and once we got into the channel for the marina we had to wait our turn for the Customs dock. When we got to the dock and tied up, Ron was the only one who could be off the boat until after check-in. All went well and we were given our slip assignment which was on the other side of the customs dock. We helped Fleeta tie up to the customs dock and then while she was checking in we got back to the boat and put things back together. Dave and I helped a sailboat get off the customs dock as the wind was not being kind to them. After Fleeta got checked in and got her slip assignment I walked down to help her. The rest of the gang walked the dogs and used the facilities. When I arrived at the dock where Fleeta was to pull in there was a dock guy there. He said it had been a very busy morning and pretty crazy. Once Fleeta’s boat was tied to the dock I walked to the facilities and met Dave to get the key to the restroom as they only issued one to us because they didn’t have enough that day to give us 2. But we will be able to get another one tomorrow. Dave grabbed a dock cart to bring to the boat and we loaded it with garbage and recycle. The dogs had been walked so they got locked inside the boat while we took the garbage up, dumped it and then went to the Pub. J.T., Carolyn and Fleeta were still securing their boat and getting things put away so if they join us at the Pub it won’t be until later. Fleeta and Carolyn showed up after we had finished our late lunch/dinner and were on our second after dinner drink. They had a drink with us and then we walked to the farmers market up the street. They have one every Thursday from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. There were all kinds of fresh vegetables, fruits, bread, jams, and everything you find at a farmers market. We saw some interesting crafts too and heard good music. We picked up a few things but we will have to do some real grocery shopping tomorrow. As we were walking back to our boats, Fleeta, who is on dock E, said goodbye and headed to her boat as we headed to ours on dock G. We had a quiet evening and were able to watch a little T.V. It was amazing we got reception. We saw a program on the Seattle World’s Fair. It was interesting.
So now it is Friday, cloudy with sprinkles and Noreen and I are up washing clothes. Laundry and drying is $2.50 each Canadian and both of us only had one load. They have a great laundry facility which includes free WiFi, black leather chairs, and 3 TVs. The marina is beautiful with the flower baskets hanging everywhere and everyone is friendly. Check out is at 11:00am so we watched the boat parade this morning while still on the boat. There was a lot of mega yachts that headed out. Looks like most of the boats are heading north. We are here today then we think we will head out for Sidney Spit and anchor out for a couple days. The weather is suppose to clear up and be nice for the rest of our vacation so that will be nice. Once Noreen and I are finished with laundry, we will take it back to the boat then head for the grocery store. We noticed yesterday that people bring the shopping carts from the Fairway Market store and off load on the dock to their boats and then return the cart to the entrance of the marina. It works pretty well. So we grabbed a cart and headed to the market. We had made a list prior to going so we had a plan on what meals we wanted to have and shopped accordingly. We had the check-out gal split the bill so Noreen paid for half and I paid the other half. It worked out pretty well. We took the groceries to the boat, unloaded and when groceries were put away Noreen and I walked back up to town; depositing the shopping basket with the others at the head of the marina and went window shopping. Carolyn, J.T. and Fleeta had walked up before us to do their grocery shopping. When they were finished, Carolyn joined us as we were still looking in stores. We went through a couple stores and ended up at a consignment shop. We had fun looking around in there. Because it was getting to be 5:00pm, we knew the stores were going to be closed soon so we started walking back toward the marina. We stopped in a store that had shoes 50% off, but no one spent any money. The last stop was the liquor store where wine and champagne was bought. Back to the boat we went. Carolyn said they might come over after dinner. We finished dinner and I was doing dishes when they showed up. We had a nice visit then they left and we went to bed.
The next morning we had to be out of the marina at 11:00am so we secured the boat for travel then Noreen and I walked the dogs and stopped at the liquor store to buy a couple more big bottles of wine. We saw another couple with a female pug and so Callie and Jack had a friend to sniff. After that we headed back to the boat and got lines untied and electrical unhooked and we were on our way. It was 11:00am. Right on time. We decided last night to go to Mill Bay instead of Sidney Spit so that is where we are headed. Very smooth water today, and still cloudy but warm. It didn’t take us long to get to Mill Bay and we had called ahead and were told there was no room as there was a sailing club in. As we milled about outside the marina we called again and the marina guy was on the dock and told us we could tie up on the outside of the marina. So we did and Fleeta was able to fit behind us. We are staying 2 nights. The marina is small but really cute. There is a Bistro at the head of the marina so after tying up and getting secured we headed up there. Fleeta and crew had lunch already, so they stayed behind. We had a wonderful lunch!!! The food was really good! We were stuffed. There were townhouses being build right behind the marina and there was an open house so we went and took a look. The marina is trying to sell them to help pay for the marina. Oh my gosh!!!! It was gorgeous!!!! Guess how much???? It had a view of the marina and beyond. Give up?? $970,000.00!!!! Not too bad eh??! Here are some pictures of the marina and Bistro.
After drooling over the townhouse we walked back to the boat. We moved a picnic table in front of Ron and Noreen’s boat as it cut the breeze down. It wasn’t really windy, just the wind was a little on the cool side. Ron got his BBQ off the boat and his portable table and set up for later when we would all gather for dinner and conversation. Ron, Carolyn, myself, Fleeta and J.T. were sitting at the picnic table while the pugs, Callie and Jack were roaming around. The docks were cement but were separated between each section so they had a heavy duty rubber bridge over the middle of the docks so you could cross. Dave and Noreen decided to go up to the office to do something and they were almost to the end where you make a right and continue up the dock to the marine office and Bistro. Jack is blind in one eye and his other eye is not so good either and when he saw his ‘mom’ take off without him he wanted to go too. We all called to him to come back but he is stubborn and was on a mission as he headed to the split in the dock. As he got closer to the split it looked as though he was going to turn a little left to make it over the rubber bridge but instead walked straight and ended up in the water. I yelled ‘JACK’ and went running to get him. When I got to the edge he was swimming toward the bulb kelp but couldn’t pass it so he turned around, plus he heard my voice and was coming toward me. I tried to grab his harness but had trouble. Before I knew it Noreen was across from me trying to grab his harness too. She was successful and pulled him up, but because he weighs 30 pounds, she couldn’t lift him up out of the water and over the dock. She called for Ron to grab him but J.T. was there standing over her and he grabbed Jack and brought him to safety. He also saved Noreen’s phone from dropping in the water. We were all in a state of panic about Jack and all of us were relieved to have him safe but not more than Noreen!!!! She was shaking from the incident. Jack just shook the water off and then decided to prance around like a dog who felt good. Salt water is good for his skin and he itches a lot so actually for him it felt good. Plus he got cooled off. Noreen dried him and Jack was acting like a young dog running around and having a good time. We all were very nervous after that about both pugs getting near the edge of the dock. It all turned out well and Noreen and Dave went and did what they were going to do in the first place and the rest of us relaxed and kept an eye on the dogs. Jack swims, but when we were trying to get a hold of him, his head was barely out of the water and his front paws were paddling hard and his butt and hind legs were facing down. So I was glad we were able to get him back safely.
That evening we BBQ’d on the dock and had a pleasant evening.
The next day two other people from the Brownsville Yacht club joined us. We made reservations for them and they arrived in the morning. Bob and Diane on their 25 ft M/V, ‘One More Time‘, and Rich and Taffy on their 45 ft M/V ‘Scottish Mist‘. After hellos were said a group of us decided to walk up about a couple blocks to the little shopping center and get a few things.
So it was Ron, Noreen, Carolyn, J.T., Bob, Diane, Dave and I. We went through the stores that were open, did some looking around, went to the Great Canadian Dollar Store, the grocery store and ended up at the liquor store. Then from there and in the same shopping area we went to a pub and had some snacks and drinks. You couldn’t just have drinks you had to order something to eat so we did. Then it was back to the boats to relax. Being we were tied to the outside of the dock facing the open bay, we did get rocked a rolled a few times by big boats crossing back and forth from north to south and vise versa. At night it was perfectly quiet and calm. The sun came out and it was a beautiful warm day. We ordered pizza and had it delivered for dinner. It was a fun evening!
The next morning we left Mill Bay Marina and headed for Todd Inlet which is behind Buchart Gardens near Victoria. Once you get into Canada, most of the places you want to go are close together. We had another couple show up from the Yacht Club, Paul and Laurie on their boat, M/V ‘Big Sky’ as we were leaving Mill Bay and joined us. All of us got into Todd Bay and Fleeta was going to drop her anchor and then we would raft off her. Well she ended up closer to shore than was comfortable for us to raft off her so we dropped our anchor a little ways from her boat and Rich and Taffy on M/V ‘Scottish Mist‘, rafted off Fleeta and Bob and Diane on M/V ‘One More Time‘ rafted off us. Fleeta deployed a stern line from her boat to a tree on the shore to hold her in place so she wouldn’t swing with the current. We were able to have a nice visit with Bob and Diane. The temperature went up and Noreen went swimming. Then I went and J.T. was already in the water as he dove under Ron and Noreen’s boat to scrape the algae and stuff off a screen of a through haul. Bob also joined us in the water so we had a great time. The kayaks were in the water and whoever wanted to use them could . Fleeta and Noreen have 2 each. Paul and Laurie didn’t want to raft so they anchored away from us. It was a wonderful time and the evening was beautiful and everyone got together to drink, visit and watch the satellites.
The next morning Fleeta and Laurie went to Buchart Gardens right after they opened and had a great time and were back by lunch time. The day was heating up. Carolyn went kayaking with Noreen, and I stayed behind to work on the afghan I am making for our grandson Eian. I need to finish it before we leave. It was a beautiful and relaxing day. I had been thinking about going swimming but decided against it. It’s a good thing I didn’t go swimming because Noreen did and didn’t stay in long as it was COLD!!! At least yesterday it was warm!!
Bob and Diane chauffeured all of us traveling together, on their boat to Brentwood Bay. Ron and Dave needed to get a part for the generator as it ended up leaking diesel while it was running. So we had a nice ride up Todd Inlet to Brentwood Bay. When we checked in and walked to the top of the pier and the guys, all but J.T., took a cab to the Marine store while the rest of us stayed behind.
We ended at the Pub and ordered drinks and right after that the guys returned. Unfortunately they couldn’t get the part they were looking for. So they joined us in getting drinks and snacks. After we finished we headed back to our ‘water taxi’
Mill Bay, Todd Inlet, and Brentwood Bay are on Vancouver Island and behind Sidney. Just in case you are trying to find where we have gone and are on a chart for the South Gulf Islands.
Today we are on our way to Genoa Bay which is part of Cowichan Bay north of Mill Bay. Genoa has a small marina and we were able to make reservations to get us all fit in. Bob, because he has the smallest and fastest boat went ahead and got us dock space and helped us all as we came in. So we were moored behind Bob and Diane and across the dock from us was Fleeta then behind her Paul and Laurie. Taffy and Rich left us while we were in Todd Bay. They are continuing their travels north in Canada. Genoa was a cool place. They had a plastic whale that was painted and secured on the dock which was cool.
The house boats were cool and the art that was hung on the outside of some of them was great. The bathrooms were at the head of the dock and the art outside in there court yard was pretty neat.
Diane went up to take a shower and I followed shortly thereafter. It cost $2 or 1 Canadian Toonie. When I got to the bathroom there was already a lady waiting in line to shower. So we talked a little and there were only two showers and both curtains were closed so we thought both were in use. I knew Diane was in one, but I wondered about the other one. Anyway….. Diane came out and said the water was cold and she couldn’t get any hot. Bummer. Well I needed a shower and have taken cold ones at home so no worries right???? Then we found out there was no one in the other shower and we were waiting for nothing!!!! The woman ahead of me took the shower we thought was in use and I went into the one Diane used thinking I could get hot water some how. NOPE!!!! I put the toonie in and heard it drop but I got hardly any water pressure and never even warm water. It was very cold. So I proceeded to wash my hair and got brain freeze on the top of my head!!!!! Needless to say it was a quick but effective shower. At least I am clean smelling again!!!! Diane had gone and complained to the lady at the marina office and she came up and put a toonie in and it worked and she got hot water and lots of pressure. Apparently for Diane and I the toonie hadn’t clunked to the bottom of the mechanism to activate the shower. Oh well. It was definitely interesting. The gal said you had to listen for it to clunk loud. That didn’t happen for Diane and I. Now the other lady in the next shower did just fine!! What is up with THAT????!! Ha!!! I survived!!!!
Late that afternoon, we all got into Bob and Diane’s’ boat and they taxied us over to Cowichan Bay which was just across the bay from Genoa. Bob had told us there was a restaurant that served really good fish and chips so that is where we are going for dinner. The waters were calm and so was the weather and the sun was out. Once off the boat, we walked up the street to a restaurant called The Rock CafĂ© where they served really good fish and chips.
Most of us had the fish and chips along with a beer. It was very good. When we left the restaurant we stopped at a bread store where some of us bought some bread and chocolate chip cookies. Then it was back to the boat and Genoa Bay. We had one of those cookies and they were really good. They would be great to have for breakfast because there was all kinds of healthy stuff in it!!! We sat on the dock and watched the satellites fly by. It was a beautiful clear night.
The marina at Genoa was out of water on our dock but due to get some in the morning so the next morning we waited and watched big and small boats leave as they didn’t want to wait. It was really cool of the dock master because as soon as those boats left, he announced we could use the water to fill our tanks. We all knew water was scarce so we took on some water but didn’t fill our tanks full. We could do that later. Then we departed for Port Browning which is on Pender Island east of Vancouver Island. We had a nice ride and we rafted to Fleeta’s boat and Bob and Diane rafted off us. Paul and Laurie were still with us but they anchored on their own. We all got things secured on the boat and gathered bags for carrying groceries and booze in, got in the dinghy and went ashore. We walked to the grocery store which was about ½ mile and also went to the liquor store. When we returned to the marina we stopped at the Pub and joined the rest of the gang there to have a drink. Ron ordered a large plate of fries with gravy, which a lot of us never had, but it was really good!!!! Even the chef thought it was strange. Why not…you eat mashed potatoes and gravy……
The marina had a pool and a place to rent kayaks and paddle boards.
The marina and grounds are for sale. It is a pretty place but would be a lot to keep up. We carted our bags to the dinghy and on the way I took a picture of this which should be a constant reminder all children under the age of 12 needs to wear one!!!! Kudos to the marina for having this available for the kids.
We made it back to the boat without sinking the dinghy with our load and proceeded to have a good afternoon. Here is our raft of boats.
Tomorrow we are heading back to Garrison Bay in the San Juan Island to hang on the anchor for the night. Noreen has to be back to work on Monday the 12th it is time to head home. We discussed which route to take going home. Did we want to go to Port Townsend and cross the Straits of Juan de Fuca or did we want to go back the way we came up through Deception Pass. The weather is calling for rain and possibly fog so we will have to wait and see how it is in the morning heading out to decide.
The morning proved to be really nice. It did rain a little on us overnight, but there was sun trying to peak through the clouds so we knew it was going to be fine. We said our good-byes to Diane and Bob as they were traveling back to the San Juan Islands to finish their vacation. We had a great time with them!!!
As we got out of Garrison Bay we discovered calm seas, no wind and no fog!!!! Life is good. At that point we decided to head for Oak Harbor, going through Deception Pass. Before we got to Deception Pass we saw whale boats and other boats sitting still in the water where we were headed. We slowed down and began seeing dorsal fins coming right at us so the engines were put in neutral and we just sat there and watched. We were in the middle of a pod of Orcas!!!! As a big male passed by I snapped a picture hoping I would get something and low and behold here is what I got--------
So now was the time for doctor visits and getting some shopping done before wone go home. I had a physical on the 13th and all turned out well. I got my shingles shot but unfortunately I didn’t get my colonoscopy done because they couldn’t get me in before the 10th of September. So that is on my list to get accomplished next summer.
The weather has changed a little and we are getting more clouds and threat of rain. One day it just poured!!! It was good because the jeep got rinsed and everything got long awaited water.
E.J., who is my oldest sons’ son, came over on the Edmonds/Kingston ferry to spend the night on Ron and Noreen’s boat with us. It was very good to see him. Grandpa picked him up at the ferry and brought him back to the boat. Ron and Noreen weren’t home as they had a wedding rehearsal dinner to go to so when the guys got to the boat Dave started working on the heating system again. He was going to have E.J. get in the tight spots where Dave couldn’t so they would be working together. I went to the grocery store and picked up a few items and when I returned to the boat Dave thought I had brought something home to eat for dinner. He and Dave were starving. I didn’t know what Dave wanted to do for dinner so I thought I would find out when I got back to the boat. Well he was tired but we ended up going to the Chinese restaurant. It was fun having E.J. along with us. We had a great dinner and conversation!!! Then it was back to the boat. We watched some TV, waiting for Ron and Noreen to get home. Soon it was bed time and E.J. got to sleep on the fly bridge. The next morning we had to be at my youngest sons house as I was watching their son Jonathan Jr for the weekend. Eian, my eldest sons middle son was coming to stay the weekend as well as E.J. but we had to pick Eian up in Renton so once Jon and Susannah left and Jonathan Jr had been feed we would leave. Dave stayed for a few minutes to hold Jonathan Jr and say hi and headed back to Brownsville to work more on the heating system. It ended up where Jon, Susannah and us left at the same time. They were driving to Pendleton, Oregon to stay a couple nights at a casino then come back to Seattle on Sunday for the Sounders game and stay overnight in Seattle then get home on Monday afternoon.
We picked Eian up and E.J. sat in the back seat with Jonathan and Eian in the front. Eian was on his phone the whole trip so not much conversation went on. We get to the house and Jonathan was a little fussy but once he was fed and changed he played for a while before going down for a nap. The guys went to the park behind Jon and Susannah’s house and played on the equipment bars then came back. E.J. watched some sports on TV; played a couple of soccer Xbox games and that was about it. Eian got a little irritated with Jonathan when he was fussy, but he played a little with him and talked to him but really didn’t want to hold him. Typical 14 year old. Well Sunday came along and Eian unexpectedly had to leave as his mom said he needed to be home on Monday to pick his classes. So being I couldn’t leave since Jonathan Jr was sleeping, Eian’s mom sent friends to pick him up. Then it was just E.J., me and Jonathan Jr. E.J. was a big help to me with Jonathan and helped feed him his bottle and played with him. E.J. had Jonathan laughing so hard it was infectious and we were laughing so hard we were crying!!!! All E.J. did was pretend to sneeze and throw his hands up and Jonathan thought that was hilarious!!!! So we all chilled on the couch for a while then it was dinner time and bed for Jonathan. E.J. and I watched the sounders game on TV which they won, and watched some more TV and went to bed. I slept in Jonathan’s room so I wouldn’t wake E.J. going back and forth from Jon and Susannah’s room to Jonathan’s and back. Actually, Jonathan slept through the night pretty much both nights. Sunday night he did wake up a couple times but went back to sleep and got up at 6:30am. Not bad. I was glad I got to see Eian. Unfortunately grandpa didn’t get a chance to see him, but maybe next year.
Here are a few pictures of E.J. and Jonathan Jr.
Monday afternoon while we were waiting for Jon and Susannah to come home, E.J. got a call from his future step mother to see if we could keep him one more night and send him on the ferry Tuesday afternoon. After checking with Ron and Noreen to see if he could stay, it was a yes. Grandpa and I get to visit some more with E.J. We were expecting Jon and Susannah around 3:00pm but they didn’t get home until 4:00pm. Grandpa got to the house around 3:00pm and got to talk and play with Jonathan Jr. and talk to E.J.. Then when Jon and Susannah finally got home and I filled them in on how Jonathan did over the weekend and said goodbye as we had to head home. Dave said that Ron and him didn’t feel much like cooking and this was a late night for Noreen to get home so we stopped at KFC and picked up enough chicken and sides to feed about 10 people. We knew E.J. would eat a bunch and we like left over chicken so it all worked out. We had a lot of laughs with E.J. and sure did enjoy having him on the boat. He is a great kid. He is going to be a Sophomore!!! Yikes!!!
Tuesday afternoon I took E.J. to the ferry and said goodbye and gave him a very big hug and kiss!!!! We won’t see him again until next year.
Happy Birthday to me--------. It was a quiet and low keyed day. I spent a couple hours at my girlfriend Judy’s house and we had a nice visit. Then when Noreen got home from work we went to Famous Dave’s restaurant and had their all you can eat ribs!!! Yumm! I had a good birthday and it will be a great year!!!
Friday, the 30th we left on the boat to go to Everett to spend Memorial Day weekend there with the Brownsville Yacht Club. We had been having rainy weather but today was beautiful!!! We got to Everett around 5:30pm and joined the others who arrived earlier for appetizers on the party dock. Then we all went back to our boats and chilled then went to bed.
Today, the last day of August was a very relaxing one. I read for most of the day, trying to finish a book I borrowed from Noreen, and Dave and Ron walked to the Marine Store. A little later I took a walk with Bob and Diane and as they were looking at a boat I went ahead and walked to the other side of the marina and had a nice walk. I am looking forward to the Farmers Market tomorrow. At 4:00pm we had margaritas on the party dock then dinner at 7:00pm while watching the Huskies game. We had a projector that projected the game on a white cloth pinned to the side of one of our yacht club boats. The Huskies won as it should be since they played in their new stadium for the first time!!!! It was a beautiful sunny day with a breeze!!!