This month is also for appointments like a mammogram, eye exam and hearing test. Dave had a doctor appointment on the 1st so he started the month with a healthy report!!!! Yahoo!!!! Actually we are both in good health.
The weekend of the 3rd we were on Ron and Noreen’s boat. They invited us to go with them to see the fireworks in Poulsbo. We dropped anchor and another couple rafted off us and before we knew it we had about 4 boats all rafted off one another. We had to put down extra anchors due to the weight but it was a beautiful spot. The weather was hot so guess what we did? Yep!!!! We got in the water. Noreen bought a couple floaties just for the weekend. It took me a while to actually get in the water as it was really cold!!!! I’m a scarety cat when it comes to getting in water period, so with it so cold I really had to debate whether it was worth the shock to my body!!!! I finally just told myself to ‘just do it’ as the other gals were already in and coaxing me to get in. Once I got in it felt wonderful!!! It was fun to float around and enjoy the coolness of the water on a hot NW afternoon. After that refreshing plunge I rinsed off with fresh water and changed into dry clothes. Everyone had a fun time and the fireworks were really good. The next morning Noreen fixed a wonderful crab omelet and after that we just took our time getting things organized as we were going to a party at a friend’s house in Keyport that afternoon. About noon we pulled anchors and headed for Keyport which was just a hop, skip, and jump from where we anchored. Our friends have a house above an inlet so we anchored not far from them and then guess what we did?????? You got it--------in the water we went. It was a blast but everyone said the water was colder. I stayed in longer than I thought I would but it did feel good. It felt even better out of the water in the warmth drip drying!! Around 4:00pm we took our dishes that we made to share to shore and enjoyed the party. They always have a tremendous set up and since they have a small dock on their property, their daughter loves to blow up fireworks. After eating and drinking all we could, we started watching the fireworks show. Meaning that Ashly (the pyroteck) wheeled about 4 or 5 wheel borrow full of fireworks down the dock. In addition to that she had quite a few people carrying more down the dock. It took about 4 people to set up the fireworks display on the end of the dock and when they were done, after about an hour or so, it was around 10-10:30pm. Everyone had picked the spot they were going to watch the fireworks from and then the fun began. It was a fantastic show for a private party and it lasted at least an hour. When it was over Ron, Noreen and we went back to the boat. What a fun day!!!
After breakfast we pulled anchor and headed back to Ron and Noreen’s boat slip in Brownsville Marina. After getting into the slip; tied and hooked up, Dave and I gathered our things; said thank you and returned to the condo. There was another party to happen that afternoon, but we were partied out so we didn’t go.
Today is the day I get my stitches out. Oh yeah!!!! I hadn’t seen a report from the doctor on the lab results so I will just check online when I return home. The nurse took the stitches out and I can continue to heal. When I got home I went online to the Group Health site and saw the results. They must have just posted them that afternoon. That plug of skin they took out turned out to be skin cancer. They reassured me they got it all so now I really have to keep an eye on my skin. I wear sun screen and a big hat when in the sun and even on cloudy days, but I have to confess I don’t always cover up when I go on walks. Sometimes I do but now I will have to. Well other than that I am healthy so I thank the Lord for that!!!!
We were invited to a Brownsville Yacht Club Junior Officers picnic on the 11th. We use to belong and had to drop out due to us moving to Mexico, but they still like to have us at their outings which are nice. The weather has cooled down and is threatening to do some sprinkling. It is still in the 70’s so it isn’t cold and they really need the rain. It was good to see some of the people we haven’t seen in a while and get to visit with them.
This Saturday, the 18th, I get to babysit our new grandson, Cameron, and his brother Jonathan Jr. I am so excited!!!! It is hard to see them as both parents work during the week and the boys are in daycare. So we try to see them when we can. Beware------there will be pictures!!!!!
I am still stitching away on the cross stitch soccer player for Eian. I am progressing quite nicely and by next month it will be done. Yay!!!! I ordered and received the instructions for 2 cross stitch birth announcements to do when I get home. Yes! They are for our new grandsons!!!! Unfortunately they won’t get them until next summer but it will be a keepsake.
Monday the 20th we are going to Ernie and Brooke’s house to help with the boys. Brody usually spends this time with his Dad but for whatever reason he wasn’t and Brooke is at Cheer camp all week. They asked if we could come and watch and take care of the boys while Ernie was at work and she at camp. Of course we said yes. It is good to get to know Brody some more and help him with soccer skills as he is in a select group for his age. He is 7. I have been to a couple of his practices and am helping him with some of the skills he needs to work on. It brought back memories when my boys were learning soccer. I cooked dinner for them every night so Ernie wouldn’t have to worry about having to feed the kids. I enjoy doing that and the boys really liked what I fixed.
Now with all the kids having X-box games and tablets and all, it is hard to get them interested in outdoor activities. I have always been an advocate for outdoor time for kids. So when Brody wanted to watch cartoons and play games on the tablet there was some real limited times for both. He still didn’t play outside much but did engage his mind in using his imagination to play with his awesome toys. Eian was busy with football practice and activities and E.J. was working and spending time with his girlfriend and us when he was home. It was nice just to be part of their lives. Friday, when Brooke was to return home, I told Eian I was making spaghetti sauce in the crockpot and all they would have to do is cook the noodles when they were ready to eat. He helped with the prep work and then mixing it all together. He loves to help and does some cooking himself. That was fun and we had a good time. He is such a goof and he makes us laugh!!!! With everything the boys went through with their mother, they have turned out good. They will struggle with some things but they are so much better off with their dad now!!!! I am so relieved and pleased at how the boys have grown and have turned out. We are very proud of them!!!! Ernie and Brooke have done a great job. There are still issues that need working out in their lives but at least they are growing into fine young men. E.J. has decided to go into the Air Force and has signed up and he should be going off to boot camp sometime around late September or early October. He wanted to be around to see his half brother born in August. E.J. had been accepted to 3 colleges and he decided he wanted to go to Eastern, but he couldn’t get a full scholarship and Brooke and Ernie didn’t have the money the school wanted up front, so E.J. decided to join the Air Force. I think that was a very adult decision on his part and he made that on his own without his Dad having any input.
Brooke was suppose to be home from Cheer camp around 3:00pm and Ernie shortly after that, but Ernie called and said that Brooke was delayed for an hour so if we wanted to leave we could because both boys were there with Brody and he didn’t think much would happen. The boys were watching a movie so we said our goodbyes and gave hugs and kisses. We had to catch the Edmonds ferry and on a Friday afternoon especially during commute time we would run into traffic. We lucked out though when we got to the ferry as we only had to wait an hour before loading. That wasn’t bad. After crossing the Puget Sound and landed in Kingston, we decided to eat out. We ended up in Silverdale at the Red Robin for dinner. That had been on our list to do while we were here and there were people waiting to be seated but we just walked into the bar and found a table open and sat down. The waitress had to clear the plates but at least we didn’t have to wait to be seated. We had a great dinner and beer, watched the Mariners play baseball and after dinner left and went home to relax. It was nice to be able to come back to a place where it was just us and no one else. We are very grateful to Ron and Noreen for letting us stay in their Condo. We truly have some remarkable friends. It works out for them as well because we keep an eye on things here and keep it clean.
Today, the 22nd is my Nieces birthday. Happy Birthday Kathy!!!!!
I had a mammogram appointment this afternoon. It was quick and easy. After that I did a little shopping for craft items then went home.
Today I get my eyes checked. Thank goodness. I had to wait a month to get in to see the doctor as it was too early for insurance to pay for it. I have been having such trouble seeing. I have stigmatism in both eyes and I haven’t been able to read signs on the freeway or anywhere in the distance and when I am doing my cross stitch I have had a devil of a time seeing as I am always adjusting the position to see it clearer. So it was good to know that I did need a new prescription but also found out I have the start of cataracts. Well I knew I would get them sooner or later, but was surprised that I was getting them sooner than I thought I would. Oh well. So I will need to have my eyes checked every year for the progression of the cataracts then when they can’t correct them any longer with glasses, I will get the surgery. So I am looking at least at a couple more years. Dave had his eyes done so I know it is a simple, painless and worthwhile surgery. So the aging process continues. Well it does beat the alternative-----death, so I will take what comes along and hope and pray my quality of life continues for a long time.
The weather has been warm and beautiful. We are so enjoying it. The temperature is just right for us as everyone else is saying it is too hot. Back home in Mexico it is hot, very humid with lots of rain. So we are having a great summer.
We got a little excited that we might have sold the boat, but it didn’t last long. There was a couple looking at 3 different boats and one of them was ours. They both liked the boat but the wife was very nervous about being on the boat with it on braces since it is out of the water for the summer. Come to find out, she is, like most women, are very nervous and anxious about a boat heeling over. So needless to say they ended up buying a catamaran which is what happens most of the time when women are nervous about monohaul sailboats. So we were slightly disappointed but not surprised. Our turn is coming!!!!! We were really surprised that anyone was looking at boats this time of the year, being that it is hurricane season down there now. September things will start to pick up again and we will have a better chance at someone buying it. IT WILL HAPPEN!!!! I am keeping the faith!!! It would be nice if the boat sold before we had to go back home to Mexico because we could take care of the paperwork for the boat here and the loan. But we aren’t going to worry about it. It is what it is and when it happens we will be ecstatic!!!! Then we will be able to see what God has in store for our future. It is exciting and frustrating at the same time. But everything works out the way it is suppose to so NO WORRIES!!!!!
I received the 2 counted cross stitch birth announcement patterns in the mail and to my surprise that was all that was there, the pattern. I have to buy the aida cloth and embroidery thread. Had I been more attentive I would have realized it wasn’t a kit. But I couldn’t find anything like these in a kit so it is what it is. Now I need to go shopping!!! Ha!!! I am hoping to start on the smaller one which is for Conor as the finished size will be 5x7. It would be nice if I could get that finished and give it to Conor before we leave. Here are some pictures of our grandson Brody at soccer practice. He has a good stride and is learning to control the ball. We are very proud of him!!