We made it to Redding and then cut over toward the coast and ended up staying at Arcata for the night as it was too far to drive to Brookings that day. We relaxed and will head out in the morning and be at Robert and Kristis’ house in Brookings, Oregon in the afternoon.
After breakfast we headed toward the Oregon state line but before crossing the border we stopped at the ‘save money’ liquor store. We called Ron and asked him what he wanted, as we always fill his order and get reimbursed later. We shopped for ourselves and Ron and Noreen then were over the border shortly thereafter. We arrived at Robert and Kristi’s house late morning and Kristi was at Yoga and Robert was busy doing something downstairs. We visited with Robert then he went back to work and Kristi came home and I talked with her for awhile. It was just a relaxing day. It had been raining and continued all afternoon then let up that evening. We were thinking we might stay with them for a couple days, but that plan got changed as they are heading out in the morning for Medford to get doctor appointments and other business taken care of. We enjoyed the time we had with them and we went to the restaurant and martini bar named ‘Super Fly’ for dinner. For desert I ordered a chocolate martini and shared it with all of us. Yummmm!!!! We headed back to the house and relaxed for the rest of the night. We all went to bed early as we needed to get up early (all of us) and head out.
The next morning we headed back to I-5 going north (which is the quickest way to get to Washington) and Kristi and Robert were not far behind us but would turn south to go to Medford. It is always fun and a good time when we stop and see them. They are great people.
It wasn’t raining when we headed out but as we traveled north the rain clouds were building and then it really rained. Neither one of us likes to drive in the rain, especially when it is hard to see what is in front of you, so we decided not to push it all the way to Bremerton and stopped mid afternoon just south of the border between Oregon and Washington. My back was hurting, not only from sitting all that time in the car but from walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes, at the hotel we stayed in last night. Since this hotel had a hot tub and no little kids jumping around in it, matter of fact I had the whole pool area to myself!!!!!! WHAT?????? I put my swimsuit on and went down and sat in the hot tub for at least 30 minutes letting the jets relieve the stress in my back. Dave stayed in the room as he wanted to get on the internet and do a couple other things. When I got out I was relaxed and even though my back was still sore, it felt so much better. When I got back to the room I changed into dry clothes, did my stretching then took a shower!!!! We went to dinner around 6:00pm and came back to the room and chilled for the night, watching T.V.
Our 9th grandson was born this morning at 7:30am. They named him Cameron Graham Adcock. He weighed 7lbs 6 oz and was 21 inches long. I can’t wait to see him.
We will be in Bremerton late this morning. The rain has stopped thank goodness and the weather seems to be clearing up. When we got to the Brownsville Marina, we walked down to Ron and Noreen’s boat. Noreen was at work but Ron was there with the pugs. When we arrived at the boat I called to Ron asking permission to come aboard and he didn’t hear me at first so I hollered again and he shows up at the steps and said come aboard with a pained look on his face. I asked him if he was alright and he said yes he had been working on the toilet all morning replacing parts and that isn’t a nice job. So we visited for a while then he went back to work and later the guys ended up going to the marine store to buy another part and when they returned the job was completed and it works great. We still don’t know where we are going to stay this summer. We will discuss it with Ron and Noreen in a day or two. They are ripping the carpet out of the boat then replacing it with cork flooring. Well that kind of job is not conducive to having guests on the boat. We had already told Ron and Noreen that we were looking at maybe house sitting somewhere in the area or looking at other options. The other options are staying in a motor home at the marina, or staying at our friend’s house from the 19th to the 29th of June, or we could stay on their 38 foot sailboat at the Brownsville Marina. Life is such an adventure!! I found out that if we house sat for our friends I would be living with 2 cats and that is not a good thing as I am highly allergic to their dander. A day or two I could handle but not for that long. Then we talked to the harbor master of Brownsville and asked about having a motor home there and he said there is no long term camping there yet. After a couple of days we would have to move somewhere else. So that kind of blew that plan out of the water. We thought that would be fun to do. Well we could park the motor home at Illahee State Park, but we would have to find out how much that would cost for the summer. The other option would be if Ron and Noreen allowed us to stay in their condo as they spend the summer at the marina on their boat. We don’t have to make any decisions right now as we are heading to Marysville for our grandsons high school graduation party on the 7th and then graduation on the 10th. We were invited to stay at my son’s house for that length of time or longer if we wanted to. That was awesome. On the 11th we were going up to visit friends in Anacortes so that worked out really well. We got to spend some quality time with the grandsons, Eian, E.J., and Brody which was fun. Got to see mama Brooke (daughter-in-law) carrying our grandson to be born in August so it was a fun time. The graduation party was fun and Brooke and Ernie had E.J.’s accomplishment and award certificates out on display, plus a couple write ups in the paper of his accomplishments in high school soccer and track.
We are so very proud of him and all the boys. They are doing well. Eian will be starting practice soon for football this fall and Brody will be starting practice for select soccer. He is 7 years old. Wow!!!!! Shades of when my boys were that age. The graduation was awesome and it was really cool to see after the graduates were seated that all those grads that were in white robes outlined a 1 and 5 for 2015. I tried to get a picture of it when it came up on the big screen at the Xfinity Area, but when I got focused the camera switched to another scene. Oh well. Ernie got a picture of it and posted it on Facebook. It was really cool but the kids didn’t even know why they were wearing 2 different colors; white and red. E.J. wore red and of course was in the front row. Here are some pictures.
My son Jon and Jonathan Jr. made it to the graduation which was held in Everette at the Xfinity area.
E.J.’s graduating class had 300 students so this was the best and biggest place to have it.
After the graduation ceremony and pictures, all but Jon and Jonathan Jr. went to the Olive Garden restaurant for dinner. It was Eian, E.J., E.J.’s girlfriend Roslyn, Brooke’s mom, Brooke, Ernie and us. Jon needed to get Jonathan Jr. home as he was really tired and getting fussy. Because his wife, Susannah, had to have an unscheduled cesarean, due to the fact that the doctor had tried to induce her but the baby was refusing to come out so they had no choice but to do C-section. She wasn’t happy she had to have one, but it is a good thing as the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. So all turned out well but Susannah can’t do much for about 2 to 3 weeks and Jon didn’t want to leave her home too long by herself. He is such a family man!!!!! Jon wasn’t sure what they were going to name him as there were 2 names Susannah liked. One was Cameron and the other Wyatt. Jon got to pick the name for the first boy so now it was her turn. She liked both but favored Wyatt. So after the baby was born and Susannah was holding him she asked him if he wanted to be called Cameron or Wyatt and he cried when she said Wyatt so Cameron it is. Cameron Graham Adcock!!!! Awesome!! They are done having kids now and are happy to have 2 healthy boys. Susannah didn’t get to bring Cameron home with her because he was jaundiced so he had to stay another day under the lights, but soon the whole family was reunited and all is well. I told Jon I almost didn’t get to bring him home from the hospital due to the same problem. I got lucky though. It would be hard to leave your newborn behind at the hospital while you got to go home. Well all that matters now is he is healthy. Susannah wants to wait a couple weeks before anyone sees Cameron, just to give him a little longer before entering him into the world of germs!!!! No worries as we are busy doing stuff so it works out just fine.
We had a nice visit with Ernie and family and now we are in Anacortes with our friends Brent and Bre. We got to see Bre after getting home from work and she made salmon cakes with salad and other good stuff. We stopped to see Brent at his work (Skagit shooting range), visited and went to lunch with him before going to the house. Jessie (their daughter) and her boyfriend Kyle came over for dinner and Bre and Jessie prepared dinner, and then waited until Brent got home before cooking the salmon patties. It was delicious!!! Bre and Brent have to work tomorrow, Friday, and then after work Bre is taking off for Eastern Washington with her sister-in-law to do some river kayaking and fly fishing. Bre has not done that so it is an adventure for her. She will return on Sunday late afternoon. So in the meantime, we get to watch the house, sit in the hot tub, go for walks and do whatever we want. I did some cross stitching----yes I am making a soccer player for Eian as he lost his when his mom and he had to move out of her boyfriends’ house. Everything got left behind and it was all thrown out with no thought of maybe Eian liking to keep his stuff. Anyway----I will make the soccer player and he asked that the colors of the uniform be of Marysville, Tomahawk colors of bright red and white. So that is what I am doing now. I hope I can finish it before we head back home, but we shall see. He also wants his football number 39 on the front of the jersey. I have to order 2 birth announcements cross stitch kits to do for the new grandboys. Those won’t get done until I get back home to Mexico.
While Brent was at work on Saturday, Dave and I drove into Anacortes to check out a couple thrift stores and get a couple items of groceries. The first thrift store we went to was closed on the weekend and the 2nd one didn’t open until 10:30am and it was 9:30am. So not wanting to wait around we ended up at a flea market on the way back to Brent’s house. It was pretty cool as it had upstairs and 2 large areas downstairs to look through. We went back to the house and a little after we were there we called Brent to see what his plans were for lunch. We met Brent at the Shrimp Shack and had some great food and beer. Then Brent was off work for the rest of the afternoon. We were so full from lunch we didn’t eat again until 10:00pm when Brent made some quesadillas. Since they have Net flicks we watched a movie Friday and Saturday night. Brent went to work after breakfast Sunday, and Dave and I got things packed up as we will be leaving in the morning. I enjoyed a soak in the hot tub that afternoon, then took a shower, washed clothes and finished packing. Dave and Brent are making Carbonara tonight for dinner and Jessie and Kyle are coming over. Bre got home and said she had a great time, took a shower then came out and visited with everyone. Jessie and Kyle were already there when Bre returned home. We had a wonderful dinner and I had made a key lime pie earlier that day so we had that for dessert. We watched some T.V. then we all went to bed.
The weather has been so beautiful and nice. There was a little wind the other day and it was cool, but still sunny. No June gloom!!! Here are a couple pictures of the view from Brent and Bres’ living room.
My back is getting better. I still can’t walk a long distance yet but do what I can. I did try to get to the beach which is down the road from Brent and Bre’s but there was no good or safe access so I had to give up that idea. Still trying to collect sea glass where I can. So far on this trip we haven’t been anywhere where I can look for it.
We were able to say goodbye to Bre before she left for work and then said goodbye to Brent as he was leaving for work. He left just a few minutes before we did so we ended up making sure the house was locked and secured then headed for the Edmond/Kingston ferry back to Bremerton.
Once back in Bremerton and on Ron and Noreen’s boat, we had to figure out where we were going to stay. We found out that while we were gone, Ron and Noreen cleaned up the spare bedroom at the condo and got it ready for us to move in. They told us after Noreen got home that night. She had worked out how much it would cost for utilities so we will be paying $125 a month to stay at the condo. We are relieved we finally have somewhere to lay our hat. Now we can have family come visit and maybe have the grandboys come and stay a weekend.