February is looking really nice weather wise. The clouds and rain have gone away and has left us with some really beautiful warm sunny days and calm waters. We have been getting a gentle breeze most days but it does cool off at night when the sun goes behind the mountain. We are being reminded it is still winter. It has warmed up enough now that I had to take the heavier comforter off the bed. One nice thing about this time of year is that the sun shines a little longer as the days are longer. It is nice not having to turn on a light in the kitchen to fix dinner at 5:00 pm.
Four of us gals got together and played Mexican Train. It was fun. It had been a long time since we played. There aren’t a lot of people down here yet but by March and April we should have quite a few of them here.
When I went into town today for groceries, on my way home, I stopped to see the hairdresser, Arial, and asked how much it would cost for a trim. Arial said around 100 pesos. I thought that was kind of high but when I got home and figured it out with the exchange rate at 14.5, it is only about 6-7 dollars. That is cheaper than you can get a haircut in the states. I figure when I go in next Saturday I will ask Arial to trim my hair and bangs.
I did remember to go to the hardware store I forgot to last time I was in town. I drove by right after I got in town and it was closed so I went ahead and got gas, picked up my laundry, stopped and got groceries and then went back and it still wasn’t open. Well I tried. We will have to check out faucets again in La Paz. The one in the kitchen has seen better days.
When I got home and told Dave I went by twice but it wasn’t home, Dave said he had heard Clint was in jail. Hmmm! Don’t know the story on that. Then we heard he closes to go fishing. The rumor mill------you can never believe what you hear.
The weather has been so nice I wanted to take a walk. I have wanted to walk to a beach that is north of us. It is the one on the other side of the beach where I drove to and found starfish and sea glass about 2 months ago.
There isn’t much of a breeze, and matter of fact there isn’t any!!! I was thinking I might just drive to the beach then the more I thought about it the more I wanted to walk it. So I donned my hat, my magnet belt and knee brace, packed water and the VHF radio and off I went. The tide was still going out so I could walk on the beach. I did that until it got too rocky and went up on a dirt road. It was getting kind of warm but I kept trudging on. I have wanted to do this for so long nothing was going to stop me know. I walked by friend’s homes and waved as I did, but didn’t want to stop as I was afraid I would lose my zip! It was an interesting walk or you might say hike as there were gulley’s caused from the run off of the rain we had during the hurricane. I finally made it to the beach and found it to be small and there wasn’t anything on it. No starfish, sea glass----nothing worth picking up. There was a dead long nose dolphin, like the one I found on our beach, and 3 tortoise shells; two small ones and one a little bigger. Looks like the coyotes and birds had quite a meal. I can now say I have been to that small beach and I don’t have to think about going back. I will go back sometime to the beach I drove to in December and see what treasures I can find.
When I got home I fixed some Gatorade and drank it, took my shoes off and sat on the deck as a nice breeze had come up. Dave wasn’t home and I figured he was at the neighbors. I took a cold shower, and believe me it was COLD!!! But it brought down my body temperature and felt good after I was out. Then Dave came home. He had been to our neighbors’ house to help start her motor for her aluminum boat she fishes in. So I am sure she is a happy camper as she was telling us she wants to go with some friends out fishing before she returns to San Diego.
Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and our neighbor, George, has arranged a dinner in town and put out an invitation to us and many of our friends to join him and his wife. That should be fun.
We have 4 birthdays this month. On the 15th our eldest grandson is turning 20 and our daughter-in-law, my step sons’ wife, has her birthday that same day. The other 2 are on the 24th . Kristen, my step daughter, is turning 40 and our newest grandson, Brody, is turning 6. Next month is the one we have the most birthdays in.
We got an appointment from our dentist asking for Dave to come in on the 13th to get fitted for a cap, so we did that and stopped at a ATM to get more money.
We haven’t heard from the boat broker so don’t know what is going on with the boat. The guy that was interested was asking a bunch of questions and wanted Mike to go down to the marina and take pictures of it and send them to him. That was done but no word.
We’ve had a couple windy days but for the most part the weather has been great.
We have a new gate guard. The man that helped us put up the rock wall along the arroyo about a year ago? It is his son and wife. They are young and have only been married for 5 months. They seem to like it here away from town. They were hired to make sure that the houses in our community, where no one is living in them right now, are safe and secure. We heard of a break-in that happened last week. It was in a community just south of town, but the good news is the police caught the guys and now they are in jail. Then another house just north of us, mid day, had the alarm go off and the neighbors rushed over to find that whoever was trying to break-in had only gotten as far as to cut a lock. The alarm must have scared them off as they ran leaving their tools behind. It is just the way it is down here and we all have to be vigilant. Most of the break-ins are usually done by young people who are looking to get stuff to sell for their drug habit.
Dave bought some ½ inch birch plywood and took it to our friend Ray, the same man who was helping with the stairs, to have him make a shelving unit for our bedroom closet. For a couple days Dave went over to his house to help put it together and then he brought it home. It looks really nice. Dave needs to do some sanding and then we paint. I haven’t felt good for a couple days. There is something going around which is causing bloating and headaches. Dave and I have been having sinus problems too which doesn’t help matters.
This morning Dave painted the top, back and sides of the shelving unit white and mixed a little bit of the orange paint we had left over from painting the living room and bedroom, in with the white to make a pale yellow. While he was doing that I painted the front of the 4 drawers with the Tequila Azul and the orange, starting with the blue and alternating with the orange. It looks really nice. All that is left is to get drawer handles. We will do that when we go to Ensenada next month. After it dried, we brought the unit upstairs and put it in place and put the drawers in. Because of the tight fit, we scraped the walls on both sides, but we will repair that later. Dave was anxious to get his clothes organized in the unit so he spent the rest of the afternoon doing that. He has his shirts hanging above the 4 drawers. He was able to empty a couple bins in the bathroom closet and a footlocker. Tomorrow I will organize the bathroom closet which is for me!
I had another headache today but that didn’t stop me from organizing the bathroom closet. I moved towels and washcloths down from a top shelf and then organized my clothes in plastic drawers we were given a while back. I don’t have anywhere to hang clothes but it doesn’t matter as I don’t need to. So the bathroom closet is organized and I have most of my stuff together. I did use the footlocker for winter clothes and a few other items. It worked out just fine. We are very happy with the results. After I finished and had lunch I sat down to read and my head was pounding. I was thinking about lying down for a bit when I heard the voice of my neighbor outside. She came over to return the knee brace I let her use. I decided to not take a nap as it was getting late in the afternoon. So I prepared dinner. The headache came and went and then finally was a dull ache. After dinner we watched TV and then went to bed.
I feel much better today. No headache and I don’t feel bloated. Today is grocery shopping day. I gathered the garbage and got the 5 gallon water bottle for refilling and off I went into town. The town was busy this morning. I stopped at the vegetable stand first and got a few things, then filled the 5 gallon water bottle and went on to dump garbage, drop off laundry and shop for groceries. I saw a few of my friends in town and said hello then headed for home. I stopped at the ‘Home Depot’ just outside of town to see how much a piece of 1.4 inch birch plywood cost as we told Ray we would buy him one so he could finish drawers for Jo, his significant other. I bought one and delivered it to Ray so he could get his project completed while Jo and her friends are off Whale watching in Guerrero Negro and San Ignacio. When I returned home Dave was having trouble with my computer. It wouldn’t let him into his game or anything else. He was very frustrated! I unloaded the groceries from the truck and he came down and carried up the cooler which has cold stuff in it and I got the rest except for the 5 gallon bottle of water. Dave will get that later. I put the groceries away and vacuum packed the meat I bought and Dave finally was able to reload his stuff on the computer. He is a happy camper!!!! We ate lunch and I started a new book titled ‘Wild’. The movie is out now so after I read the book I can enjoy seeing the movie when it comes to the movie channel here.
My friend MaryAnn gave Dave another jigsaw puzzle so he has been down in the bamboo room putting it together.
Well time to go for a walk. The wind has died down and the tide is going out so I have more of a beach to walk on. TaTa for now!!!!!
We got another email from our boat broker saying the same guys is still interested and asking a bunch of questions, but Mike told him to get down to La Paz and see the boat for himself and make an offer! So we shall see.
The buzzards and coyotes have been getting fed well as we have had 3 turtles, a seal, a dolphin, birds and a stingray wash up on shore.
Eian’s afghan is finished
and Brody’s is almost done. I’ve been crocheting squares and sewing them together and it is looking pretty good.