I am still coughing and my sinus’ are clogged. I have been taking medication I brought from the states which has helped but it isn’t clearing up the congestion in my chest. I went into town to get some groceries on my normal Saturday run to town and hemmed and hawed whether to stop at the clinic to be checked out. I decided while I was in town I would so I went in and told him what was going on (he spoke good English and understood) and he listened to my chest and then gave me a couple medications, one for the congestion in my chest and the other to clear the sinus’. He wrote out the instructions for the medication and that was that. I gave him some money and he didn’t want to take it but they are allowed to take donations. I figured it would cost me much more if I had to buy the medication at the pharmacy. The clinic visit and medication is free. Most of the people in this little fishing village can’t afford medication or see the doctor so they have young doctors that have learned in the states to come here and rotate out each month. It is their hands on training. For really serious stuff they have you go to another town with a hospital.
Our grandson, Jonathan Jr. turned 3 today, the 6th. How fast they grow!!!!
Christopher, the son of our dear friend, Ruth, that died a couple years ago from cancer, is down here working on the house his mom left him. He brought a friend to help put a new roof on the house, well half of it and get some electrical work done. There is a lot that needs to be fixed and replaced so Christopher is doing it when he has the time. I am so glad he likes it here and wants to fix the house so he can live in it later. He reminds me so much of my oldest son, Ernie. We invited him and his friend over for dinner a couple of times and it was good to visit with them. He could only be here for a week as he needs to get back to his job in San Diego. He said he will be coming down again in February.
Our grandson E.J. had been in the Air Force boot camp since November and he is graduation on the 8th. Dave and I wanted to go so bad but no matter how much we looked at our finances we just couldn’t swing it with air fare and hotel plus meals. Well it turned out to be a blessing in disguise as I was sick so we wouldn’t have been able to go anyway. We were sad we couldn’t be there but Brooke and Ernie posted pictures of the graduation and it was really cool. E.J. was honored with carrying the guide on (squadron flag) which is a big deal. He looks so good in his uniform. It was important to have his dad and brothers there and they got to spend some quality time with him. His mother came to the graduation which was nice.

It has been really windy at times but when the weather is nice Lynn and I walk the beach in the afternoon. Lynn and Tom will be leaving soon so now that I am over my flu/cold bug, our neighbor Mary, Lynn and I went on an arroyo hike nearby. We hiked about 2.7 miles and then came back. It was a nice day and it wasn’t windy. Here are some pictures. There are lots of arroyos to hike and I plan on trying to hike some of them as long as there aren’t huge boulders to get around. You never know what you will find. It was good to get out and get some exercise!!

With the wind we had some grey skies but when the sun came out this is what we saw. Beautiful!!!
I’ve been going through all our stuff to see what I want to get rid of for the yard sale in March. I have a few things together so we should be able to make a little money. I love these sales as I can always find something interesting. Well some of the time. Last year I didn’t buy a thing.
We finished painting the house. The pictures of the house in the last blog were only partially finished. We have finished all the painting on the house and electrical room so all is good and we really like the color as it blends in with the scenery. Here is the finished product.
All of us that were here in our community helped our gate guards wife celebrate her birthday. She was very pleased and moved that we would do that for her. We played a game of broche ball and had some appetizers and then she opened her presents and then we had cake. It was a fun time and they are such good people. We like having them as guards!!!
Tom and Lynn are leaving soon so we had them over for dinner. It is kind of a tradition for someone to have a dinner for them when they arrive and then again the night before they have to leave. This way they don’t have any clean-up to do and they can relax. They are involved with the whale tours so they won’t be back until April.
We had the Baja 200 race on the road behind our house. Dave walked out to the road to view the cars which would be a while, but he would find someone to talk to while he waited. I had chores to do like defrost the refrigerator and freezer, vacuum, and laundry. When those things were done I walked to the road and waited for the trucks to come by. I met up with some friends and visited with them and saw a few of the cars, then walked back to the house. I had had enough dust for one day. I tried to find Dave but he was in the other direction I looked. So I found out later when he got home. Ha!! As I was walking back to the house I came upon a dead and fallen cordon. It is a nice one and since it is on the property we live on we can take it and not get in trouble. But it was too heavy so I will have to come back with Dave and the truck and get it. I want to put it in the back yard. That is where we drive up to the house. If the cordon was on another person’s property, I would have to pay a Mexican to get it for me. But I lucked out. It is against the law here to dig up plants or even haul away dead cordon. If caught they can take your vehicle and you pay a large fee and maybe even spend time in jail. Everyone uses the dead cactus as yard art.
Oh yeah----the washing machine we got from a friend broke. It worked great for about 3 or 4 times then the motor died. Well that is what Dave thinks as he took it all apart and couldn’t find anything wrong with it. The agitator doesn’t rotate back and forth and it doesn’t spin dry the clothes. Matter of fact it doesn’t drain the water out either!!!!! We had to suction the water out of the machine and that was a lot of fun!!!!! NOT!! When all that was done I went back to the boat method with a bucket and plunger which actually works really well. A little detergent, water, add clothes, plunger the clothes for a few minutes, ring the clothes out and put them in another bucket, get fresh water and rinse the clothes again with the plunger then ring out and hang to dry!!!! Easy peasy!!!! Ha!!
I have played Mexican Train (dominoes) and a card game with the ladies. There aren’t that many gals down here yet to have too many games.
It has been really windy and one night it blew about 40-50 knots. The windows and screens rattled and it was cold!!!! We had to go and rescue a couple buckets that blew away and I even went to the trailer and made the beds just in case it got to wild in the house to sleep. As it turned out we slept in the house and the wind was still howling in the morning.
We had some very sad news this week. The people that we bought the house from came down in October and stayed until just before Thanksgiving and went back to their house in San Diego. They were packing up and ready to head back down to Bahia when she got a check-up. She had breast cancer and was treated last year and went through the chemo and radiation and was given a clean bill of health. That was this fall. They said she was cancer free. So her hair grew back which was grey now, and she felt good and looked good. Well she had a check-up this month and they found more cancer and it had metastasized and has gone into the bone and her brain and possibly her lungs. It was such a shock when we heard about it!!! I still can’t believe it. She felt good all through her treatments and I thought it was a miracle because no one I have known that has had cancer ever felt good during treatment. And now this!!! So needless to say she has undergone radiation treatments to shrink the tumors in the brain and now is taking medication to hopefully work on the rest of the cancer in her body. The outcome does not look good but this woman is remarkable. She is trying to keep positive and she has told us she has had a good life and she will enjoy whatever time she has left. I feel so blessed to have her as my friend and she is truly a wonderful woman. She is loved by many. I feel sorry for her, her husband and their daughter. I am praying that she will not live in pain and when it is her time she will go in peace. But mostly I pray she will have a few more months, year, to be with us. This goes to show us all how fragile life really is!!!! One minute you are healthy and then boom!!! So I hope you all take each day and live it to the fullest and cherish your families and friends!!! Life really is short!!!
I have been creating things in my art room. I have made one turtle from rock and shells and now I am making magnet angels out of shells and glitter foam for the wings. When I have enough of them made I will take pictures and share in next month blog. I also made some magnet bees. They turned out cute. Well until next month-----be happy,live your life well and thank the Lord for everyday.