!!! Where there is a will there is a way!! We have other stores to go too to check it out so who knows. Then it was off to Home Depot and we spent most of the early afternoon there looking for parts Dave needs to put our stairs back up with. He found most of the parts except one. It is a metal piece that holds a 2x4 in place to a fascia board. I can’t explain it but they are used in construction. We looked and looked for them and then asked a clerk and he even thought they had some but they didn’t. Oh well. We may find what we need maybe tomorrow. After the running around we came back to the boat and I did laundry. It seemed to take forever!!! While I waited I went upstairs to the pool and sat on the side and put my feet in. At first the water was really cold but once I got use to it, it felt good. By the time I finished with the laundry it was about 5:00pm. I was ready to sit down and relax and have a cocktail with Dave in the cockpit. After that I went down stairs and started preparing the Valentine dinner I was making for Dave. We are having steak, red potatoes cut up with lots of garlic and stir fried in butter. I didn’t have any olive oil on board. Then I sautéed crimi mushrooms while Dave was BBQing the steaks. It turned out to be a very nice dinner with red wine to boot!!! It was a busy day but turned out great!
The marina café wasn’t open again this morning and neither one of us wanted to go anywhere for breakfast and coffee so we went without coffee and had a breakfast bar. I had a lot of things to accomplish today so I got an early start. I stripped the sheets off the bed, put clean ones on, cleaned both heads; checked the water in the batteries with Dave’s help. I needed his steady hand in pouring the water in the batteries. Not to say my hand shakes or anything, he is just better at it!!! Vacuumed and then I was done with my chores. Well all except laundry. I need to do one more load. Dave and I went down to the broker’s office to give them money for the guy that is going to be washing our boat topside and to another man who is diving and cleaning the bottom of the boat. Then we left and started a hunt for a construction parts place. We stopped at one but they didn’t have the metal strips we needed so we went one more place and they did have a couple different kinds so Dave bought 3. Then it was off to the pharmacy then Home Depot.
I was going to get paint to start painting the bathroom at the house, but decided against it. We had an incident before we left for La Paz where more money was taken out of Dave’s retirement check that wasn’t expected and it was going to hurt us big time if we couldn’t take care of the problem. Well after a couple days calling about our Health Insurance plan, Dave was able to talk to someone and explain that we had no idea the plan was changing and now that it is past enrollment time, were we going to be stuck with that amount coming out of the check until November??? As it turns out the gentleman was very accommodating and said other people complained about the same thing. There wasn’t much information put out about our plan changing. So we are suppose to get that money refunded next month and the insurance plan we are going with will be much cheaper but just the same as the old one we had. The new plan just covers Dave and me, not family. So that is good and we breathed a lot better. So now we hope it happens. There is always something going on. There is always time to get the paint later.
The boat broker had told us there was a guy from San Diego who was interested in the boat. He and the broker had been e-mailing back and forth and talking on the phone. He didn’t want to pursue the boat until he returned from a whale tour in March. Well like all the other times when people said they were interested in the boat ---it never came to be so we aren’t holding our breath. Apparently the guy is interested enough to ask a bunch of questions and even talk to the Hunter people about the boat. He and his wife have sailed to faraway places so they know what it is all about. So we will just wait and see what happens. At least interest is picking up!!!!
It is time to leave La Paz and head home. We went up to the Marina Café, had breakfast and our boat neighbors Kiki and Craig joined us. We had a nice visit and then we had to take care of our bill for electricity and water and then head out. Once all that was taken care of and the boat was secured we left. Oh yeah. We didn’t get a combination lock as they were too big for what we needed so we got another lock that had 2 keys. We gave one to the boat broker. I hope they don’t lose this one!!!!! Ha!! So everything is locked and secured. We arrived in Loreto mid afternoon and got a room at our favorite hotel. They are like family to us!!! They are always happy to see us and we them!!
We had a restful night and then got up early the next morning, had breakfast and headed for Guerrero Negro where we are going to see if we can get a motor for the washing machine.
We got a motor so we will take it home and see if it works. We arrived in Bahia mid afternoon and didn’t hurry to unload everything from the truck as we still have a ladder to climb. We got what we needed for the night and we will get the rest of the stuff tomorrow. I ended up tying a rope to the overnight bags and some other things and hauled them up to the deck as I didn’t want Dave to hurt his back further in the process. Oh boy!!!! Our neighbors had fun watching the evolution. They invited us to dinner for soup and salad. That was really nice because I had no idea what we were going to eat. We had a nice visit with George and Mary and then we came back home and relaxed for the night. Tomorrow Dave will start working on the stairs.
Well it has been a working day today getting the stairs together and raised. Tito, our guard wasn’t around so he couldn’t help but Dave and I managed just fine. All I can say it is a good thing part of my exercise program is working with weights as they have made a big difference in my strength!!!! Dave and I got the 2, 2x12 boards in place. He was at the bottom where the new cement platform and stairs are and I was upstairs on the deck helping lift the board with a rope attached to it for leverage. It was a lot of back breaking work but we were successful. Now all Dave has to do is get the steps in. That is tomorrow’s project.
Thank goodness we didn’t have a lot of wind when we were lifting and placing the 2x12’s yesterday. Dave has worked with making things and replacing wood items and such but when it comes to putting in stairs he draws a blank. Our friend Ray said he would help but he is in the states so we really don’t have expert help. Thank goodness our neighbor George was available to help. So once George got Dave started in the right direction, the rest was up to him and me. I had no idea how much planning and measuring, making sure everything is level it takes to do stairs. Not as easy as it looks. So it took us a couple days to get them in but now they are finished and they are wonderful. We ended up taking about 5 steps out of the original staircase. Now that the steps are complete it is time to put the railing up. We are going to try and use the existing wood but some of it is really warped so we will have to buy a few new pieces. The next house we have will not have stairs!!!! What a pain in the royal patooti!!!! But they are done and they look and feel marvelous!!!! Finally that project is done. So now the house is looking good. Next project on the list is to replace the deck. We will do that when we can afford it. So projects never end here. But that is part of owning a house or anything for that matter.
I have been getting beach walks in and finding a few treasures here and there. I also have been working on my crafts. I want to take some of them up with me when we go to Washington this summer to possibly sell them like I did last year. It helps me replenish my craft needs.
It is the 24th and it is our grandson, Brody’s 8th birthday!!!! On the 15th our oldest grandson, Ethan turned 21!!! Congrats Ethan. His mom, Kristen had a birthday too on the 24th. So happy birthday everyone!!!
Here is a picture of my 'Don't Worry Be Hoppy' frog I made and is in a Bahia friends garden!