We had some clouds moving in last night and this morning the sky was cloudy and it was windy. We even got a sprinkle or two of rain. One nice thing though it isn’t cold. This system will move through today and be gone by tomorrow. That is good as I have clothes to put on the line to dry.
It is a pretty sunny morning and I am glad about that as I have clothes to dry on the line. Well that was short lived-------it got cloudy and now it looks like it will rain. Oh brother!
A friend came over with his back hoe and smoothed out our road inside the community. Dave and George, our neighbor, helped clear the rocks out of the way as the road was being smoothed. It looks so much better. Can’t wait to try it out! George asked Roger (who has the backhoe) if he would smooth and level the road as it was getting pretty bad even after we had it filled in after the hurricane. So we are good for quite a while now. While Dave was out helping with the road, I touched up the walls where the shelving unit had scraped the paint. So that job is done.
I ended up having to bring my clothes in off the line as the clouds were building and it has already rained a little. Some of the items were dry due to the wind, but the shirts and some thicker items were still wet. So in the house they came and draped over chairs. It is a good thing I brought them in as we got quite a bit of rain after that. It rained the rest of the afternoon and was still raining off and on in the evening. Sometimes it rained hard and we ended up having to put a pan on top of one of the cabinets in the kitchen where we have developed a leak. We are waiting for a calm non windy day so we can get on the roof and do some patching around the skylights, because that is where the leaks are coming from.
It rained pretty good last night and early this morning. At least part of my windows got rinsed and the solar panel did too. We have had to run the generator this morning to check emails as we don’t have any solar. There isn’t going to be any sunshine today.
We went to Guerrero Negro today for Dave to get his final cap put on his tooth. We made stops at the ATM, pharmacy and hardware store. We were able to pick out some handles for the drawers of the closet shelving unit. So now Dave has another project.
Brody’s afghan is finished and here is the finished product.
There is going to be a spring Arts and Craft show in April which I will be in, but I haven’t been creating anything right now due to trying to get the Afghans done. I still have a bunch of stuff left over from the November show so I will have plenty.
I started making the covers for drinking glass for the show and I want to start back on the counted cross stitch I started of a dragon and Merlyn last year for Dave. If I can try and do some everyday that would help. Almost half of it is done. It is just a difficult one to do on black aida cloth. But I WILL finish it.
There is a yard sale tomorrow, Saturday the 7th and we are going to try and sell a couple bamboo chairs and a stool. We don’t need or want them so hopefully someone else will need them. I always look forward to this time each year as I am always looking for stuff for the house. Granted we can’t spend a lot of money but each year I pick up a few things. It is neat to see what people are getting rid of. Dave spoke to our neighbor George this morning and George asked if we still wanted the freezer. Dave told him we did and so George is going to hold on to it until we get back from Ensenada on Tuesday. George has been running it so it works well. He must have cleaned it as he was going to do that last year before selling it to us. I don’t know how we are going to pay for it--------but George said we could take it off his hands and we would figure something out later. That is cool.
We sold the chairs and donated some items so we were successful. And guess what------we didn’t buy a thing!!! Amazing but true!
We are leaving for Ensenada on Sunday, the day after the yard sale, to get our jeep insurance. Then we will stop at Home Depot, Walmart and Costco before heading back. We will also stop in to see my good friend Penny and her husband Murray on the way home.
Dave got the handles on the drawers. They look really good. Here is a picture.
This morning I took a walk on the beach. Saw the dead dolphin that was floating out on the water the other day on the beach. The vultures were feasting and also a raven. Dave checked the tide chart and let me know that the tide had turned and was coming in and if I wanted to walk this morning it was a good time. We are expecting more wind (we’ve had wind for a couple days now) so I decided to take a walk as I haven’t done that for 2 days. I needed to rinse the clothes I had soaking and hang them on the line to dry and then I would go. I grabbed a breakfast bar and the clothes and went down to hang the clothes. When that job was done I was on my way walking the beach. It is such a beautiful morning and no wind line in site right now. I walked about a mile and a half before turning around and heading back to the house. I could see the wind line forming and knew I didn’t have much time before it would be windy. I got back just before the wind reached the house so the timing was great. I have the wind and sun on my side today for clothes to dry!!! Yay!!!
While we were driving to Ensenada on Sunday, we had a deer run across the road. I never have seen one here before so that was exciting. I knew there were some, just never saw any.
We made it in one day to Ensenada and got a room at the hotel we usually stay at then headed for Walmart and Home Depot then headed back to the hotel. We had dinner at Mc Donald’s and relaxed in our room for the rest of the night.
Next morning we got our paperwork and paid for the jeep insurance then checked out of the hotel and went to Costco to get a few things then headed to Penny and Murray’s house, in San Jacinto. We had a very nice visit and with them and before we went to dinner we stopped at a men’s old folks place not far from Penny and Murray’s place. Penny took on the responsibility of getting medical care and donated items, food, etc. for these men who have nowhere else to live. They call it the Grandpa house. I met the 5 or 6 men that were there and enjoyed my visit with them. Then we left and went to a hamburger place in town for dinner. It was really good. After dinner we went back to their house and visited for a while then it was bed time.
We left the next morning and came home.
Our gate guard, Tito and wife Brienda, are working out really good here. Tito has helped those people who are here with several projects. Sometimes Brienda helps too. We had Tito go on our roof to lay some roofing paper around the skylights as when they were put in that was never done. Then Tito painted a mixture of white cement, lime and salt water to seal the roof so now we shouldn’t leak any more. We still need to use JB weld on the cracks of a couple of the skylights where daylight can be seen on the corners of the frame, but we can do that anytime. We have more work for Tito, but no extra money so we have to wait to have Tito do the other jobs we need. Maybe we’ll get to have these jobs done this fall.
We still haven’t had any luck with selling the boat. We really don’t want to take it back to Seattle, but by May 10th a decision has to be made of what to do if it hasn’t sold. Our marina contract is up on May 10th.
I’ve been walking the beach and picking up treasures when the wind isn’t blowing so hard. Hard to walk when sand is blowing at you. Ha!
One of my goals for this year was to walk on the road from our house to almost the other side of the bay where there are 2 signs telling about the birds and sea and plant life by the estuary. Well I fulfilled that goal the other day. It was about 6 miles round trip and when I got home I was hot and thirsty but energized!!! I did take water with me but because it was only 16 ounces I drank some when I reached my destination and then again when I returned home. I had a wonderful walk in the desert. There were some plants blooming from the last rain we had, and some of the road was slick with mud, but on the whole it was good walking soil. The water had drained from the estuary which left a beautiful green hue from plant life. I’m glad I didn’t walk further because coming back I was dragging a little due to it being warm, but I did prove to myself that I could walk to the other side of the bay, but would need a ride part way back. Ha!!! Now that the weather is heating up (90’s) I don’t go on long walks until it cools down which will be next winter. I always try to set a goal of doing something to see what I can do. I don’t hike much on rocks as it hurts my back, but a little of it I will do. I love walking in the desert and seeing lizards and squirrels scamper. Now since it is getting hot, there is no hiking or walking in the desert or up mountains due to snakes. A few have been sighted close by. I can walk the beach with safety though and I thoroughly enjoy that.
We had our friends Judy and Larry here for dinner as they are leaving Bahia to go to their other home in the states. It was a fun night. Two days later I invited the ladies to come over and play Mexican Train. Nine ladies showed up and that filled my bamboo room! We had a good time and no-----I didn’t win.
Dave and I had a Deviled Egg Cook off contest on the 23rd. As long as we have been living in Bahia, whenever we get together there are always deviled eggs and the guys would say how great it would be to just have a get together where deviled eggs were the only thing served. Soooo---I decided to throw a party and have everyone bring their favorite made deviled eggs. The guys would vote on their favorite deviled egg plate and prizes would be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and honorable mention. The lady that got 1st place also got a sign I made out of cardboard and yarn that said ‘Deviled Egg QUEEN of Bahia, 2015’. We want to make this contest an annual event. Here are some pictures.
Today, the 25th is my youngest son’s birthday. He is 38! Wow! It doesn’t seem possible! Happy Birthday Son!!!
I have started making the announcements for the 2015 Spring Arts and Craft Show starting April 1. I enjoy doing it and makes me feel as though I am contributing something.
I finished the glass covers
Dave just finished the jigsaw puzzle he was putting together and now is working on a wild life 3D one. He isn’t sure about the current one as you need constant direct light to see the colors so if he doesn’t like it we will give it to our friend Mary Ann.
The other morning while Dave and I were having our morning coffee, we watched a boat of fisherman put out their net and then haul it in. We see the fishermen quite frequently pass by in the mornings and afternoons, but this morning was photo opportunities. We had kayaks in the water watching the fishermen. They pulled in about 3 large sharks! However, the pictures I took you couldn't see what they caught. Here are a few.