Thursday, February 14, 2013
A Promising New Year
Happy New Year!!!!! May 2013, be a wonderful year filled with love, health, prosperity, and faith.
It has been cold here. Not as cold as the NW but cold for Mexico. We have had many cloudy days to where we have to run the generator a couple times a day to recharge the batteries. That’s what happens when you are solar only. No electricity. It is just the way it is when you live off the grid. We have had a lot of north wind which makes it really cold. We have no heat in the house so we have been wearing sweats, sweatshirts, socks and even wrap in a blanket when the other isn’t enough. I wish I had more warm winter sweaters. If you told me, when we were preparing to cruise south, that I would need warmer clothes for winter, I would have laughed and said “RIGHT” Well folks—it’s true. From time to time it does get cold. But now that we have been here for 3 years I think most of it is due to being acclimated!! So there ya go.
Good news!!!! We have a new grandson!! He was born January 6th at 6:15am, weighing in at 8lbs 4 oz and 19.5 inches long. Yahoo!!! He is the son of my youngest son and his wife, Susannah. They have named him after my son. Jonathan William Adcock Jr. We are very excited and I can’t wait to see him in February. My plan is to fly from San Diego to Seattle on February 18th and stay 3 weeks with Jon and Susannah to help with Jon Jr. then come home on March 4th. Here is a picture of our sweet boy.
We are in Santa Rosalia to repair the sump pumps and forward head and also get our FM3’s renewed. We got here on Monday, January 7 and Tuesday we went in to the immigration office to get er done!! Well we were definitely shocked when they told us we had to apply for residency as we were at the end of our FM3 time frame. Dave mentioned that when he was in last month Enrique said we wouldn’t have to worry about the new rules as we were in our last year for FM3. Next year we could apply for residency. Well like everything else in Mexico, things change. Can’t depend on anything being what they tell you. Sooooo we had to get new pictures taken which cost 250 pesos each, and then we had to go to the ATM to get money then back to pick up our pictures then back to immigrations. There we turned in our forms and they gave us a paper to take to the bank so it was back to the bank. We paid them 9,630 pesos for both applications and signed the receipts then headed back to immigrations. They checked everything out and told us to come back on Monday. We asked if it could be done sooner, like Friday and they said maybe. Of course there was a fee involved to get it done by Friday. So we will go back on Friday to hopefully finish the process. We have to be finger printed and sign more papers. Then those papers are sent to Mexico City and no one knows how long it will take for them to process and send them back here. At least becoming a resident means we don’t have to renew any more so this is the last time to do all this stuff and pay. And there are no restrictions as to how long we can be out of the country and we can even work if we want too. That means I can sell my critters and not get in trouble. So even though it is a lot of money to put down (about $750.00 for both of us) it is worth it to not have to do it again. We just weren’t expecting to have to come up with that much money yet. Everything works out and we will be glad when it is all over.
We heard from the buyers of the boat. Yes!!!! You heard me correctly. The couple emailed us and said they have been delayed as her father had to have surgery to remove a blood clot and have stints put in. Plus they are trying to sell their home in Bandon, Oregon and would prefer to have that done so they can pay cash for the boat without having to sell anything else. So I guess they are serious. They haven’t seen the inside of the boat yet but have seen the pictures we have online. Plus Dave has been filling them in on what equipment and amenities we have on board. They were supposed to meet us down here the first week in January but then just before Christmas her dad got ill. So once he is recuperated they will head down. We have no idea if they have anyone interested in their house, but Dave did tell them that if the boat hasn’t sold by March/April time frame it goes to Seattle. We are really hoping they get here before February. The reason for that is if the boat sells before I go north, Dave might be able to go with me so he can take care of switching from where we bank, due to the boat loan, to a Credit Union. So we are still on hold. I have to say though that this year so far is looking very promising!!!! I still say that God is in charge and everything will work out for the best of everyone.
Today, being Wednesday, Dave changed out the float switch in the aft sump pump, changed the pressure unit and motor for the forward head. It was an all day project. The head sounds better but there is a delay for the motor to work when the toilet is flushed. It isn’t supposed to do that but we will use it and maybe it just needs to get broken in. Dave said he called the company and asked them about the delay and they were baffled. So we shall see what happens with use. While Dave was working on those lovely projects, I walked to town to get a few things. I went into a lot of the stores I haven’t been in just to see what they have. I saw a lot of nice things and enjoyed just looking. When I finished shopping I came back to the boat and helped Dave, which meant I held the flashlight and got tools for him. I helped clean parts and then I did some laundry. I had sheets and towels from the house I brought down with us. Today was a warm beautiful day. There were blue skies and no wind. It was awesome. It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow and partly cloudy. The temperature should be in the low 70’s. Perfect!!
I’ve been working on the Wedding record cross stitch and posted the December blog.
Tomorrow there isn’t much to do. There is some cleaning to do and I already wiped down the cockpit area. It was windy and cold so I didn’t rinse it this time. I just damp mopped. It wasn’t that dirty. So I might get to work a lot on my cross stitch.
Today is when we go back to immigrations to see if we can finish the process of finger printing and signing forms, but before we do that Dave is still trying to figure out what is wrong with the forward head. The motor has been replaced and a new pressure switch put in. Well about the only thing to do now is to take the whole unit apart and see if there Theis anything clogging the hoses. Yuck what a job!!! I got the job of cleaning the fittings and we actually did have an almost clogged hose. We cleaned that out and put it back together which wasn’t an easy chore. Then we tried it and guess what???? It worked!!!! It has vacuum when flushed and everything is draining and working!!!!! High Five!!!! There was some whooping n hollering going on after that!!!!! FINALLY!!! It is 2:00pm and we need to get to immigrations. We were able to get our fingerprints done and sign forms. Now we wait!!! Once they are sent to Mexico City no one knows how long it will be before we get our final cards. We are going to have to come back here around the 14th of February to get a letter saying we are waiting for our residency cards from Mexico City and we can travel to the United States. That is if the cards haven’t arrived yet.
One morning we watched from our deck, dolphins feeding close to shore. It was awesome to see that. The whale sharks are gone so now all we see are pilot whales and dolphins once in a while.
Here are some pictures of the zipper pulls I am making for the show.
It’s been pretty quiet and not much going on. I finished the baby afghan and the wedding cross stitch and have started on the baby announcement cross stitch. I’m right on schedule!!!! Here is a picture of the afghan.
They say bad luck comes in 3’s!!! Well our water heater finally quit working. So Dave had to jimmy rig it until we get a new one. We called Larry, our landlord and asked him to pick one up for us. They are coming down soon so they will be able to bring it with them. The water heater we were using came from the trailer and it is about 25 years old if not older. So it isn’t surprising it finally died. Then the second thing was the blinds in the south window broke. They are cheap so don’t last long. So Larry is bringing a blind down also. Then the 3rd thing is the truck battery. It went belly up. We were able to borrow one from a friend here and when we go to the states we will get one at Costco.
Good news is Dave is flying up with me on February 18. Yippee!! No we haven’t sold the boat. The couple interested lost the dad so their trip has been postponed until March. So Dave figured he would fly up with me, rent a car, drop me at Jon and Susannah’s and then go to Bremerton and stay somewhere. Ron and Noreen’s boat is available for him to stay on or there are other places so he will figure it out. He has to get zippers for the boat from our canvas guy and so some other things while I am helping with the grandboy. We will fly home on March 4th. Just a short visit this time but we get to see the new boy and help celebrate 2 of our grandsons’ birthdays. One to be 5 and the other 16. Time flies!!
Remember back when we were cruising and I wrote about elephanties? They are west winds and can pack a wallop for wind. Well we finally saw a TRUE elephant the other morning. We have heard people describe the clouds looking like an elephant trunk but never saw that until this morning!!! It was awesome!!! Most of the time we know west winds are coming because the clouds stack up on top of the mountain range and then blows all day and night or until they go away. It is neat to see and experience all this stuff.
I have been walking the beach at low tide about every other day and one day I was thrilled to find a nautilus shell on the beach. You just don’t see them often so it was amazing. I actually found about 5 or 6 that day. Then I went walking the next day to find more. This time I got about 20. They range in size from medium to small size. Here is a picture. 
I went online and found out that octopus live in the shells. That is awesome!! The high winds we had for a couple days caused the sea to push them to the surface and to shore. They are definitely a rare sight. My neighbor Mary got some too. I have found just a couple small ones lying on the beach but I have enough so I didn’t pick them up. Let someone else find them.
Today is Super Bowl Sunday and the game starts around 3 so we are going to watch it. We are rooting for San Francisco to win. Should be an interesting game.
We got word this morning that our friend Ruth, the one who has cancer, is in the hospital again. Just a week ago we heard the doctors took her off the chemo and are just administering radiation. She has one collapsed lung so they thought the radiation might help her breathe better. They have given her about 2 months to live. They called Hospice but they won’t come out to care for her because she is still getting treatment. So when the radiation treatments are finished then they will come out. Ruth was still planning on coming down this month for the last time but I don’t know if she will make it. The last time she was here it took a lot out of her. She has remained very strong in what she wants to do and fighting the cancer, so who is to say she won’t make it down. Time will only tell. Well the time has told because my neighbor Mary came over to tell us Ruth was in the hospital and on life support. She is unconscious right now but she has made it known to her son, Christopher, she doesn’t want to be kept alive on a machine. The other thing is the doctor found a tumor in her head which was a good size one. Christopher was very angry that with all the tests she has had they never saw it. He loves his mom very much and is having a real hard time dealing with her illness. So the news is not good and we suspect she will die soon. It is so hard when the person going through the pain and anguish doesn’t want to die and still wants to do things. I hope she goes peacefully. God be with her and her family when it is finished. Dave and I were planning on stopping to see her after we flew back to San Diego, but it doesn’t sound like she will last that long. Darn. She is a wonderful lady and we all here in Bahia will miss her.
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