Today was a Train day. I won 2 games and had a low score. I only play half a day and then another gal who plays Hand and Foot in the morning, takes my place at the Train table in the afternoon. Well we missed winning the pot of quarters by 7 points!!! That was amazing!! It was a lucky day for me. I was able to hitch a ride with another gal who only played half day and she took me to her house and then I walked home from there. Nice exercise.
We left on the 4th for Santa Rosalia. The weather was nice and when we got there a little warm breeze was blowing. Tomorrow we scrub the boat, check things out and pay moorage and Arturo for washing the boat, top and bottom. He actually did a great job this time.
We scrubbed the boat and power washed it. Even with Arturo washing the boat, the birds drop their stuff between washings so when we get there we have to scrub to get the dark spots off. After that little job was done, I walked to town and got some groceries, money, and came back to the boat. I will need to go into town again either tomorrow or Thursday to get a few more items as I had my backpack full and two bags to carry. While I was gone Dave took the opportunity to do a scan on my computer. He was done when I returned. Today was an absolute perfect weather day. It was warm but not hot, and just a little breeze. WONDERFULL!!!
I managed to post February and March blogs, and make some signs for my craft items. A pretty successful day in my book!
While I was in town I bought 2 large steaks, specially cut, and we will have them along with potato salad I brought with us for dinner. We have been eating out every time we come to the boat and this time we thought it would be good to save some money. I brought a casserole with me which we had for dinner last night and then tonight just bought steaks. Every little bit helps. The barometer is falling which means the weather won’t be as good tomorrow, but as long as it is sunny, no worries. I have to wash the travasak (it is like a sleeping bag with sheets that are attached by velcro to the top and bottom of the inside). That way you don’t always have to wash the whole thing, just the sheets. But sooner or later, the whole thing needs washing. I can’t put it in the dryer so I wash it in the wash machine and then dry it on the boat. Hopefully it will be warm enough and not too windy.
It is almost 7:00pm and we are on cormorant bird watch. Those buggers like to settle in while the sun is up, and if we are vigilant, and keep them off the spreaders and mast, they won’t land after dark. So we watch and when they come, we swirl the halyard so it flies wild and hopefully hits them and they fly away. Even if it doesn’t hit them, it scares them away. HA!!! Dave already got rid of one. Now it is my turn. I like that job!!
On my last trip into town, I got a small tarp so we can put it across the deck just in front of the windshield and behind the mast since that is the area that gets hit hard from the bird crap. We tied it down low so it won’t blow up and flutter a lot. It worked as we had some breeze and it stayed put. This way we will only have to scrub the tarp instead of the boat. We’ll see how it works.
Dave walked with me along the breakwater. As we walked we saw a lot of small red crabs and a sailboat come in. The weather was nice for walking and when we finished with the breakwater, we stopped at a hardware store to look at all the neat stuff they had for sale in a small room off the main store. It had things like candles, pictures, small appliances, vases, and more. It was fun to look. Then we went back to the boat.
The jeep is loaded and we are heading out in the morning, going back to Bahia.
As we were driving down our rocky road toward the house, we passed our neighbors, Phil and Creela. Hoorah!!! Phil is Dave’s fishing partner, and Creela is fun to have around. They will stay until the heat gets to Creela. We are budding up during the Art/Craft show so that should be fun.
Our neighbors Mary, George, Smiley, and John took off this morning, Monday, April 11, for Loreto for the week. At 6 this morning I went over and got their dog Alaura and brought her and her bed over, fed her and am just letting her do her thing. She spends most of her time at John and Smiley’s, even when Mary and George are home. So when she gets hungry she will be here to eat. I took her for a walk this morning and will again tonight before it gets dark. Because of her age they walk her twice a day so she will get exercise and limber up.
We actually had rain on Saturday early in the morning. It rained off and on throughout the day which was really good because we haven’t had any real rain since August of last year. The windows I can’t reach to clean are rinsed now and I can at least see out of them again. We ended up having to run the generator for a few minutes to charge up the batteries before the evening. We did get some solar power, just not enough to charge the batteries for the night.
Played Train on the 14th and then the next day Creela and I drove to the Museum to set up our tables for the Art and Craft Show. It starts Saturday, 16th and ends May 1. This is a good time to have it because a lot of the Mexican people in the next couple weeks will be on vacation and a few come to Bahia. We have quite a few Artisans this time and so there was a lot of confusion as to where tables would fit and where to place people. The social room, adjacent to the Museum, is a small room so it doesn’t take long before it gets crowded. It took a couple hours to get everyone situated and set up and then we all left and went our separate ways for lunch. Here are some pictures of the arts and crafts on display. Pretty good for a small place like Bahia, eh?!!
The opening of the show was a huge success. We had a lot of people come out to look. Of course it helps when you have goodies set up on a table just before you walk into the room. HA!!! The guys I think only come for that reason. They munch while their wives and girlfriends shop. Not a bad deal. I made $24.00 that day which is pretty darn good. The last show I didn’t make anything on the first day so I’m off to a good start. People liked my bowl and beverage covers
I don’t work the show again until Tuesday, April 19, and then again on Easter. Opening day is always the busiest, and then it gets slow after that. There is suppose to be 3 people on the floor everyday and there are 3 people per group so the groups split the days so none of us have to be there every day.
Today, Sunday the 17th, we were invited to Creela and Phil’s place for lunch. Creela went out at low tide this morning and got some clams and invited us and Joanne over for lunch. She made Manhattan Clam Chowder. I don’t usually like it, but she did an excellent job and it really tasted good. We visited for a few minutes after we ate and then we said goodbye. Dave and I went home and Dave read for the rest of the afternoon, but after I read for a bit I got tired so I took a nap. Ms. Alaura got me up at 3:45am so I was a bit tired. She didn’t do anything; she just wanted to be outside. Since it is dark at that time I have to walk her on a leash to make sure the coyotes don’t get any ideas. Alaura is old and doesn’t get around as well as she use to and coyotes know when there is a weak animal around. Luckily Ms. Alaura goes home tomorrow. No more dog sitting.
Alaura is back home again and everything is normal at the Jones’ house again. We had a couple days of really low tides so one of those days Dave and I went out and got a bucket full of clams and steamed, cleaned and chopped them up for when we get ready for clam chowder. As it gets closer to Easter, we see more and more people on the beach clamming and also in town. Good Friday, Joanne, Mary Ann and myself went into town to get some groceries and go to the opening of a new art gallery. There was a parade down the main street in town with children playing the part of Jesus and his followers, carrying the cross before the crucifixion. They were on their way to the church. The art gallery was absolutely beautiful, but the prices are very unrealistic for Bahia de los Angeles. Hopefully she will be able to sell a few things. If word gets out she may have some art buyers from other places come and buy. You never know. Here are some pictures.
The owner, Lucy, is in the flowered pink dress. It was a very happy day for her. The priest came and did a blessing and then a ribbon was cut.
I found another turtle on the beach, unfortunately it was dead. It looked as though she was trying to lay eggs and the coyotes must have gotten her. She was really big and heavy!! The vultures were having lunch when I came upon it. The turtles that come back to this beach are the ones that were born here. They always return to their birth place.
One night we went to an opening for a new Italian/Pizza restaurant in town. The owner is Italian and he made 3 dishes for us to choose from. Dave and I chose a type of lasagna. He also had fresh French bread too. It was delicious. His pizzas are good also. I hope he is a big success. The Mexican people in town like his pizzas. The restaurant is also a place where you can go and get expresso, lattes, and regular coffee. It might be fun to go there to get a latte in the winter. He has French bread for sale every other day, which will be nice to get a loaf now and then.
On April 29, I was working at the art show and it was about 20 minutes away from closing when an earthquake hit. It was somewhere between 5.0 and 5.5 on the riechter scale and the epa center was just a few miles from our house, so it was close. I had been sitting in a chair doing some crocheting when I moved in my chair side to side. The chair stayed put it was just me that moved. I waited to see if it was going to do it again, but it didn’t. I figured it was probably a good idea to move outside, so all of us gals went outside away from the building. There were two ladies that were sitting on a cement ledge attached to the Museum reading and knitting when they felt the wall move. Scared them!!! It wasn’t very long, but it was a roller. We decided that was enough of excitement for us so we closed up shop and went home. Dave said the upstairs of the house shook but nothing came off walls or shelves. At first he said it was hard to determine if it was an earthquake or the wind because when the wind gets high in gusts our upstairs shakes. The wind was blowing pretty well by that time. It was a west wind which was hot!!! Our house was like a hot house. The house was still pretty warm when we went to bed but we left the skylights and windows open. Just after I got into bed around 11:00pm, and Dave was turning off the T.V. we had an aftershock. The house shook and I was wondering if it was going to go on and get worse or settle down. Fortunately it settled down, but it unnerved us a little. We haven’t had any more since then thank goodness.
Tomorrow, April 30, is the last day of the Art and Craft show. There was a decision to be closed on May 1, even though they advertised it to be open. I didn’t think that was good to do, but they didn’t ask what I thought. We pack everything up tomorrow,have a meeting then go to lunch to celebrate. I made $70 this time. I was really happy about that. The ladies are not sure if they want to do a pre-Christmas show in November, so we decided to wait until August or September to take a poll to see who is interested.