Here is a picture of my beautiful family. We had a wonderful day together where we BBQ'd, talked a lot, played with the grandsons, watched the olympics and just enjoyed each others company. I am truely proud of them all.
We have had a couple of snaffoos in getting things to work, like the watermaker. It worked beautifully for a little while and then it hickuped. Turned out to be a bad low pressure switch. The repair guys came out and fixed it and it is working fine. Dave has changed the oil in the generator, but that wasn't an easy job and there were problems with the way the filter had been installed. I won't tell you what he said. It wasn't a pretty sight!! Ha!! He is preparing to change the oil on the engine, so I will be off the boat doing laundry !! I know he isn't looking forward to changing it as he has a really tight space to manoeuvre and everything is hard to work on.
I have been cooking meals and freezing them for our trip down the coast. Also cooked brauts, chicken, and hamburger for quick sandwiches and add ins for pastas and rice.
Sold my Ford Escort to great friends of ours. They bought it for their son. He was so happy to get a nice car. I feel good about my car going to someone who will love it as much as I did. Dave can't sell his T-Bird right now as the market is weak. We will store it and when we come back in the spring we will sell it then to the dealership. We will be able to get almost what we paid for it if we do it that way. We plan on flying home next spring for a short visit, a week or two. We need to get doctor and dental appointments out of the way, and see family.
I am getting so excited. I am really looking forward to experiencing other cultures, lifestyles, and meeting new friends. The ocean is a big place, and it can be scary, but I am looking forward to marine life, sunrises, sunsets, starry nights, and best of all - warm weather!! Trust me, I am not entering this adventure blindly. I know there are going to be rough times, but I'm counting on the great times to fill the gap. It is hard to leave family and friends, but I know I will see them again. Boy will I have some stories to tell. Ha!!
We will be leaving our slip on Monday, August 18th, to go to Port Townsend. Then if weather permits the next stop is Port Angeles, then past Neah Bay, turn left and South we go. We will be traveling about 60+ miles off the coast as it is the safest. Less wind and wave action. Also we will be out of the shipping lanes.
So this is it. No more blog until we reach San Diego. It takes 7 days to get down the coast so stay tuned.