Saturday, April 14, 2012
Time Flies When You Are Having Fun and Retired
Happy March!!! I played Train with the gals today and guess who won the pot again?! Yep!! It was me!!! Wow!! Maybe this means my luck is changing and maybe the boat will sell!!! One can only hope!! I better stop winning so much or the gals will not want me playing anymore!! HA!!! It is a game of luck and little skill!! But fun!!
Happy Birthday to E.J. today!!! The 2nd of March. He is 15 years old. Where have the years gone! I hope he has a great day.
The wind has returned and it is suppose to blow 25-30 knots today and tomorrow. I had laundry to hang so I hope they dry quickly so I can get them out of the wind. I was going to vacuum and dust today, but changed my mind as the wind is blowing sand around. I won’t get my beach walk in today either. The last couple of days I have been walking the beach and ended up at the large estuary one day. It is a long walk to and back, but it felt good. I got some pictures of a heron and a couple starfish.
I also picked up some neat shells and rocks. I’ve starting to create ‘stuff’ again to give away. So far I have made door stops out of rocks and shells. I made a quail and gave it to a friend who only had a plain rock to hold her bathroom door open. I don’t have a picture of it as I forgot to take one. I made a duck and I gave it to my friend Penny, then made a cute dog which I kept, a baby quail and a Coyote head.
I am just playing around. I have also made shell and bead hanging decorations.
I finally finished my cross stitch of the Castle and Dragon and now need to iron and frame it. I have crochet projects lined up along with some other projects so I never get bored!!! Oh yeah----I also have a lot of books to read.
We were watching T.V. one night and the wind started to blow from the southwest. By the time we were ready to go to bed it was blowing off and on but nothing too drastic. Dave got up at 1:00am and it was blowing pretty well. The screens weren’t rattling because I put pieces of paper towels between the frame and screen, but the wind was blowing so much the PVC pipes in the back of the house, that connect to the sink and toilet, were rattling and it just got too noisy. The beds are made up in the trailer so we went down there and slept for the rest of the night. Our neighbor said we had gusts to 40 so that wasn’t so bad. We had everything outside secured so we didn’t have anything blow away. The next morning it was calm and beautiful. We did get a couple days of 25-30 knots of wind, but it wasn’t really cold so it wasn’t that bad.
Saturday, the 10th, there was a yard sale. I always look forward to it every year just to see what people are getting rid of. This year the only thing we bought was a gas BBQ and an empty small propane tank for it. We have to get the nozzle switched on it as it is of the old type, a female fitting instead of a male one. Even better would be to exchange it for a new tank that already has the proper fitting. I helped Penny sell some of her things and we gave away a lot of clothes to the young Mexican women. Everyone, Mexicans and gringos alike are all in the same financial bind. None of us have a lot of money to throw away on needless stuff. After the yard sale was over Penny and I went into town to buy groceries then headed home. It was a busy day. Dave and I were supposed to go to Penny’s for dinner tonight, but after being in the yard sale and shopping she was tired. So we will go tomorrow night.
We had a wonderful dinner with Penny, Murrey and Jim, Murrey’s brother from California. Jim is leaving to go home on Thursday so Penny wanted us to meet him. It was fun.
Played Hand and Foot card game today and Mary Ann was my partner, and we won! We each made 3 dollars. Yay!!!!
I startled a coyote this morning when I went to the electrical room to open it up. I didn’t see him until he darted from the side of the building, running toward the hills. He must be a young one that isn’t use to humans. He didn’t stop to turn around and look behind him, he just kept running.
I fired up the small generator so I could iron my cross stitch. Now it is framed and hanging on the wall. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself!! I have it in a black frame but while we are in Washington this summer I will look for a different color as I think it will bring out the colors better.
Last night our neighbors Mary and George had a dinner party. Dave and I were watching T.V. when we heard an engine revving and it sounded really close. I got up and looked out our dining room window and there was our other neighbors’ jeep in the arroyo trying to get up and over our rock wall. Joanne was inebriated and had made a wrong turn at George and Mary’s and ended up in the arroyo. Dave and I started laughing. We went out on the deck and George was at the jeep getting Joanne out and told her that the other couple that came for dinner would take her home. She buried the two back tires in the sand and George said he would see to getting it unstuck in the morning. In the meantime Joanne was a very happy camper and looked up at us on our deck and hollered hi. Dave said he should buy her a GPS system for her jeep!!!! HA!!! Anyway----Joanne got home safely and all was quiet again.
The next morning Dave went down to the jeep and took a look at how far the wheels were buried and he said it would be nothing to get it out. So George and Dave did some digging and smoothing of sand and George had the keys and backed the jeep up and out onto their driveway. Mary took the jeep over to Joanne’s. Boy!!! Can our neighbors entertain the neighborhood or what!!! We all had a good laugh. Luckily Joanne lives just on the other side of us so she didn’t have far to go. I LOVE this place!!!!!
The weather was beautiful today with just a little breeze. The tide was going out this morning so I took my beach walk and found some treasures. This is one of my favorite things, to walk the beach at low tide. When I got back I made lunch and went down to the art room and created another rock figure. A dog. This time I put a collar on it. I also had to repair my rock bear doorstop as its arm was falling off. What an exciting life I lead eh????! I am going to have to find some heavy duty glue for rocks as the glue from the glue gun isn’t strong enough to hold them together. I went to move it and the head fell off so it sits waiting to be repaired. I tried super glue but it is too thin and runs and I would need to use a lot of it.
I had a creative couple of days as I created a bunny rabbit, a turtle, a lizard and a Mexican with his sombrero and poncho napping against a cactus.
Since then the rocks I collected to make things with don’t hold any creative sides so I will need to scout out some different ones. I would love to make another turtle and lizard!!! I’m thinking of talking to the gal that runs the Museum here to see if I can put my creatures on display to sell. She is in the states right now but will be back in April so I will see what she says. I could make some money maybe. That would be great!! There are other people who have their work for sale there so it’s a possibility. Of course the museum would get a percentage of my sales. Probably about 10%. It’s worth a try anyway. I would be helping me and the museum!!
Where has the month of March gone? It seems it was just the first of the month a day or two ago. We have already changed to daylight savings time. We are close to the boarder so we change when the U.S. does. The rest of Mexico will change on April 1. It is nice to have longer days.
I finally got an appointment to have a mold made for my molar so we left the house at 7:00am to be in Guerrero Negro for my appointment at 10:00am. It is Friday, the 23rd. It took an hour and a half for the dentist to file down the tooth and make an imprint and mold to be sent away to be made. Then he fashioned a temporary cap until my other one comes back. It will be about 2 weeks before we have to go back to pick it up. It cost $250 for everything!! That is really inexpensive and the dentist is good. Until we get a dentist here full time, we will continue to go to the one in Guerrero Negro.
Remember me writing about Ruth and Ernest. They come down every year around April time frame and spend the summer then go back home in Big Bear for winter. They are an elderly couple, both German and very stubborn, but really nice people. Ruth is a sweetheart. Well we just found out she has lung cancer. She is moving in with her son in San Diego to start treatments. She is 73 so I hope she will make it through the treatment and live a few years longer. Ernest refuses to leave his home in Big Bear so she will visit him on weekends if she is feeling well. Otherwise they have good neighbors to look in on him from time to time. He has Alzheimer’s and doesn’t have a good disposition and is very negative. I did say they were nice people didn’t I! Well he is at times. I’m glad Ruth will be in a positive place for her treatment and recovery.
Happy Birthday Jon!!! My youngest son is 35 today, the 25th.
We just found out that our friends, Creela and Phil will be coming down next month for a while. They were planning a trip with their Granddaughter to Europe, but Creela’s back can’t take all the traveling. So we are happy they will be coming here. Dave will have his fishing buddy back!!! Yahoo!!!
I’m creating again. I found some different rocks and now have made another lizard, turtle, 2 cranes, a snail, and repaired the dog that lost its head. The super glue I put on did take in some spots and I filled in the gaps with hot glue. He’s good to go!
One of the gals that just arrived to spend a couple months here bought my first lizard. That was cool. She is taking my rabbit to the craft show to add to her display since it will be close to Easter. I told her if someone really likes it and wants to buy it-----sell it!!!
We are back in Santa Rosalia. The boat doesn’t look too bad, but the cormorants have found it and make a mess. Their guano stains the gel coat which makes it hard to get out. We are facing strubbing with baking soda after pressure washing and washing it again with a brush and soap. I cleaned the cockpit really well this time and got most of the dirt out. We had the boat looking pretty well and then that very afternoon after cleaning, a stupid cormorant sat on our top spreader and pooped!!! Where is a BB gun when you need it? I hate those birds!! It is soooo discouraging to spend so much time and efforts to clean the boat and then have those stupid birds crap all over it again. It never ends!! I am seeing threads on the canvas work disintegrate; zippers are getting brittle from the sun. We just can’t keep up!!! We would have to move back onboard in order to keep it all clean. One good thing and a little ray of hope, Dave talked to our good friend Tori, who is a boat broker in Seattle. She works at Signature Yachts where we bought our boat. Anyway---she wants to help us sell the boat so she said she would like to work with our broker here and share the commission. Dave talked to La Paz yachts and Mike said sure. Tori said people are letting go of their money and boats are selling again. I know Tori will do everything in her power to help us. So I feel good about that. We are still thinking we will have to take the boat to La Paz to have the bottom painted and also the canvas screening repaired. Unless someone wants to buy her as is. Everything else is in good shape like the engine, generator, water maker, and air conditioner. The things that really matter for running the boat. There is still hope. Always!!!
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